Isnt it odd how they seem to march to the same tune , since man invented the wheel or found water to his liking he has often found himself susceptible to each concept .
Joining Hysteria has found its mark in history many times from the first dates of recorded times to the current moments of Islamic terror . Its easy enough to do if your inclined and the Spanish Inquisition right down to Osama Bin Laden has found that there will never be shortages of willing souls to carry out the mindless aims of others .
Joining Dirty Laundry follows the same principle in essence from the preverbial "water cooler " retoric to personal agendas , its extremely easy to find willing participants who can be played like a four string banjo to meet and carry out the mindless aims of others .
Which brings me to the reason for this post !
I have watched and been watched (
) , I have listened and been listened too (
) . And the respect I have for members here is limited to thier willingness to not be a part of the problem , like the 600 posted members who have tossed out less than 5 plays in thier time here but seem to have opinions on everything but the games themselves . This in itself speaks far louder than words themselves to me and furthers my stance as to thier actually validity . It was recently brought up yesterday by a valued member of the amount of posters who have so much to offer in the arena of " Our Members " , but nearly nothing in what " Most of Us " are here for and thats wagering and how to go about it in a winning manor !
I would ponder to guess that this post will find one of those poor lost souls who will offer his opinion on my intellect or lack thereof . And those are the ones of which I speak , as they are willing to offer not a games insight but thier own " Dr. Fraiser Crane " attitudes to enlighten our day to something I can personally do without .
Its a given that if we want to make friends at this stage of our lives we can certainly find other sources than the internet that are far more productive and far more endearing .
In closing I ask this of others , try to find it in your heart to see the good that each member offers but never close your mind to the fact that everyone here has issues that none of us are aware of , or knowingly in control of ! Its not going to hurt to ignore things that are none of your business in the first place , unless you have hidden agendas
Good Day , and I just love the way this place is slam full of optimism cause it really goes a long way in helping me choose a total
Think About It ?
Joining Hysteria has found its mark in history many times from the first dates of recorded times to the current moments of Islamic terror . Its easy enough to do if your inclined and the Spanish Inquisition right down to Osama Bin Laden has found that there will never be shortages of willing souls to carry out the mindless aims of others .
Joining Dirty Laundry follows the same principle in essence from the preverbial "water cooler " retoric to personal agendas , its extremely easy to find willing participants who can be played like a four string banjo to meet and carry out the mindless aims of others .
Which brings me to the reason for this post !
I have watched and been watched (

I would ponder to guess that this post will find one of those poor lost souls who will offer his opinion on my intellect or lack thereof . And those are the ones of which I speak , as they are willing to offer not a games insight but thier own " Dr. Fraiser Crane " attitudes to enlighten our day to something I can personally do without .
Its a given that if we want to make friends at this stage of our lives we can certainly find other sources than the internet that are far more productive and far more endearing .
In closing I ask this of others , try to find it in your heart to see the good that each member offers but never close your mind to the fact that everyone here has issues that none of us are aware of , or knowingly in control of ! Its not going to hurt to ignore things that are none of your business in the first place , unless you have hidden agendas

Good Day , and I just love the way this place is slam full of optimism cause it really goes a long way in helping me choose a total

Think About It ?