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Sports Service Academy Award

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  • #16
    Tony-good point.
    I like "Lie" Gaston better anyway.


    • #17
      "I never claimed to make $500k per year, I would be ashamed of myself if I ever made so little! I have twice that amount in 6 different offshores"

      SO you have over a million dollars in offshore books(not a smart thing in the first place with the outlook of the industry)? Just my thoughts but I don't see why you sell picks, when you are betting that much money.

      "You can tell you don't have a clue because you refer to yourself as a handicapper! Keep spending hours a day trying to figure it out, while I make a phone call or two to know who is gonna win!"

      If all you have to do is make a call and know who is going to win, then why don't you just put $500k on those games and stop selling picks?? If you really had this inside info, you would just quit sellin picks and start living off the money you make as a "wiseguy".

      But what would I know, im just a "handicapper"
      - Honesty and Integrity-


      • #18
        Sportwizards-come on. Why do you think I made him the co-winner of the Academy Award? Do you really believe anything he says when he claimed a 104-6 record at one time on his Code Zebra Club(and as God as my witness, that is the truth).
        Why do you think that other well respected posters on this thread(too numerous to mention) laugh at him?
        Do you have any respect for a person who bashes women, gays and once (and again this is no lie) called me Jew bastard without even knowing my ethnicity while I was having a "conversation" with him at his website(every other word out of his foul mouth was a 4 letter one).
        There might be a few newbies who believe this clown, but unless you were born yesterday or have an iq under 50, you will realize that most of what this guy says simply ain't true and/or is a figment of his imagination.


        • #19
          SAVAGE/Sportswizards continues to thrill people!

          Savage none of your ridiculous claims make any sense, your still claiming to have done business with me, which you never have! I have records and sales of all clients dating back to 1985, why don't you email me with your real name at [email protected] and I will investigate to put this to and end immediately. Obviously you won't send an email because you havent done business with me or my company!

          My remarks to you are legit as to what I say, and my rendition of life is God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, if people continue to back these gays marriages and such, thier will be no such thing as mankind. By the way Adam and Steve cannot have children or did you flunk sex education! And yes they may try to adopt but all that will do is show the children they adopt that being gay is ok and they will be gay as well! It's a moot point men have to breed with women for mankind to prevail!

          Of course I use four letter words pointed towards you for continually bashing me all the time with your lies of this or that!
          And I will continue to stand forth for myself, until you cease writing your continual lies. Oh by the way my post won again yesterday! here and at when do you ever post a play?

          Sportswizards this is for you! I am not concerned about the offshore situation at this time. In fact I am more trusting of the offshores than the goombah at 7-11 or the bookie at the local bar! I sell picks for people who wish to win like myself. I have a history with my offshores that when I do come in with a huge play, for the most part they lay it off. I don't live off my money offshore, thats play money, I make a very nice living for myself and my family and have everything I want in life, children, homes, cars, real estate land, you name it! I will continue to do this business because I enjoy it, not because I have to! When I feel that it is not fun anymore, I will back out gracefully and retire. But as long as it's fun, I will continue to do it and prosper!

          Mr Gaston


          • #20
            Of course other than the 1 call to your 900 number I never did business with you;I am not that dumb, especially when you lied on your comp. phone and said you won with picks I received
            when you did not,
            I did challenge you on your website about your phonr Code Zebra Record of 104-6, and then is when you started in with the 4 letter expletives and other vile language and called me a Jew bastard.
            You sure have a short and selective memory don't you as far as what you said(the same for remembering you winners but not your losers).
            ps I am not for gay marriage either but unlike you I respect them and women and all ethnic groups-blacks, jews, etc.
            The best bet on the board is that you cannot say the same.
            ps I will shorten this as I know you want to go back to try to figure out a way to entice some more suckers to buy your Code Zebra Plays.
            ps I never claimed to be a capper but do rather well obtaining the FREE and DOCUMENTED picks of such stalwarts as Memphis Mafia EZ Winners, Homer, Wayne, Goldvike, and so many more whose picks are infinitely better than yours could ever hope to be.
            No, Mister Gaston, I am not a capper but do derive pleasure out of exposing frauds like you, Jack Price, etc. so that the naive and newbies won't believe the bs that you guys post.
            Last edited by savage1; 03-04-2004, 03:27 PM.


            • #21
              SAVAGE DEFINE FRAUD?

              Savage define the word fraud? I have never frauded anyone in my life. People pay me an upfront fee to get information from me regarding whom to bet on, in sports! If I win, I win if I lose I lose, but how is that fraud? Explain?

              AM I frauding people because I have one game at and another game on, I dont think so. It gives the people reading the posts more free games! How do I fraud people, if I put free games on posts? Its a free game if they choose to bet it they bet it, if they dont they dont. That is far and away nothing concerned to the word FRAUD.

              Fraud is when you maliciously take something from someone with the intent to keep it from them without paying for it. I have never ever done such a thing. People pay me because they want to, I dont take thier credit cards from them, they send via western union or pay pal! When people pay me I do the best I can to win for them and make them money. I have over 200 return people who sign up with me for March Madness every year, alot of them dont bet football just hoops, but when it comes down to it they come to me because they know they are going to get an honest effort from me and my sources, BOTTOM LINE

              I have clients who have been with me for over 10 years, they win, they lose, but they stick with me because they know the wins far surpass the losses and they make money with me year in and year out.

              These are people who havent called a 900 number or got a free play for a day, these are sports bettors, down and dirty who love the action. I must be doing something right for these people to come to me year in and year out.

              As far as my website is concerned in football i get 45,000 hits a day on my free picks banner, during hoops I get 35,000 hits per day on my free picks banner, Yeah it's free, so they have nothing to lose by checking it out everyday, but I am sure that alot of those people click to bet the games as well, and thats why they keep clicking back, they know they will get a free pick everyday, and not some type of bait and switch tactic like everyone else on bettorschat does except for me.

              There are so many on bettorschat who bait and switch this or that for 12 bucks, 20 bucks whatever. I wouldnt waste my time or anyones time charging 20 bucks for something. That was for the 900 industry and The 900 industry is dead these people need to get a life not me.

              So how is what I explained to you above a case for fraud!


              • #22
                ty give it up, its not like your a good handicapper anyway, give it up
                Success will be the best revenge


                • #23
                  i would like to nominate Sean Michaels for his rendition of "Ty Poole was exposed" on 1-800-666-2309.
                  Success will be the best revenge


                  • #24
                    I would say, Mr. Gaston, that deceit/trickery is one form of fraud, and posting a record of 104-6 several years ago for your Code Zebra Club and other ridiculous claims of 80%+ in all your clubs for a season (which I myself saw and to which you never admitted) is just that-fraud
                    By posting such a record, it is fraud in that you are trying to con folks into buying your picks by giving them a false sense of security;what do you call it?
                    If you have reformed since then, then congratulations;however, the fact that you will not admit to something that I saw with my own eyes and which you claimed was true when I questioned you about it on your website(the 104-6 record) means in my eyes you can't be trusted.
                    People who read my posts know I don't make this stuff up.
                    If you like, we will take an informal poll to see who folks believe is more trustworthy, me or you;I think I would win in a landslide just judging by what others besides me have said about you.
                    I certainly hope I have clarifed my position.
                    ps Even your $1500 charge a pick for Code Zebra Club Picks at one time and charging over $20000+ for a season means that you are trying to give the impression to everyone that because you charge a lot, your picks are better;that just ain't so, and again this is trickery/fraud.
                    Some of us are older than you, have been around the block a few times and have learned painfully what is possible, what is not and who is telling it as it is and who is not.
                    Last edited by savage1; 03-04-2004, 06:27 PM.


                    • #25

                      You have a family? What wife number is it? The way you talk on that tv show I dont know how any woman would put up with you. It isnt funny making big boob jokes every weekend during foots with your other balding italian friends.

                      That aside, what we dont believe is your monitoring/records. I dont care if you are monitored at, where the average person doesnt feel the results are legit. I think that is the bone we average sports bettors have. How can we trust you guys, including Marc (Jack) when the general industry is well known for frauding innocent people with claims of "inside information" (I got that exact wording from Jack Price about 2 yrs ago during a bowl game in football) there was no fix, there was no inside information.. So how can you expect the average person who knows the industry to believe that you dont double side plays or make up results after the fact?

                      If you really wanted to win over the people here, who are sharper than the average bettor..and the average public, then you should post your plays within an hour of the game going off. I know you wont do that, but I am telling you what would shut up people like Savage and myself. I dont trust you and I havent seen anything that would make me trust you. I think your #1 purpose is to market and bring in new clients with whatever it takes to accomplish that task. New money is what makes the mobile home payment (joking).

                      The reason you dont see services like NSA and the like bashed is because their plays are known..people leak the info and it gets out there. It is impossible for them to flip plays like many of your boys do. So join the ranks of the legit services and post your paid plays after the games have started, but before they are over. It isnt hard to do and lets face it, you spend plenty of time here debating with can cut and paste the info and prove yourself.

                      A response such as "I dont need to prove myself..I have been handicapping for 25 yrs..blah blah" is NOT the response that will do anything to bring business and shore up your reputation.

                      I am not bashing you (other than your male chauv attitude that I watched for 2 yrs on Comcast in Philly) and my questions are legitimate. I personally experienced the exact thing you said doesnt happen through your friend Marc..and I admit it, so I do have legitimate claims to what others are saying here.


                      • #26
                        [/B][/QUOTE] I am not bashing you (other than your male chauv attitude that I watched for 2 yrs on Comcast in Philly) and my questions are legitimate. I personally experienced the exact thing you said doesnt happen through your friend Marc..and I admit it, so I do have legitimate claims to what others are saying here. [/B][/QUOTE]

                        HOLLA AT PHILLY
                        Success will be the best revenge


                        • #27
                          "There are so many on bettorschat who bait and switch this or that for 12 bucks, 20 bucks whatever. I wouldnt waste my time or anyones time charging 20 bucks for something. "

                          But you do have time to argue with us degenerates on a message board....hmmmmm
                          - Honesty and Integrity-


                          • #28

                            well said!

                            He will never post his plays after they go off so it is only wishful thinking. I have little respect for people like Ty, Jack Price, Jim Fiest and many others. But you can't knock the hustle.


                            • #29

                              When is Howard Eskin going to start a revolution and get Andy out of there?

                              Until he is gone I cant see the Birds making the next step!


                              • #30
                                I would like Mr. Gaston to answer this question:
                                If you are so good (and Jack Price for that matter), then how come on the Sports Service Request Thread which sometimes receives over 20000 hits on a given day, there is NEVER a request for YOUR plays, nor are they EVER posted?
                                I wonder why;I'll leave that for you to answer.
                                ps don't say no one can get them because EVERYONE of the best cappers picks have been obtained and posted at one time or another.

