Hello fellows. My buddy and I went on this swingers train ride. Thats exacatly what it was. First of all you sign up and agree to all the rules. All the men and all the women 40 men 40 women put their ID in a locked box. Your drawn at random who you are paired up with for the entire ride. Well i was kind a nervous because there was some women of every shape and size. Well I lucked out and got a pretty hot 47 year old. She was a liitle old for me but when she took her false teeth out and her tongue was pierced Herbie absoletly went Bannanas. She knew more tricks then a a raped ape. Her bunghole was tighter then two fingers in a frogs ass. so good thing I took some Carmex.. George my buddy didnt fare so well he hooked with a much younger lady that turned out to be a lesbian. Before he figured it out she had stuck her doubleheaded dildo right in Georges poop shoot. Talked about peeved he still cant sit down. All the way home he bitched why would a dike go on a train ride with a bunch of men I replied you do look kind a girly . And maybe she thought about changing her ways but she changed her mind when she senn ou.........
