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Coke Or Pepsi Poll

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  • #16
    Fountain soda is basically a cannister of syrup!

    It is sweeter because it makes up for the dilusion when ice fils the cup. Cans and bottles are generally drank w/out ice and if you add ice it still doesn't taste the same. It has more syrup to offset the melting ice. Order one without ice and it is a very warm syrup!


    • #17
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      Fountain soda is basically a cannister of syrup!

      It is sweeter because it makes up for the dilusion when ice fils the cup. Cans and bottles are generally drank w/out ice and if you add ice it still doesn't taste the same. It has more syrup to offset the melting ice. Order one without ice and it is a very warm syrup!
      Ok-I get it. Does that imply that all things considered that YOU personally prefer bottled or canned soda to what is served fountain style such as in McDonalds? I guess it gets down to how sweet you like your Coke/Pepsi.


      • #18
        I buy 2-liter bottles and put them in the freezer. Once it gets to a slush/slurpee stage ... It is addicting!


        • #19
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          I buy 2-liter bottles and put them in the freezer. Once it gets to a slush/slurpee stage ... It is addicting!
          Speaking of that, and this is related, I personally love FROZEN Coke also ,the kind you get at Burger king, Walmart and the Coke Slurpees at Seven Eleven.
          ps there might be some frozen Pepsi's around, but if there are, I have never tried them.
          ps Although my wife probably wouldn't go for it now, many times in the past I would think nothing of scooting down to my local Seven Eleven Store(3-4 minutes away) at 1 or 2 in the morning to get a Coke Slurpee and a brownie at the same time.
          Last edited by savage1; 06-05-2006, 10:59 PM.

