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Anyone Else Have Gambling Ruin Their Lives??

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  • Anyone Else Have Gambling Ruin Their Lives??

    Just need to vent a little... Apozigize in advance for posting it here but I just needed to get some of this shit off my shoulders...

    My week starts on Monday and it is now tuesday and I am down 23,000 (which I dont have). My whole fuckin life which started off pretty respectable and promising has come to a crashing hault... the last 10 years or so whether it be playing table games in casinos or sports betting, i have drained every piece of energy I have had into gambling and gave myself so much stress that I am sure a heartattack is not far away... 26yrs old and i feel like If i live another 10 i will be shocked... This year, i spent christmas day (also my fathers bday) in a fuckin restaurant going to the bathroom every 10minutes to check scores on my phone..what a joke.. I have completely lost my mind.. Everything that has mattered to me most of my life has been shot down the priority list and gambling has been #1... The saddest part is, i come from such a good family who work so hard for every penny and hear I am ..the laziest unmotivated degenerate EVER!! I play poker for a living and have a gift in that "game" so luckily money has always come easy but I always throw it away and put myself and others in compromising situations.. I think about suicide all the time... What is it about my ego that thinks I am going to win in sports betting... Why cant i get it through my head that I am not special and I will lose like everyone else! For the people that do it as a hobby and are disciplined and could pick 58% winners and be happy with that god bless you... I cannot do it, i am never satisfied... Even when I have a good night, i always wonder, why didnt I bet more? This shit has to stop... I smoke so many cigs that i wanna throw up.. I am always at bars watching games.. I have gained like 20lbs just in the last few months since I have started betting multiple games EVERY DAY... My parents look at me in disgust.. I had two weeks in a row where i won like 20,000 and 30,000 in sports betting only to be followed by 70,000 in losses in the next two weeks.. not to mention the 23,000 i have to come up with next week.. If there is anyone who has gone through something similiar in their lives and managed to get out of it, please let me know... but then again, someone who got out of it would probably never read this cause they probably dont go on this site anymore... Anyway.. Just had to get that shit off my chest... For anyone that actually read all this shit, sorry for wasting your time and I know...

  • #2
    Wow man....never bet with money you dont have thats why using online sports books is a little better.....Dont do anything stupid over it, its not worth it. If you cant have determination to just have gambling as a HOBBY and not as a NEED then you need to stop. Ive been in a slump before but not with money I didnt have...get out in the world experiience what your missing...gambling is not everything, your family and friends are.
    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


    • #3
      Dam bro,, you hit home with me on that 1...However I don't lose near that much because i dont bet that much.. I do find myself asking myself the same questions sometimes and behaving like yourself, However suicide isn't a option for me,,take time off seek help if you think it's that serious or seek help from your family..Don't be embarassed to ask your own family for that.. GL
      MLB 2007 140-108
      Kruise Rec 31-14
      Combined 171-122
      NBA Playoffs:47-30

      My luck is so bad, it could be raining pussy outside and I could walk out and get hit with a dick!


      • #4
        It's an addiction Brother...Plain and simple. It's like smoking. Suicide is NOT the answer. I repeat, NOT the answer to your problems. You should get some help.

        Try playing sports just for fun and set a limit of under $50 per game bet. Make that an unbreakable limit... Also, instead of spending money and time chasing bets, make it a goal to buy something or do something with any extra cash you earn.

        Pay off your debt and start fresh man. Get out of this before it's too late. As Dan said, get out and experience life. It's a lot of fun.

        I work hard too, play small bets for fun and enjoy my life. I own two cars that are paid for, a boat that's paid for and a nice big house with tons of equity. Every chance I got, I'd put some extra cash away so I could enjoy the finer things in life. Betting for me is a hobby and not a way to make millions. We all know, that's just not going to happen.

        I have NEVER bet more than I could afford. Even then, I get pissed if I lose a few hundred. You can do this Roger. You sound intelligent to know that this is not the way to go about your life. Take your life in your own hands. Right now, your life is being run by gambling....Just my thoughts

        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #5
          I would guess a lot of people (to a certain extent) can eerily relate with your post. As much as you dont want to hear it, there is a way out, and you've taken the first step. admitting it and not denying it is important, but you have to actually believe it has taken over your life and dont be in denial you can manage it. It sounds like a huge problem. So, how do you go on from here? You have to quit. You have to remove yourself from the lifestyle you lead. It's not gonna be a miraculous recovery overnight, you need to take it one day at a time and stop this self-destructive lifestyle and mentality. I am telling you, get out. Get someone to help you, someone who knows how to help with this. You sound very close to seriously considering suicide, and many people would be heart-broken if you did. I would think once you get yourself away from it for an extended period of time, it will be a world of difference. But you have to start somewhere, like I said one day at a time. Confide in someone very close to you who you wont hide from or lie to, and start the process. Life isnt worth this shit you are suffering from, there is so much more to it. Get out now, your the same age as me, we're young and you got so much more in front of you. But dont just keep going through the same cycle, one too many times and it may just end is catastrophe.

          Do it man, do it, take the steps necessary and re-build your life.
          Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


          • #6
            The only sad thing is I have known I have been helpless over my addiction for quite sometime and have confided in friends and family..and they have been there for me and I have quit for a month here and there and the cycle keeps repeating itself.. After staying away for a month I feel like I have it under control and could start again betting small and not let it take over but it always does.. I have spoken with a psychologist several times and I have studied gambling addiction at nauseum(spell check).. Is it possible that I will never get better? That is just too sad to think about..


            • #7

              There ya go, go there and apply for the recovery program it will help you.
              Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


              • #8
                sorry to hear everything that's going on with you bro... I honestly say the same thing though... Don't bet with money you don't have... But definitely suicide is not an option for anybody... Just keep this in mind: If you leave this world how many of your loved ones will be hurt. I've considered suicide myself sometimes too but keep in mind that my loved ones depend on me...Let your loved ones be your motivation... But I agree with others I think you should spend some time off... I don't know you that well or at that know your name... But you will be in my prayers...take care and I wish you the best...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RogerMetz
                  ) Is it possible that I will never get better?

                  Roger, NO that is not possible. Those are your demons convincing you and rationalizing your gambling. You can beat it, you gotta believe that. You need to get to the same point where you have quit for a while, but make sure you are focused and ready for that time when its gonna be sooo tempting to jump back in. Be ready for that urge and resist it, resist it by calling that person you are accountable to immediately when you feel that way. Get it out, let someone know, and don't lie to yourself and them. You need to get past that point of no return, but the truth is, I dont think you should ever return. Dont believe you cant get better, you can. Its an addiction and its one of the most powerful forces in this entire world, but every addiction can be beat. You gotta somehow think positively about this and optimistic, and then every day you dont gamble it will feel good, instead of feeling like its just another day until you get to gamble again. Its all in your mentality. Most people that are trying to beat an addiction fail multiple times, I am talking about like 98% of people that are addicted to something regress and do it again, so dont beat yourself up over the past, but dont continue to let that happen and be ok with it.
                  Last edited by BigTicket; 02-01-2006, 01:41 AM.
                  Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


                  • #10
                    South Miami G.A.
                    8:00 - 10:00 PM
                    Church of God (side entrance)
                    8795 S.W. 112th Street
                    Miami, FL
                    Combined Meeting

                    GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS meeting in miami GO GO GO its this thursday
                    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                    • #11
                      Get rid of everything associated with gambling in your life and anything that will tempt you to go back. Find a new hobby to try to excel at. Maybe golfing, running, biking etc. Set some goals for yourself. Something that won't be easy to obtain, so you will have to work hard at it. A year ago my life was kind of blah. I didn't know what I was doing. I read and purchased a book by a man who trains pro athletes and it change my life around. It really motivated me. My main hobby now is excercising and nutrtition. My confidence has soared since. Good luck to you buddy and consider something else other than suicide. You only live once so try to make the most out of it. You never know if you'll ever recieve the opportunity of life again. Best of wishes to you.
                      Last edited by weazel079; 02-01-2006, 02:07 AM.
                      MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                      • #12
                        Roger I know how your feeling. I have lost money I didnt have.It controlled me. I lost other things besides the money that I didnt have to lose. I lost my DAD in June to cancer he was my best friend but I realize I lost precious time with him due to my gambling. I now gamble very little and pray every day for the strength to take care of the things in my life i need besides gambling. I give anything just to have my Dad back Id never gamble again I give time off my own life to have him back. Its a strong force thats hard to deal with but have a reality check have your family help you. I know its hard to do but suicide is no answer your young intelligent and suicide kills the ones that love you the most. Stay strong brother because I have a good idea what your going thru.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Suicide isn't an option.

                            Like any addiction, it's the rush we crave. Have to replace it with something that takes its place...exercise, great sex, work.

                            The money part is the easiest to fix. We're all creative, that will come. Hopefully you don't chase it and dig deeper. Like in poker, the only way you'll stay in long term is money management. Good Luck.

                            NCAA Hoops 14-14-1 -2.35 units NFL 2-1 +1 unit
                            NBA 6-7-1 -2.32 units NHL 10-4-1 +3.95 units
                            MLB 6-7-1 -2.95u WNBA 1-0 +1u. NCAAF 3-1 +1.5 u


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SustainDan
                              Wow man....never bet with money you dont have thats why using online sports books is a little better.....Dont do anything stupid over it, its not worth it. If you cant have determination to just have gambling as a HOBBY and not as a NEED then you need to stop. Ive been in a slump before but not with money I didnt have...get out in the world experiience what your missing...gambling is not everything, your family and friends are.
                              IS this the same Dan that used to be on here begging for money? I think you are the last guy that should be giving advice on this subject.

