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Bush Launches Inaugural Celebrations at cost of over $50 Million

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  • #16
    Maybe if Clinton showed a little more interest and spent a little more "back in the day" on issues involving the world scene, many of these problems that were growing quite happily during his tenure would not cost so much to deal with now.
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


    • #17
      born2glf The only problem I have with it is if John Kerry would have won we would have never heard how much he was spending on his inaugural celebrations because the media would of covered it up or would of said the country needs this celabration and it all would have been great. I dont ever remeber them saying anything about how much President Clinton spent on his inaugural celebrations . But the media didnt care back then that was there president and he did no wrong to them
      That's because we weren't trillions of $$$ in debt with Clinton. We were above the equater line. Plus we weren't fighting a senseless war.
      There is no reason why Bush couldn't have asked this to be a small event.


      • #18
        Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
        Wealth is all in the eye of the beholder.

        Don't want to knock you BC. But it's nobody's business what someone else does with the money they have.

        Train of thought such as that is very outdated. Ask the communist party in what was Russia.
        Read your Bible


        • #19
          Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
          Maybe if Clinton showed a little more interest and spent a little more "back in the day" on issues involving the world scene, many of these problems that were growing quite happily during his tenure would not cost so much to deal with now.
          You have to be kidding

          Bush has taken more vacation time than any other President!

          I guess when Republican's Regan and Bush Sr. ran the budget deficit up that was, because of the previous Democrats


          • #20
            O how we forget 9-11 thats why were over there we are taking the fight to them instead of fighting them SOBs over here. We did not ask for this fight but by God we will finish it.
            God Bless The USA


            • #21
              BC...i'm a republican..but i sure as hell agree with u....55 million could be used for better purposes..


              • #22
                O how we forget 9-11 thats why were over there we are taking the fight to them instead of fighting them SOBs over here. We did not ask for this fight but by God we will finish it.
                Iraq had nothing to with 9-11. That has been proven. BinLaden still at large...that's the SOB responsible. Where are the so called "Weapons Of Mass Destruction"?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by PacknBuck
                  Iraq had nothing to with 9-11. That has been proven. BinLaden still at large...that's the SOB responsible. Where are the so called "Weapons Of Mass Destruction"?

                  To me and it is just my opionion Sadam Himself and his two boys were a Wapon of Mass Destruction just doing away with those three who knows how may lives were saved. I know we will never agree on this so lets just agree to disagree and I will say no more.


                  • #24
                    I can't believe the Bush bashers are still WHINING. Get a life!


                    • #25
                      Bring Back "slick Willie" And We Will All Be Better Off!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by frankb03
                        I can't believe the Bush bashers are still WHINING. Get a life!
                        Anytime anyone say's anything negative about Bush it's whining, but when a republican makes a negative comment about a Democrat its a fact....hmmm

                        I guess $55 million was ok in your mind for the Victory Bash.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Uncle Mo
                          Bring Back "slick Willie" And We Will All Be Better Off!!!
                          especially if your a convict
                          Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by frankb03
                            I can't believe the Bush bashers are still WHINING. Get a life!
                            Their still kicking dirt over THE 1ST ELECTION
                            Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                            • #29
                              First off....

                              Im neither Republican nor a Democrat but i will say this, why is it that when a Democrat doesnt agree with a Republican agenda, they are called liberals...i know alot of democrats who hate Bush but i guarantee you they are no liberals. That characterization is about as factual as saying if your a Republican, your a right wing christian fanatic. I also know some die hard republicans and I guarantee you they are no bible thumpers!!!

                              Whether this is right or wrong, who knows. The only comparision you can make is the last president to get inaugurated during a time of war was FDR and he chose to pass on any extravagant activites in light of what was going on overseas. Right or wrong, everyone has to decide on their own.

                              I dont care much for Bush and I am from Texas, but how could a republican president who turned a surplus into a deficit, had the highest unemployment rate of any president before him, invaded a country for the wrong reasons, had a terrible foreign relations record, was very anti-enviornment, .... who had nothing to go on but to really just make Kerry look bad, win a second term? Well, he didnt really win the first term, but you know what I mean.

                              Either the democrats didnt go out and vote in the masses that they needed unlike the republicans who did, or kerry was the best they could find and they still got whooped, either way the Democratic party has bigger things to worry about then 4 more years of george Bush....Republicans, love em or hate em...are much better organized, have much more mobilization regarding voters and are much better united at this time then Democrats. Forget about knucklehead Bush, the democrats need to fix their own internal issues first and find a strong leader or leaders to unite them.


                              • #30
                                I voted for Bush and would do it again. But the government is spending over 100 mil a day in Iraq. 55 million is nothing compared to that. The government wastes hundreds of millions on worthless programs every year. At least the inaug. is something tangible that is mandated to happen. I do not see a problem if it went a little over previous inaug. It probably did so because this is the first one after 9-11. The extra security alone for the event was probably the overriding factor. :uzi: iraq

