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Can I please have a smiley named after me?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Spark
    So what is the difference between this and

    The difference is people like Dimer.


    • #32
      Originally posted by longnex
      The difference is people like Dimer.
      So true!


      • #33
        Originally posted by longnex
        The difference is people like Dimer.

        I like Chad .... so I guess I am different ....


        • #34
          Originally posted by Spark
          I like Chad .... so I guess I am different ....
          There is always 1 exception to every rule.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Spark
            I like Chad .... so I guess I am different ....
            I like him too. He's been asked to tone it down and has done so. It's other members that keep on trying to antagonize him and he for the most part, has let it roll off his shoulder. For that, he should be comended imo.


            • #36
              Originally posted by kbsooner21
              I like him too. He's been asked to tone it down and has done so. It's other members that keep on trying to antagonize him and he for the most part, has let it roll off his shoulder. For that, he should be comended imo.

              you also like a big cock in your mouth, so what is your point
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #37
                Originally posted by jcindaville
                you also like a big cock in your mouth, so what is your point

                I think KB and Chado have a reservation at Motel 6 tonight.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by longnex

                  I think KB and Chado have a reservation at Motel 6 tonight. I'm jealous.
                  Maybe if you quit stalking you'd get your chance


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by kbsooner21
                    I like him too. He's been asked to tone it down and has done so. It's other members that keep on trying to antagonize him and he for the most part, has let it roll off his shoulder. For that, he should be comended imo.

                    I have to disagree with you here KB - he brought this one on himself...

                    Why create a thread asking for something to be named after you if you if you are trying to lay low? Thius was created to call attention to himself; he had to have known it would create comments from everyone else.

                    I have stayed pretty quiet in "HIS" threads, mostly in all forums lately, but he continues to attempt to draw attention his way and piss people off more then the average person.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by shoeman530
                      I have to disagree with you here KB - he brought this one on himself...

                      Why create a thread asking for something to be named after you if you if you are trying to lay low? Thius was created to call attention to himself; he had to have known it would create comments from everyone else.

                      I have stayed pretty quiet in "HIS" threads, mostly in all forums lately, but he continues to attempt to draw attention his way and piss people off more then the average person.

                      People try to attract attention all the time on the forum ... but in different ways ... just look around


                      • #41
                        I would think that if you were banned twice that you might "tone it down" as well.
                        Bottom line Chad is loose cannon with lots of problem beyond this site...Kudos to Chad for "behaving" but it won't last...IMO


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Spark
                          People try to attract attention all the time on the forum ... but in different ways ... just look around

                          You are right, but I'd say his way of drawing it to him is different than most.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21
                            I like him too. He's been asked to tone it down and has done so. It's other members that keep on trying to antagonize him and he for the most part, has let it roll off his shoulder. For that, he should be comended imo.
                            KB...he loves being the center of attention on this site. His life is an open book here. Do we know as much about anyone else's life on this site better than Chado's (except for maybe Savage )???? And, if you want to call him a regualr, he has probably been around for a shorter time than almost all of the regulars. And it isn't like anyone went digging...the guy gave it up because he likes being the center of attention. Dates, addiction, everything....

                            I also find his bumping of his Red Wing series play to be self absorbed and annoying, and it isn't because I am going to 'lose' money from him (based on what I read, I am not so sure I woul dveery see the $100 anyway). He was nowhere to be found after the Game 3 loss (I don't recall him bumping the thread then) and he has basically seperated a shoulder patting himself on the back after each win as it has 'played out the way I wrote it up'. And what did he write?? That defense and goaltending will win the series...FUCKING GENIUS! Find me a series in the NHL playoffs that has not been won by defense and goaltending.... He shows no class in doing this...did you bump your huge PGA underdog play after it won? Does Wayne bump his GOY or any play? Kaptain? Big Weiner? Spark? MCP??? He bet a -140 fave and he bumps it after each win...give me a fucking break.....

                            He is an attention whore that has gotten under my and other members skin.....
                            Last edited by Three Jack; 06-02-2008, 05:19 PM.
                            Three Jack's Record


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by jcindaville
                              are you game breaker at the other place??

                              yes, good guess, how did you know.

                              and who are you over there?
                              Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Three Jack
                                KB...he loves being the center of attention on this site. His life is an open book here. Do we know as much about anyone else's life on this site better than Chado's (except for maybe Savage )???? And, if you want to call him a regualr, he has probably been around for a shorter time than almost all of the regulars. And it isn't like anyone went digging...the guy gave it up because he likes being the center of attention. Dates, addiction, everything....

                                I also find his bumping of his Red Wing series play to be self absorbed and annoying, and it isn't because I am going to 'lose' money from him (based on what I read, I am not so sure I woul dveery see the $100 anyway). He was nowhere to be found after the Game 3 loss (I don't recall him bumping the thread then) and he has basically seperated a shoulder patting himself on the back after each win as it has 'played out the way I wrote it up'. And what did he write?? That defense and goaltending will win the series...FUCKING GENIUS! Find me a series in the NHL playoffs that has not been won by defense and goaltending.... He shows no class in doing this...did you bump your huge PGA underdog play after it won? Does Wayne bump his GOY or any play? Kaptain? Big Weiner? Spark? MCP??? He bet a -140 fave and he bumps it after each win...give me a fucking break.....

                                He is an attention whore that has gotten under my and other members skin.....
                                I'm not here to argue about Chado bro, but look back and see who is bumping the thread each morning. I'm willing to bet it's not Chado

