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IQ scores?

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  • IQ scores?

    Anyone here familiar with IQ scores? A friend of mine said he scored that HIGH?

    THX in advance


  • #2
    thats wierd my iq is 133 as well.


    • #3
      is that a high score?



      • #4
        It is extremely high. Anything above 125 is in the upper tier of scores.....Your friend and niner are wicked smart!
        Joe Thorton for MVP


        • #5
          I dont know about that fatty I thought that 133 was above average in the gifted range.

          Its pretty interesting anyone who wants to can get their iq test free at along with a bunch of other tests.


          • #6
            I took the test at emode and scored a 138 I also scored 23% on the gay meter what does it all mean?


            • #7

              It means that when you go out shopping for curtains you don't get jerked around with the price ...


              • #8
                thats what I thought


                • #9
                  shit I don't know my IQ but I scored a 43 on the gay scale. Not cool with me. I love women.


                  • #10

                    Hey Sport ! I was just kiddin around ... I scored 128 with a 26% feminine side .... but understand that from here on in I'll be calling on you for decorating advice . Take care . -Neil


                    • #11
                      I'm only a 126 after taking the FREE Classic IQ test at
                      It seems that so far everyone on Bettorschat is smarter than me.
                      I'd like to see someone guess at all the answers and see what they would say.........I can't see them saying something like: "you are highly UN-intelligent"..........(lol).

                      Hey guys, let's use our "smarts" to pick some winners and make some $$$$$$$$.

                      Your IQ score is 126

                      This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

                      During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each of those questions which reveals how your brain uniquely works.

                      We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher.

                      This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.
                      Last edited by Bennojd; 04-22-2004, 09:39 AM.
                      Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lucky Leo
                        shit I don't know my IQ but I scored a 43 on the gay scale. Not cool with me. I love women.
                        LMAO............whats a GAY SCALE?



                        • #13

                          The gay scale is something that BettorsChat (Monte) posted under non-gambling issues. Here's a link:

                          Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


                          • #14
                            leo I think I know where you went wrong on the gay scale what did you answer to the lubricant question?

                            good stuff


                            • #15
                              Congratulations, Sandy!
                              Your IQ score is 136

                              We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Facts Curator.

                              This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

                              Do I get to add another point to my score for being smart enough NOT to take the Gay Test. :D :D

