In all seriousness. Homer's have been having problems with his sinuses and went to the chiropracter and after exrays found out it was due to a bone that was out of place in the back of his neck pinching a nerve. I'd get checked out, it never hurts..
In all seriousness. Homer's have been having problems with his sinuses and went to the chiropracter and after exrays found out it was due to a bone that was out of place in the back of his neck pinching a nerve. I'd get checked out, it never hurts..
Is that guy going to crack his back?
I've been to the Dr.'s the last 2 times and got antibiotics which took care of it and i'm on them again this time.
you may have a chronic sinus infection....they have chryogenic surgery where they freeze it.......i have had 6 broken noses and a constant drip and not being able to breath and always susceptible to infections....the surgery did the tired of always snorting snot......chicks did not appreciate it and it built pressure in my head...which sounds like you may be suffering from.....try an ENT