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Ty Gaston's PLay fo the Day for Tuesday Click here!

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  • Ty Gaston's PLay fo the Day for Tuesday Click here!

    Before I give my play for the day, I read yesterday a thread about Jimmy Spats, Wallstreet mentioned me in the thread, I have done TV with Jimmy Spats and he is a straight shooter that wins on a consistent basis, once again Wallstreet stuck his dick in his mouth with his worthless 2 cents, as he has never done business with me (OR SPATS) but continues to open his mouth and say things he knows nothing about!! Wallstreet keep playing your worthless penny stocks and stay out of other peoples business or shut your frickin mouth and come to the plate and find out what its like to bet on sports and WIN instead of the worthless stock market. Anyone who would play the stock market today is an idiot and you have proved your idiotness many times here on this site.

    Ty Gaston likes Texas Drese -120 over Tampa Bay in Tuesday's Major League Baseball action!

    For another free winner go to and click on free picks

    Ty Gaston's Code Zebra Record 23-3 (NBA Playoffs)
    Ty Gaston's VIP Record 20-7 (NBA Playoffs) free plays 22-12 last 34 plays free plays 8-4 last 12 (NBA) free plays 14-8 last 22 (Baseball)
    Ty Gaston Code Zebra Record 38-4 (Baseball)
    Ty Gaston VIP Record 36-33 (Baseball)
    Ty Gaston bettorschat Record 44 wins 35 losses last 79 games


  • #2

    u kept avoidin the topic when u were called out on why u would brag the next day bout the code zebra winners and would post the plays contradictin why u could not post 10 mins after games on here and your website it seems u stopped listin the plays the next day thats cuz u are a liar and cant prove u win like u claim and u got caught....take your shit elsewhere u are the one who stuck your dick in your mouth when givin the reason for not postin 10 mins after start was cuz someone might catch on to your precious info- except u are so stupid u would have them up the next day makin the reason invalid...anyone can claim winners after they go final tie fatman....u keep diggin yourself in a depper hole, when it gets 6 feet let me know i'll push ya in and fill in the dirt...later scumbag


    • #3

      you are so correct. If he were to post like that everyday for a week and his results were the same, everyone and their mother on this site would sign up. Just makes sense doesn't it? :D


      • #4

        Easy with the homo sexual overtones..wouldnt want to say somthing to really make your head pop like the Heat Miser..

        My point is that the HIGH HIGH majority of people in your trade are crooks..and many that are in your trade do lame TV shows like yours and Joe Wiz..

        So with that in mind, he is lumped in with the others who also frequent that Jack Price, Will Rogers, Kevin Kennedy, Jimmy the Fixer, do I need to go on?

        You may be on the up and up, but damn Gaston, your ice cold on the comp plays.

        And I hardly believe that Spats is a good ole boy..more likely he is like fat boy Joe Wiz.. cold calling in that New York dump of an office building with phones that dont even have head sets..screaming at some fat out of work bums to cold call some business!!!

        Seriously though Ty...calm down and quit being such a prick!


        • #5

          I have a side question for you.

          Out of all the times I watched that show..and it was a few..back when I was a sucker..

          Why do you never mention that your pricing is out of this world? In your ads all you do is call for some game that you dont care about, then advertise your 800 number. Dont you think it would make a bit more sense to clarify that you are looking for the higher end client who can afford your rates?

          I know others said right out that calling would cost X ammt..I dont recall you ever doing that..


          • #6
            wallstreet, djthebj idots

            dont worry about my marketing techniques, what i do works, your such a young ass you dont remember me and mike warrena dn jimmy the greek advertisign weekend rates for $99 on tv for 5 years we did that.
            Then Stuf Feiner and Kevin Duffy started advertising everything for free, I change with the times, but the bottom line is I am still here, while the others have come and gone.

            you contradict yourself, you bitch when my plays are posted who I had, then you bitch cause I quit showing you who i had, your a little piss ant, go bother someone else who actually gives a flying fuck, my records are accurate to the "T". like I have said many times before I dont need to lie, I post when I wina nd when I lose as a matter of fact, I am the only HONEST person who posts here everyday, all these others claiming this and that are full of shit, just like you, 49erman, wallstreet, you all have 2 centsw to put in but its never worth the type its printed on.

            I said the other day i would keep to myself, but you guys keep up your shit every frickin day, and bettorschat doesnt ever edit your replies to my threads only they edit mine. They are just as bad as you who bash every day, by not showing or editing my threads.

            To all of you, your jealous cause I have figured it out and your all losing while in win.

            And until you guys come in and pay, you will NEVER know the GAME! The others that have come in and pay have seen the real deal 23-3 in playoff code zebra games and 38-4 in baseball. They understand I make them MONEY, keep bashing cause your all clueless, all CLUELESS and that the BOTTOM LINE!



            • #7
              Ty You "BROKE DICK" LOSING GUY:

              What do you continue to lie? I called you out on the carpet and exposed you and your other partner Ron Davenport. I was with you guys last year. I paid 8K for 10 Games. You scumbags lost 8 out of ten and then you published on your site that you went 8-2. You may fool some of the people part of the time but you will never scam me again and I hope noone on this site falls for your fin BS. Get lost LOSER!!!


              • #8
                I post when I wina nd when I lose as a matter of fact, I am the only HONEST person who posts here everyday, all these others claiming this and that are full of shit
                I beg to differ as there are others on here beside us that are more than honest and post their records EVERYDAY.
                Matt Fargo Sports
                Check our website or the promotion forum for current specials


                • #9
                  free plays

                  peaceful three days of no crying but every good thing must come to an end.............

                  28-24 (+1.1 unit) 53.8% basketball

                  2-9 (-9.55 units) MLB 18.1%

                  30-33 (-8.35 units) overall 47.6%
                  2-1 GOM (+1.8 units)
                  1-1 (-.3 units) Code Zebra
                  0-1 VIP (-1.1 units)

                  All games posted here since March 8, 2004


                  • #10
                    buzzer beater your a liar

                    your a ball face liar, I have never heard of ron davenport, I dont know a ron davenport, I dont associate with a ron davenport and I dont have any employees named ron davenport

                    GO FUCK Your self, your a ball face liar, YOU HAVE NEVER DONE business with me I can tell and people can tell by your "i paid 8 dimes for 10 games" my prices are listed on my website, I dont have any deals for 8 dimes for 10 games, never had, never will.

                    to prove what a liar you are answer this question!

                    Where and whom did you send your supposed 8 dimes to? I bet you dont answer, cause you never sent it to my company

                    That proves the point your just trying to get headlines by posting false shit about me, kiss my ass, your a BALL FACE LIAR

                    And Insideredge, post all you want the bottom line is NONE of you fucks know the "GAME" I have mastered it.



                    • #11

                      "your such a young ass" AND "your jealous"

                      "your" is actually two words in this situation. It is "you are", and can be shortened to "you're"

                      Just something I learned in 2nd grade. GL with your comp. plays, I've been fading you for 2 weeks.

                      For anyone out there that would actually give ANYBODY $8,000 for picks, you are not very intelligent. Ty is not some capping God, I know exactly who he is, it's a joke. C'mon guys, I've been doing this for years, it's all a gamble. People have their down weeks and their good streaks. No one, not even Ty has the 100% winners.

                      For you Ty:

                      If you are on this amazing streak of 32-2 or whatever it is, why do you need anyone's money, close your site down, bet the games yourself and at this point in your career you should at least be a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire.

                      And if that was me, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with people on a betting forum. I would be on vacation 365 days a year. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FOOLING???


                      • #12
                        RJermey 4 posts fading for 2 weeks yeah ok?

                        you can tell a liar from the get go as you have 4 posts and been fading me for two weeks? Yeah ok the math dont add up assbag, your still in 2nd grade with your dumn ass post, RJeremy you dont know exactly who I am, if so prove it? And I am the GOD of sports betting, just ask LVH, Caesars or Bellagio sports book managers? I kick thier ass every week. I lost 3 zebras last week and still made over 400K and I never claimed to have 100% winners, even though I was 21-0 in Code Zebra hoops in the playoffs before I lost and I also won 22 straight in Code Zebra baseball before I lost. Open your wallet I will show you the promised land, matter of fact anyone out there open your wallet, I talk the talk, but I walk the walk, just like ALI did.

                        and Buzzerbeater;
                        I wish it was me who got your 8 dimes you dick face, but I wont take credit for it, IT WASNT ME, you know it

                        Tony Vegas fuck off with your 2 cents, you want quiet? shove your head up your ass and listen. Your ass will tell you to PAY me, your ass is tired of losing. Listen to your ass, cause it obvious your brain dont work

                        back to rjeremy; amazing streak yes, you were not on it, TOO BAD, I DO BET THE GAMES myself dumn ass, but I make alot of money for all the dumn asses like yourself, who cant win, dont win, never win, and dream of winning. Those dumn asses get tired of it, step up and pay the MAN (ME), then they win PERIOD! I aint no billionaire, never claimed to be, But I have millions,a nd continually make millions every year. I am on vacation, this is baseball season and NBA football, I dont try to fool anyone, I try to make them understand that they are stupid, they are all stupid, until they work with me and I prove my point and win for them. Sometimes you have to beat people down till they listen, like training your dog, alot of you listened and came on board and I GUARANTEE you'se will never pay another service besides mine, because you are in the promised land and your making a ton of money!
                        All the rest can kiss my ass, and watch my TV shows you may alearn a thing or two this football season

                        I will say this again and again, If you havent figured out "THE GAME" like I have quit betting



                        • #13

                          It was you and you know it! You are a loser and you have never won as you claim. I sent the money Western Union, you LOSER! It was last year I said "F_ _ K F _ C E!! I know who you are and who you hang with. You can BS the rest of these people but as I said earlier, you are a big time loser in my book!!!


                          • #14
                            Buzzer Beater,

                            Give some details. What do you have to lose?

                            I am interested in hearing your experience and I am sure tons of others are too..

                            I shared my ass whooping experience with Jack Price a while back (well I made out in the end, but it was dark there for a while) and most have done one or 10 trips with spill the dirt.

                            Or if you dont feel like you can and want to talk about it, shoot Monte an email and he can get me your info..I would be curious to what your experience is.


                            • #15

                              I was called last year by Ron Davenport out of Las Vegas. He said he was tied to This scumbag Ty Gaston. He offered me 10 plays for 8K. He told me I could call the OK Sports Monitor at (888) 334-7800 and they would tell me abouth Ty's record. I called them and they told me he was 31-2 MLB through May. They said he was #1 from everyone they monitored. I purchased the picks and they proceeded to go 2-8 and I lost my ass. I called to talk to ty and he would not talk to me. His website stated he was 8-2 during this period. I was scammed and in the process lost quite a bit. This guy is a BIG time LOSER and he knows it. All I can say is stay away!! He will never admit anything except he is the greatest!! He is full of S _ _T!!

