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Sinus Problems

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  • Sinus Problems

    Any of you got sinus problems?

  • #2
    I do for sure. Many times when it is too dry outside(I have a humidifier for the house) and/or there is a sudden change of air pressure or weather conditions, I not only have sinus problems but I get bad headaches with most of the pain centered around the top of my eyes.


    • #3
      what about blurred vision?


      • #4
        No-I don't get blurred vision. I believe blurred vision might denote a migraine or possibly even a cluster headache. Try this link for more.


        • #5
          Savage I Have The Same Problem As You. My Sinus Are Killing Me And My Head Hurts Above My Eyes. I Can`t Even Breath Threw My Nose.


          • #6
            Big time....the other day I thought i was dying. What a pussy I am! lol


            • #7
              My head doesn't ever hurt

              My nose has been stopped up a little with blurred vision & pressure feeling on my eyes.


              • #8
                any of you guys

                know any good home remedies to unclog you-i took an allegra today and still feels like i have a golfball stuck in my throat-sincerely chung-like savage said the pressure dropped here and trying to rain-ITS AWFUL AND YES FORGET BREATHING THRU YOUR NOSE AND NO SMARTASSES I HAVE NOT BEEN SNORTING COKE-LOL-ANY HELP APPRECIATED CHUNG!! P.S.-I ALWAYS BREATHE BETTER AFTER WINNING AND I HAD A REAL BAD DAY YESTERDAY-I KNOW THAT SOUNDS GOOFY BUT IT IS TRUE-I FELL IN THAT george HAMILTON CFL TRAP YESTERDAY!!
                Last edited by WayneChung; 08-07-2005, 01:35 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat
                  My head doesn't ever hurt

                  My nose has been stopped up a little with blurred vision & pressure feeling on my eyes.
                  Thats a sinus infection ... by blurred vision you mean it looks like things are on top of each other correct???


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat
                    My head doesn't ever hurt

                    My nose has been stopped up a little with blurred vision & pressure feeling on my eyes.
                    I would see your prime doctor who may in turn refer you to an opthamologist, an ears, nose and throat doctor, an allergy doctor, a neurologist or all of the above.
                    Perhaps someone among the bunch can figure out what is wrong and treat it.
                    ps For the record though, I have seen all of the above at one time or another, and I still don't have a definitive diagnosis as to what ails me;maybe you will have better luck.
                    Last edited by savage1; 08-08-2005, 01:08 AM.


                    • #11
                      I get sinus infections all the time, though I don't get no blurred vision. My doctor gave me flonase and it seems to work for me. hopefully this helps somebody. Cause I know that feeling and it SUCKS!!!!!!!!
                      "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SPARK
                        Thats a sinus infection ... by blurred vision you mean it looks like things are on top of each other correct???
                        Nope, I mean not being able to see anything in small print. I have far sighted problems to begin with and now when I get this sinus problems I can't see crap. Talked to my Uncle the other day and he has the same problem.


                        • #13
                          BC-I still think you should see your primary doctor so that he can refer you to one of the specialists I cited.


                          • #14
                            You should have listened to your mother when you were told that jerking off will make you go blind.....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chuck E. Cheese
                              You should have listened to your mother when you were told that jerking off will make you go blind.....
                              Nope just going to drink beer

