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Chicago has become the wild wild west !! Spark.. Duck !!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    I do believe there is a HUGE difference between being racist and prejudiced. Your description imo sounds more prejudice then racist. I think if you acted on your prejudice, that could make you racist. If you were in a position to hire a black person and didn't based on that alone, then you are on that racist walkway imo. Seeing a tall, black guy on the street might have you "pre judge" that he plays basketball. Nothing "racist" in that I think, but there are/were better racist experts on this board to ask!!

    See, I would never have a problem hiring a black man or anything like that. The few i've ever talked to were all really cool and pretty funny. It was my experience down south that did it for me. We have been down there about 3 times and every time, we go places where it is mostly black people and they were always staring at us and none seemed to ever be smiling. It always felt like we were simply not welcomed there because we were white or something. We just always felt very out of place. In Boston, it seems to be a very good mix with probably a lot more white people than black and i've never felt that way in Boston. They seem to all talk to each other and treat us like we are just people, not black or white. Down south we never ever felt that same welcoming from black people. Is it just a southern thing or were we maybe in the wrong areas?? I don't know i guess but all 3 times down there, it is never a comfortable feeling at all.


    • #92
      Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK View Post
      I dont fear black ppl - I know how to talk to them / like them. If you show them your not a stupid ignorant white boy and you know a bit about their culture they respect you.
      I agree 100%.I'm country as hell but in high school it didn't take long on a basketball court to get respect and fit in.I grew up right outside Atlanta and would play ball till 2 in the morning in places people wouldn't dare to walk during the day. Alot of them would have my back too when someone would come in messing with me cause I was white but could play ball. Of course I'm out in the country now and ain't around blacks as much but I could go down there right now and still know how to act.My fat ass would have to play half court now though


      • #93
        Looks like every town in Mass. is on that list Dino. lol

        Most towns in the top 50 seem to be on or near the Atlantic ocean!


        • #94
          Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
          See, I would never have a problem hiring a black man or anything like that. The few i've ever talked to were all really cool and pretty funny. It was my experience down south that did it for me. We have been down there about 3 times and every time, we go places where it is mostly black people and they were always staring at us and none seemed to ever be smiling. It always felt like we were simply not welcomed there because we were white or something. We just always felt very out of place. In Boston, it seems to be a very good mix with probably a lot more white people than black and i've never felt that way in Boston. They seem to all talk to each other and treat us like we are just people, not black or white. Down south we never ever felt that same welcoming from black people. Is it just a southern thing or were we maybe in the wrong areas?? I don't know i guess but all 3 times down there, it is never a comfortable feeling at all.
          Long as you are not out-numbered by them Wayne you will be fine. That is the reason they are calm and funny where you live.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Stern162 View Post
            Long as you are not out-numbered by them Wayne you will be fine. That is the reason they are calm and funny where you live.
            I see your point here in ATL everyday but All races are like that though.We feed off each other. Thats why the saying goes about whites and blacks."We work together Mon-Friday but come Sat/Sun we stick with our own". I don't think we all hate each other but come hanging out time we prefer our own race.I'm guilty.


            • #96
              As far as racism, I think white ppl have evolved and changed ALOT more ( for the better) than Black ppl.

              There has been a change in mindset in white ppl -- you will see a ton supporting civil rights and be very passionate about it.

              I dont see the same in terms of black ppl. Its almost like they dont want things to change ( or they dont trust whitey - lol ). They dont wanna hear or believe that things are changing.

              Ive seen a big growth of white ppl accepting and supporting blacks...I dont see the same coming from black ppl
              Last edited by GOLDENGREEK; 04-28-2010, 08:19 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                I agree 100%.I'm country as hell but in high school it didn't take long on a basketball court to get respect and fit in.I grew up right outside Atlanta and would play ball till 2 in the morning in places people wouldn't dare to walk during the day. Alot of them would have my back too when someone would come in messing with me cause I was white but could play ball. Of course I'm out in the country now and ain't around blacks as much but I could go down there right now and still know how to act.My fat ass would have to play half court now though
                You cant show fear. We are like animals - people can smell it and sense it, and then will take advantage of it

                Now, thats easy to say if your male and or younger .. its hard for females and older ppl 2 do


                • #98
                  Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK View Post
                  As far as racism, I think white ppl have evolved and changed ALOT more ( for the better) than Black ppl.

                  There has been a change in mindset in white ppl -- you will see a ton supporting civil rights and be very passionate about it.

                  I dont see the same in terms of black ppl. Its almost like they dont want things to change ( or they dont trust whitey - lol ). They dont wanna hear of believe that things are changing.

                  Ive seen a big growth of white ppl accepting and supposrting blacks...I dont see the same coming from black ppl
                  CNN put a video out yesterday BRIEFLY about a former Klansman trying to open a club in Montana or Arkansas or some place like that. 90% of the people in the video protesting this guy was WHITE.That don't get the publicity though.And some blacks might notice it but in there eyes the whites standing up are few and far between in there opinion. Once again we agree GG.Damn bro,we might have more in commen than I thought


                  • #99
                    There is one city in the states I wouldnt visit....

                    Gary, Indiana


                    • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK View Post
                      As far as racism, I think white ppl have evolved and changed ALOT more ( for the better) than Black ppl.

                      There has been a change in mindset in white ppl -- you will see a ton supporting civil rights and be very passionate about it.

                      I dont see the same in terms of black ppl. Its almost like they dont want things to change ( or they dont trust whitey - lol ). They dont wanna hear or believe that things are changing.

                      Ive seen a big growth of white ppl accepting and supporting blacks...I dont see the same coming from black ppl

                      Throw in affirmative action, Section 8, welfare, SSI for baby momma's, SCHIP, and I can't see a black person under 40 years of age having faced ANYTHING past generations have. But the whining of being owed something 24/7 has gotten old. All the handouts in the world haven't helped either. Wonder who has a better chance of survival; a black person moving into a white neighborhood or a white person moving into a black neighborhood? Any bets on who gets jumped first?


                      • Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                        Throw in affirmative action, Section 8, welfare, SSI for baby momma's, SCHIP, and I can't see a black person under 40 years of age having faced ANYTHING past generations have. But the whining of being owed something 24/7 has gotten old. All the handouts in the world haven't helped either. Wonder who has a better chance of survival; a black person moving into a white neighborhood or a white person moving into a black neighborhood? Any bets on who gets jumped first?
                        Man, thats a pretty provocative statement. I think you are painting with a pretty broad brush. Sounds like you have a bad attitude for some reason. I hope you can change it before it consumes you. I really mean that constructively.

                        The majority of crimes committed in these area are "black on black" crimes that often are under reported or glossed over by the press... Statistically you are safer in these neighborhoods than a black man.

                        Like Vols, I played small college ball many years ago. I grew up in Charlotte, NC and never had any problems. Every year 12 of us (7 whites, 5 blacks) get together for a weekend of golf and poker. I have learned a great deal from my friends over the years. It is not a level playing field, especially in corporate America. How many black CEO's did you see testifying before Congress today on the banking debacle today?

                        I live a couple of hours away,and the city has changed over the past 20 years. Many of the problems now are with Latino, Asian, and Neo-Nazi gangs....

                        The only place where racial grouping is socially acceptable is in prison. Can't help you with that one

                        Really JM good luck. I rarely reply to these threads, but your statement reeks of anger and frustration.


                        • Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
                          Man, thats a pretty provocative statement. I think you are painting with a pretty broad brush. Sounds like you have a bad attitude for some reason. I hope you can change it before it consumes you. I really mean that constructively.

                          The majority of crimes committed in these area are "black on black" crimes that often are under reported or glossed over by the press... Statistically you are safer in these neighborhoods than a black man.

                          Like Vols, I played small college ball many years ago. I grew up in Charlotte, NC and never had any problems. Every year 12 of us (7 whites, 5 blacks) get together for a weekend of golf and poker. I have learned a great deal from my friends over the years. It is not a level playing field, especially in corporate America. How many black CEO's did you see testifying before Congress today on the banking debacle today?

                          I live a couple of hours away,and the city has changed over the past 20 years. Many of the problems now are with Latino, Asian, and Neo-Nazi gangs....

                          The only place where racial grouping is socially acceptable is in prison. Can't help you with that one

                          Really JM good luck. I rarely reply to these threads, but your statement reeks of anger and frustration.
                          I appreciate your GL wishes, but I must disagree about the anger part. Maybe frustration! I just find it odd that a race that has been given so much to make amends for a horrible history constantly want more. At what point does someone pick themselves up by their own bootstraps? I recognize the insane history, and would never attempt to diminsh it's affects. But show me a 40 year old with dogs sicked upon them, or thrown into chains. My whole point is that this current, and probably one more, generation have NO idea how bad things actually were AND have no idea how much has been given. Is there still racism? Of course. I think unfortunately there always will be. But great strides have been made, opportunities given, and 2 generations that have little to no knowledge of a true racial struggle.


                          • Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
                            Man, thats a pretty provocative statement. I think you are painting with a pretty broad brush. Sounds like you have a bad attitude for some reason. I hope you can change it before it consumes you. I really mean that constructively.

                            The majority of crimes committed in these area are "black on black" crimes that often are under reported or glossed over by the press... Statistically you are safer in these neighborhoods than a black man.

                            Like Vols, I played small college ball many years ago. I grew up in Charlotte, NC and never had any problems. Every year 12 of us (7 whites, 5 blacks) get together for a weekend of golf and poker. I have learned a great deal from my friends over the years. It is not a level playing field, especially in corporate America. How many black CEO's did you see testifying before Congress today on the banking debacle today?

                            I live a couple of hours away,and the city has changed over the past 20 years. Many of the problems now are with Latino, Asian, and Neo-Nazi gangs....

                            The only place where racial grouping is socially acceptable is in prison. Can't help you with that one

                            Really JM good luck. I rarely reply to these threads, but your statement reeks of anger and frustration.
                            Perfectly stated. Jman is worried that he's losing his whiteness!

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                              Throw in affirmative action, Section 8, welfare, SSI for baby momma's, SCHIP, and I can't see a black person under 40 years of age having faced ANYTHING past generations have. But the whining of being owed something 24/7 has gotten old. All the handouts in the world haven't helped either. Wonder who has a better chance of survival; a black person moving into a white neighborhood or a white person moving into a black neighborhood? Any bets on who gets jumped first?
                              You can't see anything that past generations of blacks haven't faced? What about slavery? Being beaten on a daily basis? Raped etc.

                              You're whole damn post is racists.


                              • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                                You can't see anything that past generations of blacks haven't faced? What about slavery? Being beaten on a daily basis? Raped etc.

                                You're whole damn post is racists.

                                Second time since you mihgt have missed the first one.

                                I recognize the insane history, and would never attempt to diminsh it's affects. But show me a 40 year old with dogs sicked upon them, or thrown into chains. My whole point is that this current, and probably one more, generation have NO idea how bad things actually were AND have no idea how much has been given. Is there still racism? Of course. I think unfortunately there always will be. But great strides have been made, opportunities given, and 2 generations that have little to no knowledge of a true racial struggle.

