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  • #16
    Thanks for all the input guys I will tell my buddy, I myself am like most of you and do my own capping and told my buddy if im gonna lose games they are going to be my plays not someone elses


    • #17
      Originally posted by rcmcd
      I started using online books back in 96' and did real well betting small in CFB. Then I started making more $ and thought I needed an insider to make the real $ Well I followed that logic straight down the shitter and lost over 20,000 over a 3 yr period! Ive been back the last 2 yrs playing my own plays and with the ups and downs have made a profit back to back years. I was a sucker, but when Im struggling I just get picks from the great cappers on here or just lay off awhile. I know you didnt need my lifestory, but its real. Tell him to follow this site for awhile and it will give him the right perspective.
      Lots of truth to this post. It's probably a nightmare most of us have lived. In the 80s my buddies and I did extremely well. Mostly betting the NHL. We were all hockey nuts. In the late 80s and early 90s I started working FT and started my family. I didn't have the time to cap the games. I became very lazy. I started using a few different services. I took a beating. The frustration wasn't worth it. It was affecting my family life. I was consumed with getting scoring updates. It wasn't like it is now. There was no internet for instant updated. I quit sports betting for about 10 years.

      I resumed betting in 2003. This time around it's a hobby not an addiction. I'm not consumed with sports and scores. It's about #10 on my priority list. When I resumed in 2003 I found this site because at the time they had the service thread. This time I learned, very quickly, almost all services SUCK. I once again learned my capping skills are far better than any service.

      I truly believe most BC members can cap the games better than any service. We have some very knowledgeable sport fans. Use that knowledge to your advantage.

      Learn to trust your capping skills. Cap consistently. Adapt as you go but don't change after a few bad games. Remain consistent. Remind yourself that with discipline a bettor can do quite well at 54% which means you'll lose 46% Most importantly bet within your means and accept tough beats. IMO too many guys bet more than they can afford. When they lose they get desperate and irrational. Don't become emotional. They CHASE. If you get overly upset over a loss then one is betting too much. Stop betting solely for the action. I found when I bet only for the action the game lost much more than it covered. Determine your bankroll. Most bets should be 2% of your bank roll. On rare occasions bet more. Never bet more than 5%

      Finally, capping the games is more fun and the most rewarding. Do it yourself. Try it yourself.


      • #18
        Originally posted by frankb03
        In the 80s my buddies and I did extremely well. Mostly betting the NHL. We were all hockey nuts.
        I was born in 1985....

        Are you still a hockey nut?

        Hockey is my favorite you still follow NHL regularly frank? Cant wait for the season to start in 12 days!!!
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chado1
          I was born in 1985....

          Are you still a hockey nut?

          Hockey is my favorite you still follow NHL regularly frank? Cant wait for the season to start in 12 days!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chado1
            I was born in 1985....

            Are you still a hockey nut?

            Hockey is my favorite you still follow NHL regularly frank? Cant wait for the season to start in 12 days!!!
            Unfortunately, when I moved to Florida in 1996 it was difficult to follow hockey. I've kinda lost touch with the sport. Prior to the lockout hockey became somewhat unwatchable. I'm glad to see they've made some rule changes to re-energize the game.

            We cleaned up betting NHL hockey. We all played hockey together. We were hockey freaks. Back then they didn't use ML they used puck lines 1 - 1 1/2 which meant if you took the favorite you had to lay a goal and a half. If you took the dog you received a goal. There was no vig and the lines weren't very sharp. There was no computer. The bookies made lots of mistakes with the hockey lines.

            We also had multiple local bookies. On occasion we could middle a game with no risk. One game we hit both sides. One book had the game E-1/2 we took the favorite -1/2 goal. The other book had the game 1 1/2 - 2. We took the dog plus 1 1/2 goal. The team won by a goal. The book knew something was up because we were normally $100-150/game bettors. My buddies and I all unloaded for a nickle or more. In all honesty we never lost that hockey season. We never had to pay the bookie. Our life was playing and capping hockey and partying. The partying ended after hockey season. Some of my buddies started betting baseball. They took a beating. Luckily, I stopped betting. My best friend started chasing a team on a long losing streak. I don't recall the team. They lost more than 10 straight. He lost a few grand.


            • #21
              I totally agree with you guys regarding this.Services have no majic insight to help you hit 60-70% or any of those rediculous claims of 1000 star locks, etc. If you dont have time to handicap and find an honest service at reasonable price and it is just recreation money , then that is when you should get an "honest" services advice.But most people if they do there own homework can do as well if not better then 95% of services our there for sure. GL this weekend folks.


