Hey everyone,
I just got my first credit card about 3 weeks ago its maxed out now it was a 800 limit one from citibank. And I looked in my bank account the dollar amount is -750.00 i dont know how thats possible but it says that. So lets see I need 750 to recover my account and then 800 to pay the CC company before i have bad credit. If one of you guys loaned me that money ill suck your toes and then a few more bucks to play ball games Ill send the money to you in less than two months because im getting a job in two weeks at PGA Marina. I wish i could say im joking but im honestly broke as a joke. I know none of you will seriously loan me money but this was a good attempt to not be a homeless bastard :christmas look in your hearts.
I will now sit back and enjoy the uncalled for scrutiny from my family at bettorschat haha.
:angryfire :angryfire :uzi:
Come on. Aren't you the same high schooler betting between $300 and $2,000 per game and getting all that pussy? How could a little $800 CC bother you when you're making plays that big?
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have..." Thomas Jefferson
Hey Dan if you were a women i am sure there we things that you could do for us and earn some money ..LOL
I was in the hole 25 G's a while ago still have a small amount to pay off my advice to you is get that job whatever it is and start working your ass off .also make sure you check your credit score belive me when you go buy a house this will come back to haunt you .It stays with you for a while.Pay as much as you can and DON'T GET ANOTHER CC TO TO PAY THIS ONE OFF ..I was stupid tried moving the shit around .BUT IT DOES NOT WORK ..$1600 is not that much but you better nip it in the bud now ..kill it before it kills you ..Take it from somebody who knows and spent the last 4 years of my life spinning my wheels in debt ..I finally am almost out of it and belive me i will never allow myself to go down that road again
PS Never of it was from gambling
2005 MLB Team Ball Champ
2005 NASCAR Surivor Champ
Come on. Aren't you the same high schooler betting between $300 and $2,000 per game and getting all that pussy? How could a little $800 CC bother you when you're making plays that big?
I was douche..until I needed to pay house stuff because my mom couldnt and car payments if your going to say dumb shit dont even speak asshole
BHS you didnt rail her...I had sex with one of my friends moms I was drunk though and she was the one giving us beer. Im the young MILF HUNTER. Im shaking my head in disapproval at you BHS, next time tell the bitch to fuck you while her kids watch.