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Just heard from Kb

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  • #31
    Good luck with everything KB


    • #32
      just saw this brother, damn sorry to hear it and will keep your sis in my prayers
      updated thru 4/04 play

      CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
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      • #33
        I hope she gets well soon , I'll be prayin for her.


        • #34
          Bad news. Hope your sister gets better soon...will keep her in my prayers.



          • #35
            Please tell KB that my thoughts and prayers are with his sister and his family. Take care and God bless.


            • #36
              will keep your sister in my prayers kb


              • #37
                Kyle the second i read this i prayed for your sister.

                God bless her and your family buddy, i will call you tonight.
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #38
                  We will be praying for your sister and your family KB.


                  • #39
                    Real sorry to here this news. Hope everything works out. God Bless.
                    Records listed in members records forum.


                    • #40
                      I hope your sister gets better soon KB, I'll keep her and your family in my prayers.
                      "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
                      -- Sir Winston Churchill

                      When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
                      --Benjamin Franklin


                      • #41
                        Joe, please pass on my thoughts & prayers.
                        FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


                        • #42
                          sorry to hear about this.... god bless kb's sister..hope all goes well!

                          i was bitten by one of those bastards, my back looked like those pictures spark posted!


                          • #43
                            Brown Recluse are predominat in Ok and's something I wrote almost 3 yrs to the date in here....
                            __________________________________________________ _______________________________________
                            Steen my son was bit on the Underarm....Starting from his arm pit towards his elbow, he has a 2" x 6" hole that looks like picture 10.....They finally stopped it from spreading, using steroids (of all things)....He was in the hospital 2 days after it bit him, stayed 11 days, and still has a hole covered by bandages, cahnged 3-4 times a day, cleaned out with Saline solution, he takes a shot a day, and some skin is growing back....Probably will have plastic surgery after the skin grows in....Brown Recluses are predominant in Okla and Texas....No cure or instant antibiotic as of yet for their bites...The Dr here may have pioneered a good thing by using steroids to counteract it....Once they put him on roids, the erosion stopped immediately, and started improving.........There are cases of smaller (5 yr old) who died from these bites..A very painful thing....

                            Steen is ok---a pretty damn good scar is inevitable---we figured the spider bit him while he was sleeping....They hang around wood piles, are very tiny, and can get in a house through a very small (Minute) crack........I immediately went to my wood pile after Steen got bit, and found some there----I just threw away all the Firewood, and sprayed pretty damn good.....kapt

                            __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

                            Steen still has an ugly scar, but he's allright.....KB I pray for your family right now.....It's scary when the Dr's can't really help out that much, it's your bodies own resistance that overcomes it....Rest, clean bandages, good air hitting it, and medication.....

                            Steroids have been found to be helpful, it was in my Sons case....

                            Our prayers are with ya Big Guy, and hang in there, things have a way of working out.....

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Spark View Post
                              Him and his family need our thoughts right now ...

                              He has not been on the forum for a couple of days so i texted him to see if he was ok ...

                              He tells me his sister was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider and has been in the hospital in ICU ... She is not out of the woods as of yet ...

                              I am sure he would appreciate our thoughts and prayers ...

                              Thanks Everyone ...
                              Jeez! A freakin spider.

                              My prayers go out to your sister and entire family.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
                                Jeez! A freakin spider.

                                My prayers go out to your sister and entire family.
                                I agree Frank ... Unreal ... look at those pics I posted years ago ... hard to believe that a spider can do that much damage ...

                                Well anyway, on a good note ... Kyle says his sis is doing much better ... up and talking and feeling better ... Looks like she is on the road to recovery ...

                                He says thanks to all for all the Prayers and well wishes ...

                                Between you and I ... I know Kyle was shook up by this .. i could just tell in his many text messages to me ... he has been by her side since this happened .... sleeping at the hospital ... staying right by her side for days ... Just tells you what kind of a person he is ...

                                Kyle, sis will be home soon ...

                                God Bless ...

