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A Much More Important Question

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  • #46
    Originally posted by savage1 View Post
    I have pictures and will try to share the link if permitted to to so-it is kind of a complicated process to get to the photos and renter numbers as well as password and violation and citation numbers must be given before photos are relased.
    It is late and I will try to do this later on today.
    Right now all I am going to is wait until/if they try to charge my credit card $25 and then contest the charge.
    Re: the $75 charge, if they send it return receipt requested, I will tell them that I am not going to pay it and tell them that the light was broken and/or that there was no interval between the time the light turned yellow and red.
    ps I remember about 10 years ago or so my first wife and I were in Ft. Lauderdale, and I had my own car as we drove there.
    Well, we parked our car one day to go shopping and I put enough money in the meter to cover around $1.00.
    We returned anout one hour and 10 minutes later and sur enough there was a parking violation for around $15 on the windshield with all kinds of threats on it if I didn't pay it-it was obviously an attempt to extort money from an out of state driver.
    I still remember ripping it up on the spot.
    Several weeks later I received a letter from them after I returned to Mass. with not only the original charge but a late fee.
    Instead of simply ripping it up again, I took the notice and attached a letter saying that their meter was broken and that I had put in sufficient money and sent it back.
    I never heard from them again.
    Right click on the images and save them to your computer then they can be posted on the site.

    I would call your credit card company and tell them you lost your card. That way they can't charge anything on it. However, if your card has a charge for a new one it won't be worth cancelling it.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
      Right click on the images and save them to your computer then they can be posted on the site.

      I would call your credit card company and tell them you lost your card. That way they can't charge anything on it. However, if your card has a charge for a new one it won't be worth cancelling it.
      I tried that. You can not right click on that site.


      • #48
        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
        How do you know this stuff?
        Android apps Monte. I could call you and I can put in any phone number I want to show up on your caller id


        • #49
          Originally posted by Spark View Post
          yeah I paid them. Video clearly showed me turning right on red without coming to a complete stop!!! I was dead in the water
          Let the record reflect that spark and dead have zero in common. he is 155yrs old.
          2013 NCAA POD Record

          8-3ATS +3.80 units

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          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


          • #50
            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
            If my insurance will not be impacted, I will pursue this with a little less vigor but still I think it is a cheap call(I finally figured out to watch the video) and for my money it is worth a warning at most from a live policeman-we are takling a split second here between the time the light changed-if I had stopped, it could havve been more dangerous.
            How the hell can they prove you were driving the car? That is why red light camera violations do not go on your record. It is like a parking ticket. It is issued to the registered owner not the driver


            • #51
              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
              If my insurance will not be impacted, I will pursue this with a little less vigor but still I think it is a cheap call(I finally figured out to watch the video) and for my money it is worth a warning at most from a live policeman-we are takling a split second here between the time the light changed-if I had stopped, it could havve been more dangerous.
              Split second??

              Would you have a problem with me trying to post the video in here tomorrow?


              • #52
                I got a red light citation for going thru a yellow light in person by a big bad dyke and instead of taking time out of my schedule and trying to fight it, I just paid it. I wasn't happy about it tho. I would just pay the $100 and move on.
                Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Spark View Post
                  How the hell can they prove you were driving the car? That is why red light camera violations do not go on your record. It is like a parking ticket. It is issued to the registered owner not the driver
                  That is a great point-I will call my insurance company in the am.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Spark View Post
                    Split second??

                    Would you have a problem with me trying to post the video in here tomorrow?
                    All I know is that I have NEVER received a red light violation in my life and I have been driving even longer than you!
                    What I did was worth a warning from a POLICEMAN and thats it, the same as has happened to me several times in the last five years when I was going 10 perhaps 12 miles over the speed limit(which is commonplace for just about everyone).
                    Yeah I know this is Texas and not Mass.but still I take pride in my driving record and without at least a fight, I am not paying $75 for a ticket issued by a fucking camera which was sent a month after the incident!
                    The last thing I will do no matter what is to pay the entire bill on line(the $25 to the processing agency for Budget) and $75 to the State of Texas because it would't surprise me one bit if those fuckers get a kickback from the State of Texas for collecting the $75.
                    For that matter as stated before,, as far as I am concerned, if/until someone sends me someting return receipt requested, I haven't received anything from anyone.
                    As soon as I receive notice that my credit card has been charged $25, I will notify the credit card that I am appealing it.
                    I won't do it the day after the due date of the $25 payment because then it is on record and the processing company could argue why would I be coincidentally checking my recent transactions right around the day when payment was due.
                    I will probably wait until I get my statement before I contest it-then the real fun will begin-they will work for every cent they get-that is the Lock of the Millenium!
                    Last edited by savage1; 09-28-2011, 12:41 AM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                      All I know is that I have NEVER received a red light violation in my life and I have been driving even longer than you!
                      What I did was worth a warning from a POLICEMAN and thats it, the same as has happened to me several times in the last five years when I was going 10 perhaps 12 miles over the speed limit(which is commonplace for just about everyone).
                      Yeah I know this is Texas and not Mass.but still I take pride in my driving record and without at least a fight, I am not paying $75 for a ticket issued by a fucking camera which was sent a month after the incident!
                      The last thing I will do no matter what is to pay the entire bill on line(the $25 to the processing agency for Budget) and $75 to the State of Texas because it would't surprise me one bit if those fuckers get a kickback from the State of Texas for collecting the $75.
                      For that matter as stated before,, as far as I am concerned, if/until someone sends me someting return receipt requested, I haven't received anything from anyone.
                      As soon as I receive notice that my credit card has been charged $25, I will notify the credit card that I am appealing it.
                      I won't do it the day after the due date of the $25 payment because then it is on record and the processing company could argue why would I be coincidentally checking my recent transactions right around the day when payment was due.
                      I will probably wait until I get my statement before I contest it-then the real fun will begin-they will work for every cent they get-that is the Lock of the Millenium!
                      is this a yes
                      MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                      HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                      NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                      0-0TOP PLAYS

                      NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

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                      GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                      AS of 6/3/12


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by tech fan View Post
                        is this a yes
                        My name is not Marv Albert. lol


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Spark View Post
                          I tried that. You can not right click on that site.
                          There's away around that by clicking on the source code for the page,


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Spark View Post
                            Android apps Monte. I could call you and I can put in any phone number I want to show up on your caller id
                            Is that traceable back to your original phone number?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                              Is that traceable back to your original phone number?
                              I can even change my voice.

                              Caller ID Faker - Fake a call !


                              • #60
                                Ok-here's he scoop:
                                I just got off the phone with my insurance company and she confirmed that this would be considered a moving violation and theoretically it could add $200-$300 a year for my insurance for up to years or roughly $1500 if negative points were isued by the State of Mass.
                                She also said that she has never heard of this kind of thing happening before( a camera in another state in effect causing one's car insurance in Mass. to be raised).
                                She wasn't sure if the State of Texas would necessarily notify the State of Mass. in this kind of an incident in any event although the lady at the Mass. Motor Registry told me that that probably would.
                                Spark's point about not being able to prove I was the driver is a valid issue of whether a surcharge could be added on to my insurance-this is another issue I will ask the DMV in Mass. when I get a chance later on.
                                Anyways, as stated before, I am not going to do anything for now-as far as I am concerned I have received nothing from the processing company for the rental car company as it was sent regular mail rather than return receipt requested.
                                Also, the link that THEY provided me with on line to the actual violation and the photo is thus also meaningless to me because it wasn't sent to me by the City of Arlington certified mail; in fact so far I haven't been sent anything by them even regular mail.
                                Once/if this all becomes official (for all I know the State of Texas may do nothing and is simply using the processing company to try to get some money out of an out-of-state driver with the processing company getting a kickback if they do), I will call the State of Texas and ask them if they are going to notify the State of Mass. about this if I pay it.
                                In any case, as I stated before, I am going to stand pat for now until/if this becomes an official violation and act accordingly-since this could add on $1500(approx.) to my car insurance over years, I will fight this a lot more than I will if it is simply a one time only fee of $100 although I will fight that also.

