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Group of Sports Bettors

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  • #16

    Many services focus on win percentage, but it is the most worthless stat, and I will show you why below using the plays I posted in the forum.

    The group I am trying to get us to have access in May only talk about “Effective Win Percentage”, and in their opinion this is the only way you can see the real value of a service.

    What is Effective Win Percentage?

    Effective Win Percentage is the win percentage equivalent to if every bet was made on a -110 line.

    I am sure you will agree that 5-4 (55.6%) +0.55 units is not the same as 5-4 (55.6%) +3.02 units.

    How is Effective Win Percentage calculated?

    Effective Win Percentage is calculated with simple math and will give you the true value of a service, (Units Won/0.909)/(Units Won/0.909+Games Lost)*100=.

    Using the plays I posted on the forum as an example, 5-4 record and +3.02 units, the calculation would be (7.02/0.909)/(7.02/0.909+4)*100=… with the result being 65.9%.

    - - -

    I have done what I could on my end to try to show you we have a golden opportunity on the table, all it takes is 90 people who are interested in these plays from May 1 to 31 for only $100.

    I have less then 48 hours to send payment if I want to have access to plays in May, therefore if you are interested please send me an email to [email protected] as soon possible.

    It isn’t every day we have the opportunity to join a high quality private group like this one, and on top of it for only $100 monthly, a $10,000 value for only $100, how can you go wrong paying only 1/100th of the value?

    - - -

    I will leave you guys alone in the forum as of now, my email is above and this golden opportunity is available for the next 48, so if you are interested all you have to do is shoot me an email as soon as possible.

    Best of luck to all with your sports betting!


    • #17
      I myself am more then happy with their results. I have been betting for 22 years and I know how hard it is to profit long term, if it wasn't hard not only 2% would profit long term, 98% lose long term. So as long as they are making me money I don't care what their method or style is, I want to make money, not worried about a cool method, style or whatever you are looking for, I myself am looking to make money, don't care if it runline, puckline, moneyline, spread, I really don't care.


      • #18
        No you mentioned how high of a % that they hit and I was only pointing out that they are far from that on these latest plays. Win % means nothing in MLB.

        Were the plays you posted in the past their plays as well? And I thought you only needed 64 people? Vs. the 90 that you just posted. Did you have 26 people back out? You're going to have a hard time coming up with 100 people at $100 each.


        • #19

          So you as a sports bettor would rather go 6-3 (66.7%) +2.45 units then 5-4 (55.6%) +3.02 units? I really don't understand you guys! Stop focusing on Win %, it is worthless, focus on Effective Win Percentage.

          Exactly my point, in MLB and NHL Win % is worthless, even in Football and Basketball it is worthless as they play many moneyline underdogs. They never talk about Win %, it is Effective Win Percentage they use like I explained in my previous post. With that being said they are not off from what they claim and what I have confirmed myself, posted here they have an Effective Win Percentage of 65.9% with a 5-4 record and +3.02 units calculated by me, which I think I am miscalculating, should be higher then that if you compare it to -110 odds.

          Honestly, I am pretty sure I am miscalculating Effective Win Percentage, but I am too embarrassed to ask them exactly how to calculate it, don't want them thinking I am dum, so if any math wiz can help that would be great.

          I calculate 5-4 +3.02 units as 65.9% Effective Win Percentage, but 9 plays at -110 odds with a 6-3 record which is 66.7% would give us a +2.45 units, and they are much higher then that over 9 plays, so I think I am miscalculating something as they probably need to be at like 70% on what is posted here in the forum, so if there is any math wiz on the forum that can help me out it will be much appreciated.

          Please remember it was recommended for example at -120 odds to wager 1.00 to win 0.83 units, and at +120 odds to wager 1.00 to win 1.20 units.

          I need 90 people in total, didn't say I had 0, just said I need 90 people as I myself will cover $1000 of the fee.

          Going to be hard to get 100 people for sure, but I am sure in the near future people are going to be begging me to join and the doors will be closed, I really don't see how anyone can go wrong with $100, even if you just want to wager $10 per play the first month just to cover your $100, this is an opportunity of a lifetime and those that aren't willing to take a small $100 risk are going to be left out in the rain because I guarantee that those reading this and laughing at me today will be begging me in the future to join! Life is about choices, and the choices you make today reflect your life in the future!


          • #20
            Someone sent me the following and makes more sense then my calculation and looks correct, making the Effective Win Percentage close to 70%.

            Since they use, for example, at -120 odds wager 1.00 to win 0.83 units, and at +120 odds wager 1.00 to win 1.20 units, over 9 games the wagered amount would be 9 units, meaning the break even point at -110 odds would be 4.7142 won and 4.2858 lost, giving us a total of 9 units.

            Now the profit of +3.02 needs to be factored in at the same time keeping the wagered amount at 9 units, so +3.02 would be divided in two and half will be added to the won column and half would be deducted from the loss column.

            So 4.7142 won and 4.2858 lost, would change to 6.2242 won and 2.7758 lost when factoring in the +3.02 profit.

            In my previous post we saw that 6-3 record is 66.7% and would only give us +2.45 units, and they are higher then that at +3.05 units, so we knew they had to be above 66.7%, I stated probably around 70%.

            Therefore with a 6.2242-2.7758 record the correct Effective Win Percentage is 69.2%.


            • #21
              Again I don't care about Win % you were the one saying that they hit in the 60-70% range.

              Were the plays that you posted on the other usernames their plays? And why don't you just up your wagers to $1k minimum or more to cover the $10k per month?

