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Clarett v Vick:Question of the Year

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  • Clarett v Vick:Question of the Year

    Its good to see Marcus Vick has been doing his job of "keeping it real"-- It seems there is no end to the madness--- which results in this Question-- Who will end up face down in a bronco with a gun on the way to mexico first-- and who will be the driver of the car--
    So here it goes
    Maurice Clarett or Marcus Vick.

    Maurice Clarett-- Driving the Car-- Ken Yon Rambo-- former buckeye and dallas cowboy- arrested more times than we can count for drugs-- and a regular at the sammy house at OSU--

    Marcus Vick--- Driving the Car--- Lee Suggs or Andre Davis--- both incredibly talented-- both landed on the cleveland Browns-- enough to make any man go insane

    Let me hear your ideas
    " You know me-- its Suggs-- come on man"

  • #2

    That's funny as shit. At least Clarett did 1 thing and straightened himself up a little. Vick gets in trouble every other week.


    • #3
      i think clarett is in deeper doo doo....If marcus vicks world happens to fall apart i am sure his brother michael will provide him a couple million dollar cushion, whereas clarett i believe has no safety net (so to speak)......i think marcus is just a bad egg, whose name has bailed him out of trouble more times than not....i am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg with him...


      • #4
        Still want to see who you think would be driving the bronco's for clarett and vick-- and would they be in the trunk like Carruth


        • #5
          I think vick trys to go to jail on purpose, at least i hope, if not he is the dumbest mother fucker on the planet...aside from janet reno
          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


          • #6
            driving the car would be nate newton and 115 pounds of marijuana in the passenger seat....also there is no trunk in the ray carruth would be on the luggage rack.....


            • #7
              I think Vick and Clarett could be a great duo in someones backfield......

              I Pro Right Jump off a fucking bridge because I have wasted so much talent because I am a stupid asshole with no brains and probably can not spell cat if you gave me the C and A.

              On 2 ready break!
              Best of Luck Everyone

              2012 Record:

              1 unit = $100

              ***All sides and totals -110 unless noted***

              ***Teasers are -120 & 7 Points on Sides and 5 Points on Totals ties push****

