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Trayvon Martin Thread

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  • #16
    And then of course this dumb fvk has to comment on it. Believe me when I say, I think this is a real tragedy. I feel that this kid was shot by this Zimmerman character for no reason. He was walking home in his own neighborhood. He belonged there. He was not doing anyone any harm. He started running away when Zimmerman was following him. Isn't that what you were told were you were growing up. Someone following you .. you run away.

    The thing that pisses me off is the aftermath of it all. The Rev Al "ain't too" Sharpton and Jesse "Jackass" Jackson getting involved. And this POS


    • #17
      GRAPHIC: Trayvon Martin 911 calls released | News - Home


      • #18
        That's the thing about it that bothers me. I don't know which side to side with on it yet, as I don't have any facts to form an opinion. The thing I do have a problem with is the racists, Sharpton and Jackson, the Black Panthers, and Obammer siding with Trayvon and turning it into such a racist deal. They don't have any more facts than I do at this point and have no business being involved!


        • #19
          Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
          That's the thing about it that bothers me. I don't know which side to side with on it yet, as I don't have any facts to form an opinion. The thing I do have a problem with is the racists, Sharpton and Jackson, the Black Panthers, and Obammer siding with Trayvon and turning it into such a racist deal. They don't have any more facts than I do at this point and have no business being involved!
          That I agree with 100%


          • #20
            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
            All this case shows is how alive racism is in the black community for white people.

            Racism would be dead if it weren't for black people still hating for shit that didn't even happen to them personally.
            ABSOLUTELY Agree 1000%


            • #21
              The facts are pretty simple, one guy shot another guy dead. Even if two people were just fighting over nothing, if one shot the other, he wouldn't walk free. Defending himself from what? He followed the kid and confronted him, when does he start defending himself by shooting? Tell me what possibly could've happened we're he was defending himself and allowed to shoot the kid dead? There isn't one.


              • #22
                Teens set kid on fire for being 'white boy' - New York Daily News

                Where's the outrage?

                This whole case is unfortunate, but I place a large amount of blame on the f'ing POS media in this country. If Zimmerman would've been reported as being Mexican (like he really is) from the beginning and the media would've waited for the facts to come out, I don't believe this would've ever reached the nonsense status that it has currently reached.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                  The facts are pretty simple, one guy shot another guy dead. Even if two people were just fighting over nothing, if one shot the other, he wouldn't walk free. Defending himself from what? He followed the kid and confronted him, when does he start defending himself by shooting? Tell me what possibly could've happened we're he was defending himself and allowed to shoot the kid dead? There isn't one.
                  But if Martin really was slamming this guy's head on the cement, it is quite possible he thought his life was in danger. Also, I've read/heard that Martin possibly reached for Zimmerman's gun. If, and it's a big IF these 2 things are true, I don't think Zimmerman did the wrong thing here.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                    That's the thing about it that bothers me. I don't know which side to side with on it yet, as I don't have any facts to form an opinion. The thing I do have a problem with is the racists, Sharpton and Jackson, the Black Panthers, and Obammer siding with Trayvon and turning it into such a racist deal. They don't have any more facts than I do at this point and have no business being involved!
                    I'm the farthest thing from a fighter you'd ever come across, but I can honestly say, if I ever encountered Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, I would be seriously inclined to pummel them. They are about as ironic as it gets in terms of racism. They push their anti-racist agenda yet the entire time, they're f'ing racist themselves.

                    And don't even get me started on this supposed New Black Panther party. Did you see/hear the interview the "leader" did with Anderson Cooper? Unf'ingreal how racist those fucks are as well.


                    • #25
                      ABC news has shown exclusive police video of Zimmerman being processed at jail and shows no blood on the back of Zimmermans head and face or bruises.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
                        But if Martin really was slamming this guy's head on the cement, it is quite possible he thought his life was in danger. Also, I've read/heard that Martin possibly reached for Zimmerman's gun. If, and it's a big IF these 2 things are true, I don't think Zimmerman did the wrong thing here.
                        I've seen people and theres no way that occurred. Zimmerman is pretty big and Travon isn't. Travon was defending himself right? Everyone defends themselves in a fight but if shoot someone you don't walk, plain and simple.


                        • #27
                          The video shows Zimmerman with a shaved head and not as portly that have been shown of him.


                          • #28
                            Trayvon Martin Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman

                            Zimmerman was not arrested although ABC News has learned that the lead homicide investigator filed an affidavit urging Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter. The prosecutor, however, told the officer to not file the charge because there was not enough evidence for conviction.

                            Zimmerman said he was heading back to his car when Martin attacked him. His lawyer, Craig Sonner, said his client felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

                            Martin's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him in his final moments, told ABC News in an exclusive interview that she has not been interviewed by police, despite Martin telling her he was being followed.

                            The 16-year-old girl, who is only being identified as DeeDee, recounted the final moments of her conversation with Martin before the line went dead.

                            "When he saw the man behind him again he said this man is going to do something to him. And then he said this man is still behind him and I said run," she said.

                            Phone records obtained by ABC News show that the girl called Martin at 7:12 p.m., five minutes before police arrived, and remained on the phone with Martin until moments before he was shot.

                            DeeDee said Martin turned around and asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

                            "The man said what are you doing around here?" DeeDee recalled Zimmerman saying.

                            She said she heard someone pushed into the grass before the call was dropped.

                            Zimmerman, who had called 911, was asked by the dispatcher if he was following the teen. When Zimmerman replied that he was, the dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that."

                            Martin's death has sparked protests across the country and prompted President Obama to say that if he had a son, he would look like Martin.

                            Over the past few days, leaks have emerged suggesting Martin was dogged by discipline problems.

                            Martin had been slapped with a 10 day school suspension after a bag with suspected marijuana was found in his backpack, Benjamin Crump, the family's attorney, said.

                            Last year the teen was suspended for spraying graffiti on school grounds. The Miami Herald reported that the school guard who stopped him searched his backpack and found 12 items of women's jewelry and a flathead screw driver that the guard believed to be a "burglary implement." But Martin was never charged or specifically disciplined for the incident.

                            Crump alleged that the Sanford police had leaked damaging information about Martin in order to muddy the case, calling it a "conspiracy." Crump called the school disciplinary problems "irrelevant" to the case that "an unarmed 17 year kid was killed."

                            Zimmerman was not arrested although ABC News has learned that the lead homicide investigator filed an affidavit urging Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter. The prosecutor, however, told the officer to not file the charge because there was not enough evidence for conviction.

                            Zimmerman said he was heading back to his car when Martin attacked him. His lawyer, Craig Sonner, said his client felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

                            Martin's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him in his final moments, told ABC News in an exclusive interview that she has not been interviewed by police, despite Martin telling her he was being followed.

                            The 16-year-old girl, who is only being identified as DeeDee, recounted the final moments of her conversation with Martin before the line went dead.

                            "When he saw the man behind him again he said this man is going to do something to him. And then he said this man is still behind him and I said run," she said.

                            Phone records obtained by ABC News show that the girl called Martin at 7:12 p.m., five minutes before police arrived, and remained on the phone with Martin until moments before he was shot.

                            DeeDee said Martin turned around and asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

                            "The man said what are you doing around here?" DeeDee recalled Zimmerman saying.

                            She said she heard someone pushed into the grass before the call was dropped.

                            Zimmerman, who had called 911, was asked by the dispatcher if he was following the teen. When Zimmerman replied that he was, the dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that."

                            Martin's death has sparked protests across the country and prompted President Obama to say that if he had a son, he would look like Martin.

                            Over the past few days, leaks have emerged suggesting Martin was dogged by discipline problems.

                            Martin had been slapped with a 10 day school suspension after a bag with suspected marijuana was found in his backpack, Benjamin Crump, the family's attorney, said.

                            Last year the teen was suspended for spraying graffiti on school grounds. The Miami Herald reported that the school guard who stopped him searched his backpack and found 12 items of women's jewelry and a flathead screw driver that the guard believed to be a "burglary implement." But Martin was never charged or specifically disciplined for the incident.

                            Crump alleged that the Sanford police had leaked damaging information about Martin in order to muddy the case, calling it a "conspiracy." Crump called the school disciplinary problems "irrelevant" to the case that "an unarmed 17 year kid was killed."
                            Last edited by Spark; 03-29-2012, 08:31 AM.


                            • #29
                              Remember when hoodies were frowned upon? Especially the white ones


                              • #30
                                Here's my gut feeling on the whole thing. Trayvon wasn't an innocent victim that his family is making him out to be and Zimmerman isn't as innocent as the police make him to be. I think Zimmerman will end up being charged with something. Maybe manslaughter or something. I don't think he just walked up and killed him but something happend during the fight to make him shoot. Sad thing is that only one side of the story can be heard!
                                Last edited by vols fan; 03-29-2012, 09:24 AM.

