Inning system hits big yesterday at 3-1 for $520
A loss on the Washington total -220
Overall a +300 day going 3-2.
Wednesday 9/3
Funny how the Greek won't carry the Seattle/Texas props for today. Just have to adjust to a back-up book.
"1st Frame" Inning System
2* BAL/BOS (YES -130 Greek)
2* SEA/TEX (YES -160 Diamond)
Added: 2* ATL/FLA UNDER 9
I will have more up for later today.
A loss on the Washington total -220
Overall a +300 day going 3-2.
Wednesday 9/3
Funny how the Greek won't carry the Seattle/Texas props for today. Just have to adjust to a back-up book.
"1st Frame" Inning System
2* BAL/BOS (YES -130 Greek)
2* SEA/TEX (YES -160 Diamond)
Added: 2* ATL/FLA UNDER 9
I will have more up for later today.