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Georgia Police Officer killed in traffic stop

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  • #16
    That made me abxolutely sick to watch. I was in law enforcement for 4.5 years, the second you see that guy get a gun out of his car, you shoot him. No questions asked. I don't understand why he kept trying to negotiate with him.

    I've never had to shoot someone, thank God, and I know everyone reacts VERY differently in the "heat of the moment", but you are trained over and over and over on what to do in that situation.

    ChicagoDog, you are a heartless piece of shit, who I will never have respect for again. I can't believe that thought even crossed your SICK demented mind. I think we would all appreciate if you left OUR site.

    This guy had a family, friends, and suffered extreme pain by being shot numerous time, and your thought was to "take the camera"?


    • #17
      The cops in Florida are much different than the cops in NY. I hate the cops in Florida. Too many are on a huge ego trip. They think they are better than everyone. That being said the last thing I'd wish for is a cop or anyone getting blown away.


      • #18
        Originally posted by CHICAGODOG
        BUT I STILL SAY "FUCK THE POLICE".........
        I don't condone shooting cops or anyone. However, I can't blame ChicagoDog for his feelings towards cops. In too many locations in this country the cops believe they are better than everyone. They believe they are above the law.

        I worked in NYC for 8 years before I moved to Florida. In NY I had great respect for the cops. They have some of the best cops in the country. In Florida, I despise them. They treat people with little respect. You treat people with respect. You'll get no respect in return.


        • #19
          Originally posted by frankb03
          The cops in Florida are much different than the cops in NY. I hate the cops in Florida. Too many are on a huge ego trip. They think they are better than everyone. That being said the last thing I'd wish for is a cop or anyone getting blown away.
          I guess that includes hating me too?????.....

          I'm surprised to read this from you my friend.
          Remember the three R's:
          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


          • #20
            That hillbilly should get the electric chair and that cops family should pull the switch. No way should that guy live. That is a great example of why the death penalty should not be outlawed.


            • #21
              I realize that everyone has an opinion on cops- but if you served in the armed forces - you realize the fear of having to shoot someone and live with it. His thinking of giving the guy every opportunity to surrender was his mistake. I don't envy the job that cops have and yes some use their power to benefit themselves. This was a tragedy and many police will use this record of events to position themselves for such an event again. Quicker draw and less said about it. Give sveral warnings and then it is each man for himself.
              Concerning the viet nam chap- he's fried.
              "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


              • #22
                Originally posted by rwall
                I guess that includes hating me too?????.....

                I'm surprised to read this from you my friend.
                The cops down in your area might be different. I have little respect for law enforcement in my area of Florida. There's too many unpleasant stories in Volusia County and central Florida when it come to law enforcement.

                In NY I was never arrested. I NEVER had any run-ins with any law enforcement. In Florida I was arrested for a BS road rage incident. The other driver attacked me. His car was blocking my vehicle. I called 911. The 911 operator could hear the other driver ranking and raving. The 911 operator told me to stay in my vehicle.

                When the first law enforcement unit arrived suddenly the guy I had the altercation with collapses to the ground after 5-10 minutes of ranting. Obviously, the police attended to him. A total of eight police officers responded to the scene. Not one single officer questioned me.

                One office stood next to me to 'guard' me. He never said anything other than stay with your vehicle. Next thing I know another officer comes over to me and tells me to turn around because I'm under arrest.

                While I was in the holding cell the sergeant at the house started questioning me. He was surprised when I explained the events that happened earlier especially when I told him the "victim" vehicle was blocking my vehicle.

                When my case went to the courts the DA told my attorney and me that the 'victim' is a nut job.

                My best friend was recently arrested for DUI. The details of the arrest would blow your mind. The accusations the deputy made at the scene to my friends were unprofessional. The DUI arrest was 3 PM in the afternoon. She was on her way to visit her grandfather in a not so good area of town. There's a couple of known meth houses on her grandfather's block. They were insisting she was on the block to buy drugs. My friend wasn't drinking. It's costing her about $4000 to fight the bogus charges.

                There's a sheriff in a neighboring counties who's abuse of power is amazing. He's in the news fairly often with accusations of misconduct. I have many friends that have had similar unpleasant experiences with law enforcement.

                The experiences I've had and friends have had has left a sour taste in my mouth towards the law enforcement in my area.


                • #23
                  Not only do Law enforcement officers have to put thier lives on the line they have to deal with political bull shit and worry about losing thier jobs for doing the right thing!!!
                  You can live with one lung


                  • #24
                    This is awful


                    • #25
                      my hats off to the law enforcement officers of this country-with the crack monsters and meth heads out there,they never know what kind of psycho is going to come blazing out of a car-the other day at a stop light 4 kids shoot me a bird-i say you punks and jump out of my car-all of a sudden an assault rifle is pointed at me-brother it was gimme 3 step time,i dived in the car and put that 32 valve engine to the floor board luckily no shots were fired-all i'm saying is with the nuts out there now they sure get my respect-SINCERELY WAYNECHUNG !!

