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Bush Launches Inaugural Celebrations at cost of over $50 Million

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  • Bush Launches Inaugural Celebrations at cost of over $50 Million

    By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON - President Bush (news - web sites) launched his inaugural celebrations on Tuesday by thanking two groups that played major roles in his election to a second term — the military that prosecuted the war in Iraq (news - web sites) and his most ardent and generous political supporters.

    On the first of four days of nonstop festivities that some have criticized as too extravagant amid war, deficits and natural disaster, the president and first lady Laura Bush crisscrossed Washington into the evening to hobnob with soldiers, young Republicans and GOP bigwigs.

    Bush takes the oath of office Thursday to begin his next four years in the White House.

    Bush gave four speeches throughout the day, but the centerpiece was a salute to the military. The more than two-hour extravaganza was held at a sports arena in downtown Washington, its seats only about half-full with thousands of uniformed military and their families, including soldiers recuperating at a nearby Army hospital from wounds suffered in Iraq. The event was also piped to troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites).

    "As we prepare to celebrate our nation's 55th presidential inauguration, I can think of no better way to begin than by giving thanks for our freedom and those who make it possible," Bush said as he paid tribute to military personnel and families who have lost someone in war.

    "With the election behind us, the American people come together in unity to celebrate our freedom," he added. "A presidential inauguration is a testament to the power of democracy, a symbol of our confidence in the popular will and a sign of hope for freedom-loving people everywhere."

    The salute, complete with pop stars and comics alongside somber documentaries, was meant to set the stage for the week's theme of celebrating freedom and honoring service. But inaugural planners and Bush aides also hoped the high-profile placement of the event at the head of the schedule would dispel talk that the festivities — which could cost more than $50 million, with millions more in taxpayer dollars for security — should be toned down.

    Later in the day, a young crowd, bathed in orange and green spotlights, cheered Bush and his wife at a local armory. Entertainers who included the rock band "3 Doors Down" and singer Hilary Duff, who ran on stage in a black sequin top and Capri jeans, warmed up the crowd for the president.

    "My call to you all is that as you enjoy the great freedoms of America and as you enjoy yourself at this inauguration, I hope you take away the lesson of helping somebody in need," he said at the event called "America's Future Rocks Today." "And when you do, it will not only make our country a better place, it will lift up your own spirit."

    Behind closed doors and several hours apart, he also attended two private receptions for supporters — one for Republican National Committee (news - web sites) members and the other hosted by Jeanne Johnson Phillips, chairwoman of Bush's inaugural committee which raised the millions in private donations that funded the bulk of the events.

    The president told the party faithful at the RNC party that he has no intention of acting like a lame duck — even as he said he is aware that the battle for the Republican mantle for the 2008 presidential election will lead the party to eventually move beyond him.

    "You didn't elect me to do small things," Bush said, according to people inside. "I've got four years here. I'm going to use them."

    Before leaving the White House, the president held a third, one-hour practice session for his inaugural address with aides in the family theater. The almost-complete, 17-minute speech, which he will deliver after being sworn in on a giant platform outside the Capitol, is intended to lay out Bush's second-term themes: Advancing freedom abroad while building an "ownership society" at home, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

    Bush entered the "Saluting Those Who Serve" event to enthusiastic applause, just as about a half-dozen people were stepping forward to recite the names of fathers, husbands, brothers and sons who have died while on military duty.

    In addition to solemn dedications to wars present and past, the event featured comedy routines, including imitations of former President Clinton (news - web sites) and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld by "Saturday Night Live" cast member Darrell Hammond and a Top 10 list of "signs that your commanding officer is nuts" delivered via videotape from late-night, talk-show host David Letterman.

  • #2
    Its sick thats all. He complains about not having enough money for education or medicine yet.. 55 MILLLION FOR A INAUGURAL CELEBRATION SHIT!!! Ha His administration is worried about issues gambling when they waste money quicker than any gambler would. Its truely a joke. Honestly many countries are probably putting a bag over their heads to cover their smiles.
    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


    • #3
      Before you comment....

      ....learn some facts: it's 100% privately financied. Damn liberals....

      2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

      2010 NFL: 0-0

      2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


      • #4
        And where do you think he gets this money from... hmm exactly buddy
        Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


        • #5

          2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

          2010 NFL: 0-0

          2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


          • #6
            Originally posted by ULikeApples
            ....learn some facts: it's 100% privately financied. Damn liberals....
            Who cares if its private money. Why not spend $1 million and give the other $54 million to a worthy cause and people who need it.


            • #7
              Good point, but it would probably get wasted too in some big government program. Plus, I don't think private funds can be used in such a manner. Even Barack Obama (D-IL) said while questioning Condi Rice today that while some AIDS research money and some other funds have been slow to trickle out, that they need to be safe not to give them to the wrong people.

              2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

              2010 NFL: 0-0

              2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


              • #8
                Is it too early for Jeb Bush? If not he will be featured.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat
                  Who cares if its private money. Why not spend $1 million and give the other $54 million to a worthy cause and people who need it.
                  LOL...and just how much do you think the kind hearted John Kerry donated last year, with the fortune he and his wife have? The answer.....less than $5 grand! How disgusting is THAT??? That's the kind of man I want running my country...NOT!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ezpickin
                    LOL...and just how much do you think the kind hearted John Kerry donated last year, with the fortune he and his wife have? The answer.....less than $5 grand! How disgusting is THAT??? That's the kind of man I want running my country...NOT!
                    Well, if that's true then I would agree that it's wrong. All of those people that are wealthy should donate anywhere from 3% to 10% of their yearly money to worthy causes.

                    My point is that $55 million for a inaguration party is just plain stupid and a waste of money. Do you not agree?


                    • #11
                      By the way did anyone notice that Bush & Company have erased what Clinton cut out of the Budget Deficit. And now where at a all time high deficit of I believe they said $650 Trillion.


                      • #12
                        The only problem I have with it is if John Kerry would have won we would have never heard how much he was spending on his inaugural celebrations because the media would of covered it up or would of said the country needs this celabration and it all would have been great. I dont ever remeber them saying anything about how much President Clinton spent on his inaugural celebrations . But the media didnt care back then that was there president and he did no wrong to them.


                        • #13
                          $50 mil is small change for something like this. To people like this also.
                          Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat
                            Well, if that's true then I would agree that it's wrong. All of those people that are wealthy should donate anywhere from 3% to 10% of their yearly money to worthy causes.

                            My point is that $55 million for a inaguration party is just plain stupid and a waste of money. Do you not agree?
                            Wealth is all in the eye of the beholder.

                            Don't want to knock you BC. But it's nobody's business what someone else does with the money they have.

                            Train of thought such as that is very outdated. Ask the communist party in what was Russia.
                            Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                            • #15
                              I'm sure Clinton didn't spend $55 million either. Plus he reduced the budget deficit not increase it. Plus keeping most of our troops over in a Foreign Country when they don't need to be there anymore. How many more lives does he need to destroy? The guy ran how many of his businesse's in the ground?

