WISH i could be there!! u a lucky person. philly is the best place to be for any game BUT a playoff!!! enjoy!! they will be going NUTS for sure. im from west deptford twp. just across the river. been in fla. for 10 years. im a diehard EAGLE FAN!!!! root them in EAGLES 20- 17 falcons cover
If anyone is looking for tickets to the Atlanta/Philadelphia NFC Championship Game, a buddy of mine from jersey has a pair of great seats for sale in section 228 row 9 on the isle on EBay. I am thousands of miles away (and not an Eagles fan) but if anyone wants to go to the game, the tickets are not that expensive for a conference championship game. Figured I would let you guys know that tickets are available!
As of now, I am not going since I do not have tickets. However, I will looking on Saturday for tickets for sure since I am assuming there will be a ton available. With the storm coming in Sat night, prices are going to drop very very quickly. By game time, they will be going for a little above face value
This is, if the blizzard hits. If no snow, I will be watching it at McGillins
Say hello to Howard for me if you get to the WIP tent..haha
I bet you guys are pumped. I have some friends living there and they are besides themselves..
Hope they win, I got a strange feeling about this game though. The big boy better open the playbook this time around..
Wallstreet a MOD? What is this place coming to? Just kidding, I'll say hi to that dope Eskin for you. I think Andy is finally opening the play book, he took numerous shots down the field last week and they turned out to be big plays.