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  • #16
    You got my vote. You ain't no different than any of
    us. I do believe you put your pants on one leg at a time --
    right ?


    • #17

      Punishment is one thing bandishment is enough! M/M is a foregiving soul! What if you reinstate with the understanding that no further name calling is allowed. See if this is OK with M/M? If so then lets give it a try. No harm in trying everyone deserves second chance. Even Wiz! hc


      • #18
        I vote no, that guy has a vulgar mouth. I dont care how mad you get, some of the names you used were un called for!! BC is right!! Maybe if there was an apology........ Thats the only way..



        • #19
          Don't think We'll hear the Wiz Apologize!!! Shouldn't have to either!!! If so, others need to get in Line!!! Just My Opinion!!!


          • #20

            Wiz is definantely know choir boy but neither are most. Treat others like u want to be treated. I don't know what he said but knowing Wiz it wasn't good. He has however also done many good things for this site in helping to weed out scammers and give out some occasional winner! Football is here and his opinions are reguarded highly by many. M/m has thick skin, lets let her decide if a second chance is possible. Who are we to judge? Thanks hc Occasional winners!!


            • #21
              Don't Know Enuff

              But, if moderator asked for an apology and the poster denied it then the moderator of course won't give in as it's his/her site. A vote poll should never have been posted here cause it only tries to make the board owner bad and as if he/she is the culprit if the votes go away from what the moderator did. I heard this was one of the best forums to be around but out of hand at times. So I see no harm if one apoligizes to continue to post especially if it seems he's interest is in the horse forum. So my say is easy. Of course yes with an apology and no without an apology. People love to see remorse for actions and lack of remorse usually leaves a bad taste to people. So let the poster have his own say instead of a vote. I think its between the poster, the monitor, and the person that was attacked or something.


              • #22
                my vote is yes yes yes let him back


                • #23
                  my vote is



                  • #24
                    I will go ahead and vote yes. But it's interesting what lengths the wiz will go to will its him not having privelages and not someone else who asked him for his help.
                    My grandmama' daughter ain't raised no sucker


                    • #25
                      Not that this poll matter for sh!t to BC, but I gotta side with BC and say it is likely for the best to keep fires out and to separate those two.

                      That doesnt mean Wiz doesnt have some points that seemed to have merit, his delivery of the way he felt seemed way out of line and should not have been published on this site.

                      I was embarrased for him reading a few things he said.

                      There are better ways of voicing ones differences than how he did it.

                      BC holds all the marbles and thats how it goes. I agree with his decision.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ************
                        I'm NO different than anyone else on this forum........
                        That's not a true statement. You are one of the leaders at stiring up BS. When a member disagrees with you you fly off the handle. You've attacked me and other members with uncalled for insults.

                        It's one thing having a disagreement and posting your differences as gentlemen (and women). You verbally attack.

                        For the record. I voted NO!

                        Your response to this post should answer the question of this post.


                        • #27
                          I do not remeber the disagreement between WIZ and MM. It must have been bad for him to get banned because I know recently I have seen some real Bull Shit and nobody got banned.

                          I just have one question for the WIZ.

                          Why do want into the Horse Racing Section here at BC?

                          There are other Horse Racing Sections that you have access to on the other forums you post on.


                          • #28
                            JUST MY INPUT AND THIS IS GETTING OLD!

                            I vote YES but only for this/these reasons:

                            A) This is a free country and freedom of speech and expression to my knowledge has yet to be revoked. I fought for these very freedoms.

                            1A) I was under the assumption we were all adults on this site.

                            B) Now.......having said that.....My solution is not to take away or limit rights of anyone. Instead......If two individuals have a problem with each other......GREAT! BUT LET THEM TAKE IT TO THE non gambling section and LET THE REST OF US GET ON TO THE POINT AND BOTTOM LINE OF THIS FORUM!

                            HELL........I LOVE TO LOOK AT THE HOT NAKED CHICKS in that section AND if those out there prefer SOAP OPERA type bickering...BETTER YET!! It will MAKE FOR GREAT READING TOO!!


                            C) I thought the reason we posted plays here was to help each other and make some extra $$$ using hard earned $$$ that we must use to do so!

                            SO........YES.........GIVE EVERYONE EQUAL RIGHTS.......BUT (BC-MONTE/WANYE can move the quibbling over to a Site Section THAT DOES NOT affect/infect everyone!

                            I respect BOTH for their KNOWLEDGE/INPUT/PLAYS/and INSIGHT.....But if it degenerates to a one on one bitch session.....I have no problem with that either......just make sure it is one on one........not TWO on affecting TWO HUNDRED......Heyyyyy......that is what email is for and maybe......they mayyyyyyybeeeeeeeee.......they both might like this just a little bit!

                            FWIW........Life is too short to argue.........HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT AND WINNING LIFE!!!!

                            I am very tired and stressed right now but try to still put out stuff to help others......apparently this kind of this is a priorty so that being the case......JUST COUNT ME OUT!

                            WISH EVERYONE THE BEST OF LUCK ALWAYS!! Goldvike
                            I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


                            • #29
                              I don't know all the details but Life Without the Possibility of Parole is only for murderers. Unless Wiz murdered someone, his sentence should not be permanent and he should be allowed back into society, in this case the Horse Race Forum. Thus, my vote is YES.


                              • #30


                                You got your priveleges revoked from the Horse Racing Forum because you didn't get along with Memphis. The board is much more civilized now without all the bickering and B.S. going on.

                                Why don't you forget about posting in the other forum and post your horses in this forum?

                                I think everyone wins in that situation.


