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Anyone here know where to find Rainman007

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  • #46
    Well , the reason i ask is because you dont see many girls in gambling. And i thought that i read in another thread a while back that someone mentioned you being a girl.


    • #47
      Homer I do believe the twelve year old boys may be putting the move on you


      • #48
        With all due respect, I would like to ask a question. It is obvious you don't like Rainman. So why would you continue to open his threads? This is like Savage continually whining about service records, yet must call every comp line to confirm what he already knows. It is strange. If you don't like the guy, which is your right, then why not just avoid? And NO, this isn't an endorsement for Rainman, it is a curiousity thing. Thanks. Look forward to your response and good luck!!
        Last edited by capperjohn1; 11-17-2005, 11:56 AM.
        Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
        Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


        • #49
          Originally posted by Blade
          Ive never seen a bunch of grown men get so worked up over someone asking where another person was. Sorry guys if that offended yall, but you fockers are too damned sensitive. I am a grown man, and i can make up my own mind. I like to take into consideration many peoples picks and many times i go off and follow my own picks. If yall have a problem with me asking where someone is then dont open the damn thread up. All you guys jumping on here talking sh|t helps no one. In the end , it only makes yall look like a bunch of sorry azz little bitches. Just get over it, if you dont like what im asking, then dont open or read the thread. Im tired of getting shit for asking questions. If people cant ask questions on here without getting some shit for it then im sorry to say that this forum is doomed.
          all explained in post #11---kapt

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Kaptain
            all explained in post #11---kapt

            Well said Kapt...TWICE

            And why is this still in the All sports discussion?

            Love Doc where are you???


            • #51
              Originally posted by Kaptain
              all explained in post #11---kapt
              I would like to ask you the same question as Knowlez. Good luck with your picks!!
              Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
              Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


              • #52
                Originally posted by Blade
                Homer, are you a female? Forgive me for asking, but i was just curious thats all.

                Nope but I like Females :christmas :christmas
                1 of 1 Morons


                • #53
                  Originally posted by knowlez
                  Homer I do believe the twelve year old boys may be putting the move on you

                  1 of 1 Morons


                  • #54
                    hahah grown men? It's hard to figure out who the grown men are in this thread!!
                    Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


                    • #55
                      Blade, Improve that horrible English grammar before you ever talk down to anybody again.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Blade
                        Homer, are you a female? Forgive me for asking, but i was just curious thats all.


                        Brian, he must know you!!!!!!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Blade
                          hay homer, is that you in your avatar? If so your pretty hot!
                          Who let Marty on with two different screen names???


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by RJeremy

                            Brian, he must know you!!!!!!

                            All to well. That is why I post all those pics of Women
                            1 of 1 Morons


                            • #59
                              Capperjohn, are you beliving the Rainman is stating the truth about how he hits at a 80% percent clip. Just all i am saying he his so full of SHIt his eyes our BROWN.Follow him and see how far it gets you besides a sore asshole. Homer if you were a girl Herbie would have watered your cookie i mean ate your cookie and watered your PETUNIA heeee I am sorry but this shit shit about you being a female is good .I love females to any color and almost any shape


                              • #60

                                Originally posted by capperjohn1
                                I would like to ask you the same question as Knowlez. Good luck with your picks!!
                                Don't like his arrogance....His boasting of a bogus 92 % winning record---claims he's gonna do 82 % or better---it's a constant carnival barking scheme..........

                                If he would come in here nad say---

                                I'm presently 4-1 on this site and I have some strong plays for you today....Boom---enough said---let the record speak for itself..........he'el get followers and accolades if he is good...

                                He comes in saying he's 49-4---BS
                                Utilizes phraseology such as locks. sure winners, etc, the typical Barking routine for you to come into his tent and get robbed of your money and dignity....

                                He cintradicts himself constantly.....Do I like him---can't say I don't personaly know I like hgis attitude---hell no--do I think I can learn to like him, possible, but it would take a major transition on his part for that to happen, but it's possible....I'll leave that door open...

                                Why do I do it---I detest arrogance---egotism--prevaricators---he is all the afore mentioned....I react to people in the same manner they present themselves....Thus my comments, feelings, and replies....

                                Another reason, is we have some newer members that may be sucked in by his BS, and it's apparent he has accomplished that....If you're questioning as to why I stay on his ass---read back where he admitted he was overly arrogant, said he would tone it down, and his post the next day was one of his worst self sing "EGO" songs......what does that tell you----???

                                who made me the Sentry on BC Forum---I'm self designated----when they can post as they wish, I can respond as I wish...
                                Lets hope you are just inquiring for what you perceive as fairness, and not to be so far down that you're begging for a few winners....His price is good for his picks----
                                A slice of your own dignity
                                A piece of your own Pride
                                Another notch on his Belt of EGO
                                Embarassing yourself to cover for this already exposed Fraud.....

                                what's it take for you to see the light CapperJohn1....If you fell for his BS, then imagine what a few rookies/newbies have done---These are all my personal opinions, which I'm entitled to, as well as you are---unfortunately we disagree....Thats life....I'll accept that............

                                To answer on of your other questions---will I ever stop---emphaticly no---when he changes his Leopard spots, I'll bve glad to bend, apologize and accept.....alas---you know a Leopard can't change his spots...

                                Best to ya CapperJohn1----and by the way---you question why do I bother quashing him??????????----why do you bother taking up for him????????

                                I stated my obvious reasons----let the light shine in where you can see who/what he is, and why I question it----kapt

                                Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

