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Sports Service Academy Award

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  • Sports Service Academy Award

    The award is for the best performance and most irritating and lying person claiming to be the best handicapper out there.
    The nominees are Jack Price, Ty Gaston, Stu Feiner, Joh nny Demarco and Jim Feist.
    May I have the envelope please.
    And the winner is JACK PRICE.
    Wait now, Ty Gaston has just filed an objection, as he wants it, and we will have to wait as the stewards are now checking the tape down the final stretch for a foul.
    After studying the tape, the judges have decided that Jack Price and Ty Gaston are tied in a dead heat for the award, and speaking of foul, "foul" describes the both of them.
    Last edited by savage1; 03-03-2004, 11:11 AM.

  • #2
    for some reason a few weeks ago these jokers started calling me again and I was having a lot of fun with them on the phone.... jackoffs. I think I pissed them off so much they stopped calling me.... im kinda dissapointed


    • #3
      Savage.. what's the name of Jack Price service ?
      Just wanna fade his plays.. thanks


      • #4
        Savage Continues to Bash the Gods!

        Savage continues to bash the gods of the sports betting industry! He has some 2000 posts to his credit, NONE of which has ever been a posted game! Yet he continues his mock of the GODS in the industry!

        Without Jack Price, and Ty Gaston there would be more brokedicks like savage1 out there, who claim to fade plays, and are the greatest sports bettors of all time by fading Ty Gaston's plays here at bettorschat!

        Well fact of the matter is SAVAGE1 is buried fading Ty Gaston's plays here at bettorschat, when will he wake up, take it like a man and bet Ty Gaston's plays here at!

        Savage your continued, unsophisticated posts of lies and insults to the greatest sports gamblers of all time is a mock of yourself more than anything. You see people know your just an asshole!

        Savage1 where is your website that posts free plays daily? oh thats right its at!

        Ty Gaston


        • #5
          Ty-I am rolling on the floor laughing at your nonsense.
          You are the greatest handicapper of all time;yeah right.
          Well maybe you are afterall with your 104-6 record claimed on your Code Zebra plays a couple of years ago.
          The BEST cappers to whom you refer post on the forum for nothing every day-such as ezwinners, Memphis Mafia, Goldvike, Homer and many many more.
          The best part is that unlike you they don't lie about their record or try to con people with undocumented bullshit.
          If you read the posts on the internet, you would realize that you, Jack Price and several others are the buttends of many jokes and no one takes you seriously.
          Wel,l if I am broke as you say, I don't know how I managed to retire while still in my fifties and live a very nice lifestyle(maybe I am a liar afterall and got to this point by playing your Code Zebra plays hitting at 98%).
          Well I would like to go on, but I had better start doing my "Allahs" to you and the other "great" gods to whom you refer(the great in actuality refers to the greatest scammers of all time).
          ps Ty-you better start working harder, as your buddy, Jack Price was 51-16 in February, 76% and may at that rate catch your Code Zebra percentages. lol.
          Knowlez had it right when he referred to you as "Lie" Gaston.
          On second thought as stated in my original post referring to the sports handicapping award, your name of Ty Gaston is ok because you are "Tyed" with Jack Price for being the number 1 scammers.
          Last edited by savage1; 03-03-2004, 12:26 PM.


          • #6
            Ty why dont you post your picks for a week, so we can see that amazing %. I mean I know thats probably a $1000 value and you would be losing all the customers from this site that buy your picks, but some would love to see what all the hype is about...Also if you make so called $500,000 a year, as someone else said in here that you posted, why would you even care what one guy on a fuckin internet message board says about you. If I made that much, I don't think I would even be wasting my time advertising here.

            "Without Jack Price, and Ty Gaston there would be more brokedicks like savage1"

            Post your picks for a week Ty and I will post mine, if you do better than me , I will leave the forum. I'm sure you will say no because you don't have time for such meaningless crap because you are talking to all your zebras and giraffes about their picks for the week, but you do have time to rip on a member of a message board. Scamdicappers like you are why people are afraid to buy picks from real cappers like myself.
            - Honesty and Integrity-


            • #7
              Sportswizards-well said.
              There were so many criticisms of Mr. Gaston for both his vile language and dumb statements and claims by well respected posters on the forum that was literally laughed off of the main posting forum(where discussions take place).
              Everyone with an iq above 50 knows that Mr. Gaston's claims are about as true as is the integrity of pro wrestling.


              • #8
                A few years back when I used to call 900 no. for the hell of it to see if these jokers were any good, they used to call me back every time they lost, which was almost always and give me more garbage picks. The only good that came out of it was I would bet the other way and win, and then call my telephone co. and tell them my kids made the calls and get them knocked off my bill. What assholes.


                • #9
                  Savage1. Sportswizards, Where's your Plays?

                  Savage1 once again your rolling on the floor is due to your incandescense of looking for crack stuck in your carpet!

                  I never ever claimed 104-6 record, your a jerk magnet for even stating that, my records speak for themselves. I POST on the forum everyday as well DICKBREATH, can't you read? I don't have to lie about my record here at bettorschat they are posted everyday go back and check em yourself!

                  You managed to retire early because most gay porno stars have nothing left after 50 years old, just ask your father and grandfather after following in thier footsteps like you did!

                  SPORTSWIZARDS; I post my picks everyday here at read em yourself!

                  I never claimed to make $500k per year, I would be ashamed of myself if I ever made so little! I have twice that amount in 6 different offshores, so where you got that from is just another innuendo someone or YOU made up!

                  I NEVER STATED that! I don't waste my time advertising here as you claim, I post so people can follow the games I put out. Very seldom do I have an ad on my posts, just the games I give out for the day! As far as posting for a week I already do it. If you want to leave the forum whats your point!

                  I rip on members when they rip and lie about me.

                  Tell me one scam I have ever done that you have knowledge of?
                  And I don't think sitting in a spa, or hanging out with sports figures is a scam, they are friends!

                  People are afraid of buying picks from people like you, because you have no clout, you have no name! When you think of the 2300 sports services nationwide, Jack Price and Ty Gaston come to mind, SPORTSWIZARDS? Never heard of you till you decided to try to bash me here!

                  If you want to do this business, put your time in like me (23 years) and quit calling other people in your same business scamdicaapers, because all it does is raise a shadow on the entire industry including believe it or not yourself!

                  I am one of the few still around! Mike Warren is gone, Jimmy the Greek passed away, Ron Bash is gone, but Ty Gaston is still here as well as Jack Price. But I am sure with your 141 posts total you have never heard of any of them correct? I did television for years with every one of those guys mentioned. Like I said put your time in, you may learn something from the guys that are still around and still at the top!

                  You can tell you don't have a clue because you refer to yourself as a handicapper! Keep spending hours a day trying to figure it out, while I make a phone call or two to know who is gonna win! That's the difference between my company Pro Scouts Inc and Sportswizards?

                  Mr Gaston


                  • #10
                    Mr. Gaston-I don't care what you say. With my own eyes several years ago I saw 104-6 claimed on your Code Zebra Club as well as your $1500 a pick charge for them or what was it, $25000 for a year of service;the fact is that makes you a BIGTIME LIAR, and as I once stated I bought some picks from you many years ago;most of them lost and the next day you claimed you won;that also makes you a BIGTIME LIAR.
                    I'll let the folks here and on forum who see what I post decide who is the liar, me or you. I would put the odds at 100% that they will conclude it is you who doesn't "exactly" tell it as it is.
                    You did tv shows with the people you cited;what a joke, as other than Jimmy the Greek they are also known scammers;can all the people who knock these guys publicly be wrong or lying.
                    No tv now? If you don''t it is probably because you figure it isn't worth while as everyone knows you for what you are.
                    Anyways, I am sure you don't want to read any more of this, as you have to decide what plays to give out on your Code Zebra to maintain your lifetime 95% winning percentage.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by savage1
                      Everyone with an iq above 50 knows that Mr. Gaston's claims are about as true as is the integrity of pro wrestling.
                      Calm down there Savage.

                      Pro Wrestling is considerably more believable than any of the sewage being spewed forth by TG.
                      The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


                      • #12
                        Bigjimt-ok-lets change analogy to the integrity of someone who claims he owns the George Washington Bridge(the Brooklyn Bridge is used to often) and will sell it to you for a song;now that sounds like Mr. Gaston.


                        • #13

                          You are a pathetic loser. Go back to the corner and continue to stroke Mr. Price off you feeble little clown.


                          • #14
                            Mr Gatson,

                            Anyone who needs to charge $7500 for a package or more is a SCAM artist. Maybe if your picks were reputable you could offer at a much lower price and sell more if you were so reputable. Insted you have to charge so much and get extremely high prices from suckers who believe your rederict.



                            • #15
                              Why would you call this guy Mr. Gaston? I would not call anyone that comes on spewing childish insults at a respected person such as savage, Mr. Both of his threads show that he doesn't have an ounce of sense but is just a great marketer.

