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Mac Computers vs. Microsoft Computers

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  • Mac Computers vs. Microsoft Computers

    Anyone on here upgraded from a Windows computer to a mac? If so did you regret it? Or will you not look back on a windows computer?

    My computer is a mess and it's windows based. I've been thinking about getting a apple computer for some time now. IMO the apple operating system is superior to the windows operating system.

    Any feedback is welcome.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
    Anyone on here upgraded from a Windows computer to a mac? If so did you regret it? Or will you not look back on a windows computer?

    My computer is a mess and it's windows based. I've been thinking about getting a apple computer for some time now. IMO the apple operating system is superior to the windows operating system.

    Any feedback is welcome.
    Macs are for intelligent people, you better stick with a Windows computer.

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #3
      You'll never regret the decision to go with a Mac toolbox. They are highly intuitive.

      They don't require any virus protection, spyware or any of that kind of software crap that PC's need.They rarely freeze up and need to be rebooted. I reboot mine maybe once every 3 months or so. So, you don't have to shut them down, just sleep it and they wake up in 2 seconds.

      They are blazing fast and if you run bootcamp or parallel, you can run Windows on the partition. The Imac with a 27 inch screen is amazing with the entire computer inside the screen, so there is no desktop or tower to clutter up your desk.

      They are a little more expensive. You should be able to get an educational discount and save around $200. Get it with plenty of Ram. They run faster and smoother that way. You'll also want to download Firefox to run your browser. It's by far the best browser out there.

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #4
        Mac's are shitty!


        • #5
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          You'll never regret the decision to go with a Mac toolbox. They are highly intuitive.

          They don't require any virus protection, spyware or any of that kind of software crap that PC's need.They rarely freeze up and need to be rebooted. I reboot mine maybe once every 3 months or so. So, you don't have to shut them down, just sleep it and they wake up in 2 seconds.

          They are blazing fast and if you run bootcamp or parallel, you can run Windows on the partition. The Imac with a 27 inch screen is amazing with the entire computer inside the screen, so there is no desktop or tower to clutter up your desk.

          They are a little more expensive. You should be able to get an educational discount and save around $200. Get it with plenty of Ram. They run faster and smoother that way. You'll also want to download Firefox to run your browser. It's by far the best browser out there.

          On the mac toolbox is that a book? What way are you running windows on your mac? There's virtulization so you don't have to reboot then there's parallels, but you need to reboot. Really don't want to put any windows on a mac as I fear that it would lead to problems down the road. I'm looking at the Mac Pro as the other mac pc that's all in one the monitor is too small. Plus I don't like the fact that it's not up-gradable.

          Another regarding the mac pro if I want 16GB of ram it's a $700 upgrade. I can buy the same ram for $270 and put it in myself which I'm sure voids the warranty. Same on hard drives I can get them for half what apple wants.

          I've been reading some news etc. and the Apple people are saying wait on the mac pro as they believe a new one is coming out sometime between Nov 2011 and the first part of 2012.

          Did you buy that $99 a year classes?


          • #6
            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
            On the mac toolbox is that a book? What way are you running windows on your mac? There's virtulization so you don't have to reboot then there's parallels, but you need to reboot. Really don't want to put any windows on a mac as I fear that it would lead to problems down the road. I'm looking at the Mac Pro as the other mac pc that's all in one the monitor is too small. Plus I don't like the fact that it's not up-gradable.

            Another regarding the mac pro if I want 16GB of ram it's a $700 upgrade. I can buy the same ram for $270 and put it in myself which I'm sure voids the warranty. Same on hard drives I can get them for half what apple wants.

            I've been reading some news etc. and the Apple people are saying wait on the mac pro as they believe a new one is coming out sometime between Nov 2011 and the first part of 2012.

            Did you buy that $99 a year classes?
            I have a Macbook Pro, 15 inch monitor. I have 4 gigs of ram. I would buy the cheaper ram if I were you and install it yourself. It's easy. Not sure about the hard drive. I think I'd stick with Apple there. The reason PC's are crap is due to the many different off brands they put in those machines. Macs have always been proprietary and it's for a good reason.

            I don't run Windows because I hate using them. I figured you might want to run it and the Macs make it easy to do with bootcamp or Parallels. I'd leave it off. No sense in inviting a virus if you don't need to. Macs run just about everything a PC does nowadays.

            I haven't heard about that $99 class? What is it?

            Whenever I've had any problem, I've gone to the Mac store in the local **** and they diagnose and take care of everything. And they have a genius bar that has free tech support and tutoring.

            I thought new Macs usually come out around Feb, but I could be wrong. With Jobs gone, who knows. Nov makes sense for Xmas sales....

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #7
              I have both, and there's no comparison. I should just use my PC to whip my ass, its worthless.


              • #8
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                I have a Macbook Pro, 15 inch monitor. I have 4 gigs of ram. I would buy the cheaper ram if I were you and install it yourself. It's easy. Not sure about the hard drive. I think I'd stick with Apple there. The reason PC's are crap is due to the many different off brands they put in those machines. Macs have always been proprietary and it's for a good reason.

                I don't run Windows because I hate using them. I figured you might want to run it and the Macs make it easy to do with bootcamp or Parallels. I'd leave it off. No sense in inviting a virus if you don't need to. Macs run just about everything a PC does nowadays.

                I haven't heard about that $99 class? What is it?

                Whenever I've had any problem, I've gone to the Mac store in the local **** and they diagnose and take care of everything. And they have a genius bar that has free tech support and tutoring.

                I thought new Macs usually come out around Feb, but I could be wrong. With Jobs gone, who knows. Nov makes sense for Xmas sales....

                The $99 thing is for classes you can take up to 1 year at the apple store. I've very hesitant to put Microsoft's OS or it's programs. What I will probably do is have the mac as the main computer and the pc hooked up if I need to access it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                  I have both, and there's no comparison. I should just use my PC to whip my ass, its worthless.
                  A dell?

                  When we shipped the new dell back there was a lot of them in there. The main culprit is the OS which is a piece of shit.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                    A dell?

                    When we shipped the new dell back there was a lot of them in there. The main culprit is the OS which is a piece of shit.
                    Yea mines a dell. I use a Mac at work and my pc to surf the Internet at home, which I can barely do, it's such a disaster. I just got a iPad for my birthday and blows away my laptop.


                    • #11
                      Got a MacBook Air and have an IPad

                      They are the best. My laptop Pc sucked, fuck microsoft.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #12
                        Is the Mac easy to learn to use? Isn't that the big hang up on them?

                        I'm getting ready to get a new comp


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                          Is the Mac easy to learn to use? Isn't that the big hang up on them?

                          I'm getting ready to get a new comp

                          No, they are simple and designed that way. They never crash either.

                          The ones sold in Oklahoma though seem to be harder to use for some reason ...... maybe the users are a little slow
                          NBA is a joke


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                            Is the Mac easy to learn to use? Isn't that the big hang up on them?

                            I'm getting ready to get a new comp
                            Didn't you say above Macs are shitty?

                            Macs are really simple and easy to use. That's what they are known for. There's no C drive and virus protection to load up.

                            They open in seconds when they are asleep and they are very intuitive. For instance. When you open the laptop, it will automatically start looking for WIFI to connect to and usually find free WIFI for you. Once connected, it will remember it in the future and go to it the next time you're in that area, like Starbucks....

                            Browsers are also simple to use and you can have many open at once. I keep somewhere around 10 browser windows open at once, including multiple applications. The speed is blazing fast.

                            Like Flare said, I've had mine for 2 years now and it never crashes. I reboot maybe once every 2 months. Firefox is a cool browser because if it does crash, it remembers all your windows that were open and reopens them.

                            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                            No, they are simple and designed that way. They never crash either.

                            The ones sold in Oklahoma though seem to be harder to use for some reason ...... maybe the users are a little slow

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #15
                              So why doesn't everyone have a Mac? There has to be a drawback

