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TY Gaston E-mail

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  • TY Gaston E-mail

    Forwarded Message:
    Subj: Re: address please?
    Date: 6/6/2004 11:46:04 AM Central Standard Time
    To: Bettorstalk

    they didnt receive 100k they recieved 200k, and I will have the bank statement showing the withdrawal at the end of the month, we both went to the bank on friday after the challenge ended and we withdrew 202k they got thier 200k, and I took 2 k in pocket cash.

    why isnt a bank statement good enough for you? I already proved the date we deposited and you guys are just playing games, I DONT HAVE THE WITHDRAWAL statement till the end of this month why cant you live with that?

    You asked for proof, I proved it, do you think it was a coincidence that there was a 200k deposit on the date we said it was being done? No your just a moron

    It wasnt your fucking money, it was ours and I proved it, you bashed the fuck out of me for proof and I provided it, now you want more and more and your just being a cocksucker

    YOU ADVERTISE on the your HOME PAGE Contests, free picks and more, YET you say you didnt authorize the challenge later on, get your story straight

    if you dont want me on your site just say so, dont keep giving excuses for this and that and you need more proof etc . as far as EC is concerned I have sent them all the emails I have sent you and they basically said FUCK you guys, but you guys have bashed me, slandered me, and defamed my character to thousands of people on your site, and you ban me from saying my point of view, is this america or russia.

    If you want a war, not a problem I can bring it, I have 31 other sites I can bash the fuck out of you just as you have done me. YOU told everyone as soon as you were shown proof you would take the ban off and you didnt, you have had proof for a week now and now you playin games.

    If this ban is not lifted within 24 hours I will pursue slander and defamation of character civil suits against your company, thats why I want an address so if I decide to I can serve your papers.

    Don''t think for one second that you can't be sued on the internet, I have enough threads and statements on your part to support a defamation of character and slander suit, and I have the money to do it, I aint a broke dick like the rest of the people on your site and a broke dick like you

    unfuck this situation or I will sue

    Ty Gaston

  • #2
    This is one of many typical e-mails that i've received from this guy. He's now making threats towards me.


    • #3
      For TY Gaston's sake I did receive an e-mail attatchment that did show a deposit of $200k on 5-17-04 1 day before the contest that those 2 did on there own.

      However, as I've told TY I need proof on East Coast end that they got a payout which I can't get from East Coast.
      Last edited by BettorsChat; 06-06-2004, 07:42 PM.


      • #4
        That's pretty funny! Were both banned?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BigMike
          That's pretty funny! Were both banned?


          • #6
            I think you should let them back, especially TY, we need someone to fade on this site. We already got plenty of winners and need one loser around....LMAO


            • #7
              Why would this jerkoff, Ty Jerkmeoff even want to come back to this site????
              The chances of me or anyone else apologizing to him are none to none.
              He reminds me of the kid that no one wanted to play with, here kid, go get the ball (as you throw it into as much traffic you can find)
              He is just a waste of good space. He has proved what he is, he has nothing more to prove.
              Get lost SCUM


              • #8
                what is this about?

                unfortunately for me, i do not know enough about this subject to speak intelligently, but i can see that ty gaston, arguably the biggest loser in america has started some sort of problem

                ty, you are are fucking moron and it takes a lot to get a rise out of cannot pick games any better than someone flipping a coin and to threaten the people with defamation and slander suits is hilarious.....

                how is this for defamation??? you are a liar, you are worthless, i am sure you have a criminal record, i am positive you , like most of your loser cohorts have 300 different names which you go have probably been sued, you probably lost and did not pray on weak gamblers who think you have something to offer and i would challenge you any day of the week to any type of one-on-one handcapping contest and i would be an probably have more debt than a third world country

                so fuck off and stop threatening the people here with frivolous claims and go back to saying you are like 90% in whatever sport you choose you pathetic loser.......because one thing i know for sure, the only way a loser like you is going to be a part of a lawsuit is if you are the defendant



                • #9
                  get em you been man? u dont handicapp baseball???


                  • #10
                    Good Bye...........

                    Good Bye Ty Gasbag.

                    No longer do we have to endure
                    your racist, anti-semetic, misogynistic,
                    homophobic and misologistic attitudes....
                    and those are you good points.

                    Unwelcome scammers are like dead fish
                    after three days.

                    Litigation for defamation..... thanks for the laugh....



                    • #11
                      if he already has so many clients, what the hell should he care about this forum???? what a piece of shit


                      • #12

                        let him sue you!
                        He would get his ass kicked in public PLUS you could file lawsuit because of all the threats and names he called you and other members.

                        fight fire with fire

                        You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say Hey there's the bad guy! So, what does that make to you. Good guys? Don't kid yourselves. You're no better'n me. You just know how to hide and how to lie. Me, I do not have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie!
                        Tony Montana, Scarface


                        • #13
                          and HEY TY one more thing....

                          GO F*CK YOURSELF!!!!!

                          ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


                          • #14
                            Now that is funny Lou....



                            • #15
                              haha ty gasman is such scum but fun to mess w/ and why i wish he wasnt banned, i mean is the contest the real reason for the ban and not bein provin 100k was put up??....who cares if real or not it showed he is a loser....i know wayne says its the point that he lies and doesnt want newbies here to be scammed by him but u can say that bout almost any service that can post on here, they all tout and post false records so they are all in the same boat but the servive section still exists and only 2 been banned....i guess ty was just over the edge but i looked forward to his posts on here and dont think any newbie would just join a service advertised on this site just by seein a free pick and even goin to their site, they would see all the negative remarks at ty and would be aware more than any other service....i mean a newbie can see how NSA hit 4 straight 20*s but they are really 6-14 on all plays over those days (example records) and they wouldnt know cuz their write up "forgets" to show the shitty record, ty's threads would make a newbie more aware so i guess i dont get the real reason for the ban....the guy is a jerk and a dirtball but was he really not followin the rules?

