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  • #46
    HAHAHAHA, for those asking why Wiz is banned from certain parts of BC, there is your answer. Guy loves to start trouble.

    And to answer your question Wiz, I use this site for what helps me make money as I'm sure what everyone else does. Where does it say that in order to contribute you have to post your plays? I'm not a very good handicapper and nor do I claim to be. So why would I post my plays??? Take your bullshit over to that other site! Enough is enough.


    • #47
      Little mike

      falls into MM's category as a stalker...
      just looking for free plays....
      Isn't that a joke.....
      Don't worry about where I post...
      try adding something to the forum you seem to be so much a part of....
      You are a total ass, you just proved it.......


      • #48
        Re: BC

        Originally posted by ************
        I see that some have special privileges.
        I see that some can post what ever they like, as long as it isn't me.........
        I see as long as people run your forum for you, you could give a rats ass what goes on, keep raking in the CASH for Monte, that's all that matters........
        You know, this isn't Iraq or Russia or even Iran, this is the good old USA........
        It's called freedom of speech, don't like it? Go to North Korea...

        HUH??? :confused:

        wiz are you serious? Isn't this country also about everyone having the right to make as much money as they want? Tell or threaten Sam Walton and see if you're still working at Wal-Mart. It doesn't work that way and you know it. Monte has given you more free rides than anybody i've seen here EVER!........ And that's with you ignoring his requests to stop, posting links to other sites and tell a shitload of members to fuck off. Monte also helped you recover alot of money when you came here and you think your presence here has somehow put equal amounts into his pockets? It's amazing how he has tried to keep you happy and you just don't seem to see it....... and this is coming from someone that has been on your side several times and no i didn't vote in the poll. I really can't believe what you put Monte through time and time again for no reason. I felt i was fair with this post but i won't be surprised if you disagree.


        • #49
          A line has to be drawn somewhere, otherwise the MM-Wiz thing continues to escalate; then others chirp in with name-calling. Then it snowballs.

          There has to be a line. Here, you can post Naked Girls and not cross that line. You can use foul, even vulgar lanquage and not cross that line.

          You can forcefully disagree and not cross that line. You can name-call to an extent and not cross that line (a lot of times name-calling here is on the heels of a loss and followed with an apology).

          You can even threatened to kick someone's a$$ and not cross that line.

          But think about it. Isn't there a point at which a line has to be drawn? What if you owned the site and there was a group of people who posted 10 times a day lies about your mother? Or lies about YOU?

          Is that crossing the line? It would get old fast, I can tell you that. My point is this:

          You can paint a picture of a situation where the line WOULD have to be drawn.

          If you agree that it is possible to go to far, then you agree that a line must be drawn--somewhere. The only issue to what is considered 'too far'.

          If the moderator gives a fair warning, then you've been warned. If you persists, then you tempt the moderator, who in turn gives more fair warning.

          Sounds reasonable to me. The judgement of excluding the wiz from the horses forum apparently came after warning, and more warning.

          The moderator could have chosen to exclude Oddz from all forums, but left the door open for his voice--and picks--at other forums.

          Being asked to apologize is reasonable. Being asked to not name-call MM in any forum is reasonable. Letting Wiz back in the Horses forum without either sets a new precedent and undermines the point of having a moderator.

          With all the stuff that is posted and allowed at the forum, it is obvious that they're really pretty laid back here and not overzealous to exclude.

          But when they draw a line, warn you, and you cross it more than once, and then the judgement is still relatively mild (only excluded from one forum), then on top of that they make a very reasonable requests for re-entry, well, that sounds right to me.

          In fact, if this situation would've happened between MM and any number of other posters, the other poster may have been excluded from all sites permanently. It seems to me that the fact that it came from the Wiz was already taken into account.

          We don't wanna lose ya' Wiz, but the moderator's requests seem reasonable. And the threat of not posting picks has only stirred emotions in people that have not fully considered the facts from an objective view.

          Pete Rose had ZERO chance with the public of being eligible for the Hall of Fame without an apology and/or admission. That's how Americans think, because Americans are eager to forgive given the opportunity to do it.



          • #50
            I'm not and will not apologize for what I said or posted, I posted quotes from a post, nothing more, nothing less.
            If I can't have the same rights as everyone else on this forum, so be it, It's been fun...
            One other thing....
            Wayne, I owe NO one anything on this forum, and they owe me NOTHING......


            • #51
              i agree about the apology not needed (it was a 2 way street there IMO) but respect for Monte..... your wrong about that one cause he did shit for you 99% of strangers wouldn't give 2 shits about with nothing in it for them.


              • #52
                Why did you wait until now to bring this up? Why didn't you bring it up 4-6 weeks ago when you got banned from the horse racing forum.

                Also that e-mail was not called for


                • #53

                  you are right about what Monte did for me..
                  I'm sorry if I call it the way I see it, that's me and I will NEVER change.
                  If you don't like someone that is outspoken, you will never like me.
                  I have NEVER been here to make friends, I was here to help people make MONEY.......


                  • #54

                    You know as well as I do, this has been one sided since day one......
                    The reason it's coming up now is I have gotten many e-mails asking why I don't post anymore in the horse forum, think what you want, that's the truth.


                    • #55
                      So why not just post them in the all sports section with your other plays.


                      • #56

                        why can't I have the same rights as others on this forum?????
                        I don't see where anyone else is baned from anywhere......
                        This was two sided, I'm the only one that got baned, that's fair??????
                        Others can say/post what they like and I'm the one that gets baned?????

                        The digs and little posts continue, did I respond? NO!!!!!!

                        Monte, you know I have all the respect in the world for you, but to me this is all one sided.


                        • #57

                          We had words one night and I felt badly afterward ... I think we put all that in the past by agreeing that life should go on smoothly and I sincerely wish you luck every time you post .

                          You were here long before me Wiz ... and so was MMM ... you're the people who help build BC and that should count for something ... it should count for a lot .

                          We all have 1 thing in common here .. we all want a little bit of respect.

                          I really wish that things can be worked out and they can .... if all involved give just a little bit and say " Frig it ... life's too damn short "

                          All parties who are divided now are intelligent .... and good things can still happen. I hope they do.

                          Take care, Wiz


                          • #58
                            Maybe I am Dumb. Wiz I still do not know why you want in the HORSE FORUM so bad. You can post your Horse Stuff (or Bull Stuff) any the ALL DISCUSSION FORUM. What is the obsession with the HORSE FORUN?


                            • #59
                              Re: Monte

                              Originally posted by ************
                              why can't I have the same rights as others on this forum?????
                              I don't see where anyone else is baned from anywhere......
                              This was two sided, I'm the only one that got baned, that's fair??????
                              Others can say/post what they like and I'm the one that gets baned?????

                              The digs and little posts continue, did I respond? NO!!!!!!

                              Monte, you know I have all the respect in the world for you, but to me this is all one sided.
                              You wanted me to ban you from the whole forum but instead I banned you from the horse racing section only.

                              There are a lot of people banned from the site completely.

                              Both of you were warned repeatdely over and over to stop with the digs & move on. I talked to you about this in e-mails you stated ban me from the whole site so I banned you from the horse section and now that's no good.

                              You were also trying to help another poster get around the ban that I gave them through proxies.

                              And that e-mail you sent me wasn't called for and now you're trying to make me look like i've did something wrong.


                              • #60
                                I'll butt out. My apologies to everyone involved. For what it's worth, I voted Yes.


