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Hillary for President! What a Joke!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by CheechB03
    What a fucking cop out. You sit here day after day bitching and whining like a little girl. You offer childish assumptions as excuses for Bush's incompetence as if you sit in the White House. Such as your above comment:

    You lose total credibility when you make those type of childish remarks. One might not like Bush. But to say the guy doesn't read. How immature. SAVAGE GROW UP. How old are you?

    A 15 year old friend of my daughter offers more compelling and intelligent arguements than you do. As I stated earlier. You are obsessed with your HATRED towards Bush you allow it to cloud your rational judgement.
    Oh-Bush is an intellectual now? Yeah right!. Does continuing to read to kids when the nation is under attack constitute your definition of an intellectual.
    I would make book(no pun intended) that he rarely if ever reads anything about history or philosophy;he certainly doesn't read books on English grammar-just listen to him speak sometime and bungle the language as well as his limited thought processes on his thought without "help from the audience."
    ps Just because YOU say that a 15 year old has better arguments than I doesn't make it so, and if anything shows that you don't have the conviciton to let your arguments stands on their own.
    I could say the same in comparison about YOUR views but feel confident to let what I say stand on its own.
    At least I can say that polls show that their many more people closer to my way of thinking than yours at the present time(which of course you would probably attribute to the liberal media, no?).


    • #47
      Originally posted by savage1
      I'm not twisting anything.

      The war vs. Iraq ended two years ago. FACT

      Most of the attacks against us are from foreigners that have come into Iraq. Where is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi from? Jordan. He's the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Zarqawi is not only wanted by America. He's wanted by Iraqi and Jordanian authorities. Those are all FACTS. Nothing is twisted.

      Savage, you posted Bush doesn't read. Clearly, you don't. You watch TV. You watch Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Howard Dean etc. You hate Bush? Fine. Expand your knowledge. Search the internet. Read articles about the Iraqi people. Go to foreign web sites. Read about American history. Read about Mid-East history. Read about the history of terrorism. I get little to none of my info from TV. I rarely watch network news. I rarely watch Fox News. Widely considered right wing.

      You say The world hates us because of Bush. I say the world hated us long before Bush. There's been terrorist attacks against us and other allies for decades. How in the world is that Bush's fault????
      The fact that we are still there with no end in sight by my definition and for reasons stated in previous post show me the war is NOT over.
      ps I referred to John Deane, not Howard Dean-big differerence.
      Also, if I should expand my knowledge, than how much more for Bush who NEVER changes his mind about everything, thinks he is always right, has no sense of history and who says he gets his messages from God?
      Even if there have been attacks against us before, I maintain that Bush's actions do not set well with much of the world who perhaps up to now have not harbored hostility toward us. You cannot honestly say that ALL nations have always hated us.
      Last edited by savage1; 05-26-2006, 01:24 PM.


      • #48
        al-Zarqawi and Al-Qaeda is targeting Iraqis as well as Americans. Further proof that we are at war with terrorism and not Iraqis.


        • #49
          Americans are still dying in Iraq, billions of dollars continue to be spent, Osama still walks-proof that the US is still in Iraq and that the effort and goals of the Administration have failed(if you want to take even its own goals which I think were self-serving to begin with).
          Last edited by savage1; 05-26-2006, 01:36 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by savage1
            Oh-Bush is an intellectual now? Yeah right!. Does continuing to read to kids when the nation is under attack constitute your definition of an intellectual.
            Are you kidding me? You are a complete and total ASS. Now you blame Bush because he was visiting school kids in Florida when we were attacked on 9/11. I guess he should be impeached because he wasn't on guard at the White House.

            Once again you obsessed with your hatred toward Bush it skews your rational thinking. Bush went to Yale. Slice that any way you want.

            When we were being attacked on 911 I'm certain your weren't thinking "what the fuck is Bush doing in FL when we are being attacked". You are the first and only person that has ever criticized Bush because he was in a school classroom. I remember the anger on Bush's face when told of the attack.

            I've changed my mind. You are not ignorant. You are a complete and total FUCKING MORON. Each time you post you show that you are a complete MORON. You are a waste of my time. You've yet to offer any substance. You post idiotic statement like the one above and Cheney's daughter is gay because of her dad.


            • #51
              Originally posted by savage1
              Americans are still dying in Iraq, billions of dollars continue to be spent, Osama still walks-proof that the US is still in Iraq and that the effort and goals of the Administration have failed(if you want to take even its own goals which I think were self-serving to begin with).
              BLAH BLAH BLAH. Offer something new.


              • #52
                Originally posted by CheechB03
                Are you kidding me? You are a complete and total ASS. Now you blame Bush because he was visiting school kids in Florida when we were attacked on 9/11. I guess he should be impeached because he wasn't on guard at the White House.

                Once again you obsessed with your hatred toward Bush it skews your rational thinking. Bush went to Yale. Slice that any way you want.

                When we were being attacked on 911 I'm certain your weren't thinking "what the fuck is Bush doing in FL when we are being attacked". You are the first and only person that has ever criticized Bush because he was in a school classroom. I remember the anger on Bush's face when told of the attack.

                I've changed my mind. You are not ignorant. You are a complete and total FUCKING MORON. Each time you post you show that you are a complete MORON. You are a waste of my time. You've yet to offer any substance. You post idiotic statement like the one above and Cheney's daughter is gay because of her dad.
                Bush CONTINUED to read when he was notified of the attack;that is disgusting;any competent leader would have excused himself IMMEDIATELY.
                You can recall to your weak namecalling all you want, as again that is what folks do who can't let their arguments stand on their own.
                Perhaps you have kept some infallible "trends and angles on presidents" like you do with buying the half point iin the NFL off of the 3which could help you to determine whether Georgie is as good as you seem to think he is.
                I will let your sweeping generalizations about me and your name calling speak loudly to others who read this post about what YOU have to say;you shoot from the hip, just like Bush/Rambo.
                ps Substance is what is and what is empirical. Obviously, your views of that are far different from mine.
                Last edited by savage1; 05-26-2006, 02:08 PM.


                • #53
                  I'm sure both of you have had this argument before. I know I've heard it and been involved it a billion times. I'll save you guys some time, it never ends. Neither person ever agrees on anything.


                  • #54
                    ps This afternoon I intend to watch the cd which attempts to show the US Govt./Bush was involved in 9/11.
                    I will summarize later.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by savage1
                      ps This afternoon I intend to watch the cd which attempts to show the US Govt./Bush was involved in 9/11.
                      I will summarize later.
                      OMG, you have really lost it. You now think Bush and the US Government planned on killing thousands of Americans (Yes, I said Americans) with the 9/11 bombings?? This makes me sick!!!!
                      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by savage1
                        ps This afternoon I intend to watch the cd which attempts to show the US Govt./Bush was involved in 9/11.
                        I will summarize later.
                        Please don't go there. We were having a decent discussion on the other thread but this is ridiculous. It's one thing to hate a man but to suggest he murdered his own people is a tad over the top. Your views are your own and I've never bashed you for having them or believing in them, but you can't expect people to take you seriously when you go to this far to the extreme.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by te14
                          Please don't go there. We were having a decent discussion on the other thread but this is ridiculous. It's one thing to hate a man but to suggest he murdered his own people is a tad over the top. Your views are your own and I've never bashed you for having them or believing in them, but you can't expect people to take you seriously when you go to this far to the extreme.


                          i dont know you, but you're right. I along with others have been trying to deal with savage and his views for days now. Please if you can take the time to read this whole thread and the dixie chicks thread. You'll want to puke
                          Last edited by 10DimeBry; 05-26-2006, 02:48 PM.
                          2013 NCAA POD Record

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                          • #58
                            Originally posted by te14
                            Please don't go there. We were having a decent discussion on the other thread but this is ridiculous. It's one thing to hate a man but to suggest he murdered his own people is a tad over the top. Your views are your own and I've never bashed you for having them or believing in them, but you can't expect people to take you seriously when you go to this far to the extreme.
                            I said I am going to watch it. I didn't say it is true or at this point I believe it is true.
                            will tell you my impressions and thoughts afterwards;now someone please pass me the popcorn.
                            Last edited by savage1; 05-26-2006, 02:49 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by savage1
                              I said I am going to watch it. I didn't say it is true or at this point I believe it is true.
                              will tell you my impressions and thoughts afterwards;now someone please pass me the popcorn.

                              ah ha another lie from Savage:


                              "I feel that 9/11 could have been prevented based on what I have read and/or wouldn't even be surprised if Bush was somehow involved in it to create fear in the American public-yeah thats right!"
                              this is what savage posted in the dixie chucks thread. Ck for yourself if you think i'm lying.
                              2013 NCAA POD Record

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                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ULikeApples
                                Thank God they haven't. No need for socialism. If people want free, universal health, move to Canada.

                                Also, musclemann, what bombs are you talking about being the worst ever? The Unabomber? Ok City? Both not from 2000 to now. I really hope you weren't calling the WTC attacks "bombs."

                                sorry about the bombs comment. I know they were explosions(airplanes used as missles) and the guy in charge didnt do anything to stop them. everyone here would have people believe that is was clintons fault(who i didnt care for anyway).I believe the person in charge at time who had the power to do something to stop the attacks if he wouldve listen to credible people at the time was the same guy in office right now. No matter how the we never do anything wrong, tough on crime, its the pussy liberals fault republicans wanna spin this, it happened under bush's watch.Point blank.If the moron clinton wouldve been office people in this country wouldve been crying for his freeking head.

