Lsufan, any luck fixing your computer?
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I Need A Computer Expert....Help!!!
Did you just upgrade to XP Pro? This may or may not help.
The kernel mode I/O subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume and it failed. This error might also occur during an upgrade to Windows XP Professional on systems that use higher throughput ATA disks or controllers with incorrect cabling. In some cases, your system might appear to work normally after you restart.
Interpreting the Message
This Stop message has two parameters:
Device object of the boot volume
Status code from the filesystem on why it failed to mount the volume
Resolving the Problem
The following suggestions are specific to Stop 0xED errors. For additional troubleshooting suggestions that apply to all Stop errors, see "Stop Message Checklist" later in this appendix.
If using higher throughput ATA disks and controllers, those capable of data transfer rates above 33.3 megabytes per second, replace the standard 40-pin cable with an 80-pin cable. Using an 80-pin cable is optional for transfer rates up to and including 33.3 megabytes per second, but is mandatory for higher transfer rates. The additional grounded pins are required to avoid data loss.
Some firmware enables you to force higher transfer rates even when you are using the incorrect cable type. Your firmware might issue a warning but allow the startup process to proceed. Restore the default firmware setting for ATA cable detection.
Problems that cause 0xED errors might also cause Stop 0x7B errors. For more information about 0x7B Stop messages, see "Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" earlier in this appendix.
For more information about Stop 0xED messages, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at Search using keywords winnt, 0x000000ED, and 0xED.
Source: edited by jcoor3; 04-29-2005, 10:28 PM.I don't play with real money only Fazools.
I am just now logging on to my laptop. I just re-installed Windows XP Professional. It is working like a charm!!
Thanks for all of your help guys."Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by illjauntLsufan, any luck dicking your computer?
havr you no dignity?!!!!Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Originally posted by rwallShouldn't things like that stay private....
havr you no dignity?!!!!
BTW, did you get my e-mail?"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by are a good guy....thanks for all your involvement here...very positive!!It's all about having fun over here, and making money while doing so!!!
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Yes I got it. I will do one in a few days. I have been busy as "poop" here for the last few days. When things get back to normal, it's full steam ahead buddy.Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.