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Before Anyone Does Anything Else :

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  • Before Anyone Does Anything Else :

    Please read page 1 of the rules , every question thats been ask of me today is from lack of doing that and it is very clear , right down to examples of how to do this .

    I dont need another job , please dont turn this into one because you dont read them . And because everyone does not use there bonus points , we all need to keep our " amount " of games the same . If you do not have a total of 20 wins and loses in your score Mama will have to spank you .

    It plain and simple makes it very easy for me to scan the posts and not look at them and go " Oh my he only has 18 " when in fact he counted two bonus plays as games added in there ........ do not do this please ?

    Thanks for your time and please read them , they are really very simple !



    :cool: :cool: :cool:

    ps - just remember your bonus plays are added up differently as just that " a bonus " .... not to take the place of the game its self.
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2
    I see why your pulling your hair out!

    The scoring thread looks like everyone is using a different scoring system.

    That thread is all starting to look french to me.....Holy S%it!

    This is not going to go smoothly.


    • #3
      Its the 1 st. Day :

      wayne and most if not all the questions come from just not reading the rules and looking at the examples there . I am not distraught ( yet ) or upset and I knew this would happen to start with because people cant grasp the idea that a 3 * bonus selection " does not take the place of a game played " its just a bonus !

      I have faith that after these posts that everyone will catch-on and keep this simple for me , and the bonus was Phil Jr,s daughter and my idea ( shes months old ) and Im a bloomin idiot so go figure ?

      I still cant believe I switched my 10* play today off a winner and placed it on a loser , otherwise I would have swept my bonus-babys big time ( drats )



      :cool: :cool: :cool:
      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #4

        i guess then i will be first in line for a apanking the next play will be my seventh i sit corrected sorry


        • #5
          Wait one second here

          I thought I had it figured out. The way you explain it in that thread, we play 20 "regular" games, and have the option of playing 3 "bonus" games on top of that, for a total of 23 if we wish. Yet now you say we all must have 20, and that's the way Monte scored his (17 reg with 3 bonus, now done for the week). Which way is it?

          I know I read this correctly on both pages, but you are allowed to spank me anyway for asking.

          Here's your example;

          Example score :

          Say I go 12 - 8 for the week , and I use all three bonus selections but lose my 5* selection and win my 3 * & 10* my score would look like this :

          12 wins = 12
          3* ==== 03
          10* ==== 10
          total ==== 25
          minus -----
          8 loses ===8
          5* ======5
          final ===== 12 points

          Notice how you added the 3* and 10* ON TOP OF your 12 wins, therefore that means you played 22 games, not 20. This is the correct way to play, if you want to play the bonus games, correct? That means BC still has a couple of games left to play for the week if I read his scoring correctly.

          Let me know. Thanks
          Last edited by casheasy; 01-18-2004, 10:52 AM.
          Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


          • #6
            CEO :

            Your score should read like :

            3 - W / 4 - L / + 3* & + 10*

            So you have a plus 3-W & a plus 3* & a plus 10* = +16

            Now you deduct your losses a minus 4 = - 4

            Your total = a + 12

            Keep it in your mind that the bonus is " totally seperate " from the games because some people will not use there bonus selections and it will mess up the total games played , like you did in your scoring up-date . It appears that you only played 5 games with your :

            1 - W & 4 - L , when in fact you played 7 games ( but used bonus as games played ) please do not do this because you will force me to spank your score .

            The bonus plays are totally seperate from your games , but get added into your final score otherwise you will end up getting deductions for games not played ? Now it may seem to you that this is uncalled for but to me checking 20 games per and times that by 86 players and you have 1720 games I have to look at per week ? And the purpose of everyone keeping thier own score was to lessen the work-load on me in this contest , and dont you worry yourself with others scores as I will set them straight also.

            So finally in retrospect your score plain and simple should look like :

            3 - W / 4 - L / + 3* & + 10*

            Total = + 12
            ( I can see you played 7 games now , with out looking back over thousands of posts )

            " The Bonus Selections are a " Added " Bonus "

            This will make my end of keeping this fair and right much easier ( trust-me ) so you now see that my example was entirely correct and the way that makes this easier on me !

            Let me know if you cant grasp this ?

            ps - go back and edit your score !



            :cool: :cool: :cool:
            Last edited by MemphisMafia; 01-18-2004, 12:54 PM.
            " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


            • #7
              I copied this question from the other thread

              I know you say not to mix them up, but then you say to add them together? And then that everyone has 20 games? But some people will have 21, some will have 22, and some will have 23, based on how you've worded it. A better way to put it would be;
              "everyone will have AT LEAST 20 games" unless your first explanation of the scoring is wrong.

              Let me ask Lewis' question again.

              "Your bonus plays do not count toward your twenty per week...right?"

              If they do, then that means BC's way of keeping his own score was correct, but then your way is wrong and the way I read it is wrong. Remember, you said that 12-8 example gave you 12 points, but then you added 13 because you won the 10 and 3 point games. Then you subtracted your losses, but that's a total of 23 games. Not 20.

              These guys aren't trying to be a pain, it's just that you word it one way in your example and then another way in your "everyone will play 20 games" comment. Please don't answer with that "everyone's not going to use their bonus", either. Because....
              1. Yes they will (at least I predict they will)
              2. That's not the question.

              The questions, and they are simple YES or NO questions, are ;

              Do the bonus games count towards your 20? Or do they count ON TOP OF your 20?

              The way BC scored his Saturday agrees with your "everybody plays 20 games" statement.

              But the way you and I and a few others scored it agree with your "First page" example. Which is correct?
              Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


              • #8
                OK, but that means your example was wrong

                The reason everybody was asking questions was because your example said the you went 12-8, AND use all my bonus selections.

                Since you added the points on top of the 1 point you already won for that game, you're now getting 6 points instead of 5 for a 5* win, get it? That's where the confusion started. The way you just explained it is better because you used my games as an example. I know I played 7 games, and then I actually get 4 points instead of 3 for a 3* win. That does fit what this last explanation said and therefore everybody will in fact play 20 games. I'm just letting you know that they both can't be correct, and therein lies the confusion.
                Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                • #9
                  Either way casheasy :

                  They count on top of your games , and it makes it easier on me to keep it this way . And everyone gets just that 20 games " period " no ifs no buts about it .

                  Your way thows me off from doing this fast and easy to slow and hard .

                  3-W / 4- L / + 3* & + 10*

                  Total = + 12

                  Any more questions ? .... I will go back and check and see if I posted it wrong , but I dont think I did . They are totally seperate ! ( for quick read purposes )

                  Sorry for being lazy but look at the scope of things here and surely you understand my position ?



                  :cool: :cool: :cool:
                  " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                  • #10

                    I'll do it that way. But can't you see why your example was wrong? You said "AND use my bonus selections" to make it seem as though they were extra games. Then you added 3 more points for a 3* win instead of 2 more, since you already counted one point. That's why the confusion started.

                    I will do it your way, because you're right. It will make it simple. But your example did not.

                    Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                    • #11
                      CEO :

                      I think you missed a very key phrase that said :

                      " along with your normal scoring " these may be used .

                      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                      • #12

                        I'm going to just drop my pants and get in line, i have a couple yes or no questions (so copy and paste answers please):

                        If we choose to use all our bonus games will the total games played for the week be 23?

                        If we only use 1 bonus game for the week will the total games played be 21?

                        If we use no bonus games for the week will the total will be 20 for the week?

                        This is all i need to know,i'll never ask another question,if the bonus games are seperate then i have an extra game i can play for the week,i added it as part of the 20....
                        "You like the odds of lightning?"


                        • #13
                          No I didn't miss it

                          "along with your normal scoring" means ON TOP OF. Along with means added to. Then the way you scored your example proved it, because you said "along with..." and the phrase, "AND I use my bonus...."

                          That made people think you added 3 bonus games if you wished. I will do it this new way, and it will make it easier. But that example wasn't read by ten people a certain way because "they couldn't grasp it". They simply read it the way it was written.
                          Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                          • #14
                            See, Trotter had the same question

                            In the other thread (MMM), EZ Winners explained it as thus,

                            The 3 bonus games ARE part of the 20 games.

                            Then MMM agreed, so that's they way to do it. Your bonus points mean you win 11 points for a 10* win, not 10. Just make sure you play 20, and ONLY 20 games. Whatever bouns games you play will be added or subtracted "On Top Of" the other scores.
                            Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                            • #15
                              i don't think that's right wouldn't be +11 if you hit a 10* play
                              "You like the odds of lightning?"

