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proof today the Dem's have lost it....

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  • #61
    Originally posted by 10DimeBry
    yep it will happen. I'm sure many will say this guy deserves a fail trial...blah blah blah....

    Personally, I'm glad he was alive. It satisfies me for some reason to know that he knew he was leaving this world and I hope the last face he saw WAS that of an American.

    Part 2 of my "wishing an American president would say this" to come later.


    • #62
      "Now that we know the bastard was still alive when the Iraqi police got there, how long before the first accusations of American soldiers actually murdering him?"

      I, for one, sincerely hope that our guys did get there in time for one of them to personally shoot that son of a bitch!


      • #63
        Originally posted by Udog
        "Now that we know the bastard was still alive when the Iraqi police got there, how long before the first accusations of American soldiers actually murdering him?"

        I, for one, sincerely hope that our guys did get there in time for one of them to personally shoot that son of a bitch!
        I hope they tortured him. Zarqawi was a fucking coward. Preying on the weakness of others.


        • #64
          Originally posted by CheechB03
          Hey Rocket scientist. In two years, what does Bush have to be consoled about? He served two terms. Either way his political career is over.

          Offer some intellectual substance in your arguements.
          Yes i guess i am a rocket scientist. why dont you and the other douche match wits with each other and see if we can come up with a half a brain.

          p.s i guess your real intellectual thats why you spelled arguement that way.

          I still stand by the fact if clinton was in office guys like you and the other half wit would be marching on washington demanding he be removed. It would be because dems are so weak we were attacked on 9-11. But you and the other apologist sit here everyday and make excuses because you are republicans and no matter what they do it is never wrong. A couple of fukking hypocrites.


          • #65
            Originally posted by musclemann
            Yes i guess i am a rocket scientist. why dont you and the other douche match wits with each other and see if we can come up with a half a brain.
            I see you discovered the Caps Lock key. Now I won't have to give you a secret as to where it is on the keyboard. If anything I got you to turn off CAPS.

            p.s i guess your real intellectual thats why you spelled arguement that way.
            WOW! You're on to something. One mispelled word in thousands I've typed. Is this the best you can offer? This coming from a muscledickhead that's too lazy to use proper case.

            I still stand by the fact if clinton was in office guys like you and the other half wit would be marching on washington demanding he be removed. It would be because dems are so weak we were attacked on 9-11. But you and the other apologist sit here everyday and make excuses because you are republicans and no matter what they do it is never wrong. A couple of fukking hypocrites.
            BTW It's Clinton not clinton. It's Washington not washington.

            Clinton is old news. Try something new. Don't assume anything. While I wasn't a fan of Clinton I felt the money spent chasing him because he got a BJ could better be spent.

            Apologist? Excuses? I've never done neither. I've rebutted and argued (note correct spelling) my opinions. I don't sit and watch the evening left-news and believe what I see and hear.


            • #66
              Originally posted by musclemann

              p.s i guess your real intellectual thats why you spelled arguement that way.

              You're not your, brainiac. Glass houses!


              • #67
                Originally posted by winner
                You're not your, brainiac. Glass houses!
                Thanks! I missed that. I didn't scrutinize his post. Considerint the source it came from why bother?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by winner
                  You're not your, brainiac. Glass houses!

                  hey nutt tapper when your finish blowing this idiot why dont you get back on the set of brokeback 2.

                  winner (screen name)is what the fellas use to describe you once your finished with them on the set i guess.
                  Last edited by musclemann; 06-09-2006, 08:43 PM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by musclemann
                    hey nutt tapper when your finish blowing this idiot why dont you get back on the set of brokeback 2.

                    winner (screen name)is what the fellas use to describe you once your finished with them on the set i guess.
                    Are you capable of any post without attacking? Where did you get from his post that he was blowing me? He simply corrected you. WOW God forbid anyone correct the almight MUSCLEman

                    It's laughable when the likes of you call me an idiot. As Bry stated earlier. Until you have anything of substance to add you'll never receive any respect.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by CheechB03
                      Are you capable of any post without attacking? Where did you get from his post that he was blowing me? He simply corrected you. WOW God forbid anyone correct the almight MUSCLEman

                      It's laughable when the likes of you call me an idiot. As Bry stated earlier. Until you have anything of substance to add you'll never receive any respect.

                      hi pot, im kettle. dude check out your post to other members(including me) on this board. My post are just as valid as yours but wait a minute, I disagree with our president and his stand on the middle class so that cant be the case. As far as 10 dime bag and the other guy they will rip anyone who disagrees with their pre1920 views on the world. You 3 should take your own advice. Im finished with this thread so you guys can rip away. Have a great evening.
                      Last edited by musclemann; 06-09-2006, 09:20 PM.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by musclemann
                        hi pot, im kettle. dude check out your post to other members(including me) on this board. My post are just as valid as yours but wait a minute, I disagree with our president and his stand on the middle class so that cant be the case. As far as 10 dime bag and the other guy they will rip anyone who disagrees with their pre1920 views on the world. You 3 should take your own advice. Im finished with this thread so you guys can rip away. Have a great evening.
                        See ya


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by musclemann
                          hey nutt tapper when your finish blowing this idiot why dont you get back on the set of brokeback 2.

                          winner (screen name)is what the fellas use to describe you once your finished with them on the set i guess.

                          It's still YOU'RE not YOUR! Once a dumbass, always a dumbass.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by winner
                            It's still YOU'RE not YOUR! Once a dumbass, always a dumbass.

                            You used capital letters in the middle of a sentence, dumbass.

                            Once a nutt tapper, always a nutt tapper. TAP tap tap tap.


                            • #74
                              this thread is comedy....
                              MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                              • #75
                                Bry, I get the same shit with liberals always the name calling to make them feel better.You know what you liberal elitests dont worry Bush will continue to wage the war on terror for you anyway!
                                You can live with one lung

