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The Help Dan Survive Fund

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  • The Help Dan Survive Fund

    Hey everyone,
    I just got my first credit card about 3 weeks ago its maxed out now it was a 800 limit one from citibank. And I looked in my bank account the dollar amount is -750.00 i dont know how thats possible but it says that. So lets see I need 750 to recover my account and then 800 to pay the CC company before i have bad credit. If one of you guys loaned me that money ill suck your toes and then a few more bucks to play ball games Ill send the money to you in less than two months because im getting a job in two weeks at PGA Marina. I wish i could say im joking but im honestly broke as a joke. I know none of you will seriously loan me money but this was a good attempt to not be a homeless bastard :christmas look in your hearts.
    I will now sit back and enjoy the uncalled for scrutiny from my family at bettorschat haha.

    :angryfire :angryfire :uzi:
    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit

  • #2
    Lol...I would loan you $, but you said I was on someone's nuts...haha.


    • #3
      I take that back ill be on your nuts 24/7
      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


      • #4
        Originally posted by SustainDan
        I take that back ill be on your nuts 24/7 all seriousness, CCs are the worst thing in the world besides shitty women...I'm 12gs in debt...don't let it get out of control at a young age


        • #5
          yea I dad used to tell me before he passed away to watch my output of money and where it goes...well i didnt fuck

          in all honesty if one of you loaned me a freakin dime i would give you my address, phone number and anything you can break my legs and shoot me in the face if i didnt pay you back.. plus i have a prom coming up and I havent even paid for my tux HAH
          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


          • #6
            YO , dude you need a CHEAPER hobby !! It ain't here ....

            Hell , I'll give you a dollar to loose the DIKES !!
            Last edited by Ldawg; 04-24-2005, 11:56 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SFLINSJ
     all seriousness, CCs are the worst thing in the world besides shitty women...I'm 12gs in debt...don't let it get out of control at a young age
              I second that. I live by the rules of paying off my cards ever month. Doing that lets me sit on their money for 30 Days D

              GL with getting the money Dan. And be carefully with those cards
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8
                lose the dikes why?? I feel bad using my girlfriends money to go to the movies HAA or sneaking in
                Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SustainDan
                  Hey everyone,
                  I just got my first credit card about 3 weeks ago its maxed out now it was a 800 limit one from citibank. And I looked in my bank account the dollar amount is -750.00 i dont know how thats possible but it says that. So lets see I need 750 to recover my account and then 800 to pay the CC company before i have bad credit. If one of you guys loaned me that money ill suck your toes and then a few more bucks to play ball games Ill send the money to you in less than two months because im getting a job in two weeks at PGA Marina. I wish i could say im joking but im honestly broke as a joke. I know none of you will seriously loan me money but this was a good attempt to not be a homeless bastard :christmas look in your hearts.
                  I will now sit back and enjoy the uncalled for scrutiny from my family at bettorschat haha.

                  :angryfire :angryfire :uzi:

                  qiut gambling now and never go back. im serious. pay off ur debts slowly and quit!!!!


                  • #10
                    its not from gambling honestly i rarely gambled the -750 is from paying off car payments and clothes and shit, the CC was used to pay for a bunch of college stuff ie: apps, tests, deposit to college
                    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                    • #11
                      I'm looking for a dude to become my bitch.... if you don't mind a guy 6'5" 250 pounds with a hairy back, send pics and we'll talk....
                      Two Ton Tony

                      Seriously, Dan, CC's are evil..... they encourage you to feel like you have money that you don't...... I was over 20k in debt a bunch of years ago, a good job, paying off slow and steady and only using a check or bank card helped that..... I probably would help ya if I was in a position to....... debt counseling services will talk to ya once your debt gets to 5K you ain't nowhere near that, just try to make payments on time every month and as much over the minimum as you can quote a wise man, stick to 2 or 3 good cappers here and the Kruise, keep your bets the same don't go nuts and don't bet on every game just because it's there..... and a good record deal would help.....
                      I feel your pain GL in working it out, you seem like a real cool guy I hope you ain't that bad don't give up hope, just be smart not reckless from now on and keep rockin'!!
                      "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ldawg
                        Hell , I'll give you a dollar to loose the DIKES !!
                        I'll give you 10 to keep them! I love that shit!
                        "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


                        • #13
                          It says on my credit card statement my balance i need to pay is 798 the minimum is 20 I just need to find 20 on the street now ha
                          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                          • #14
                            Just remember.... I saw something once that if you just pay the minimum every month it would take you like 55 years to pay off your balance because of the interest rates.... just make sure to get that in or the overdue fees will kill ya
                            "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


                            • #15
                              yea i think ill send them 20 this month and when i get payed for work send them the rest over 2 months...but the bank account is what i have to worry about SHIT
                              Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit

