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most embarrassing moment in your life

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  • most embarrassing moment in your life

    When i was in college i was kind of shy and wanted to talk to this one girl who was in a group of three hotties in my class....I was scared and did not say boo for the whole semester.....

    However, low and behold she and the other 2 were walking towards me in the student center and i was walking to the bathroom with cramps and walking tight legged......

    They were very friendly and said, "hello, how are you doing" as they were walking towards me.....As i was about to say something i ripped the loudest fart......I literally wanted to crawl under the carpet and die....They looked at me like i was this disgusting creature. Every time they saw me in class i imagine they were disgusted....thank goodness there was only like 2 classes left.....
    Last edited by TwoTonTony; 08-25-2007, 06:29 PM.

  • #2
    There was this one time at band camp.....


    • #3
      Originally posted by TwoTonTony
      When i was in college i was kind of shy and wanted to talk to this one girl who was in a group of three hotties in my class....I was scared and did not say boo for the whole semester.....

      However, low and behold she and the other 2 were walking towards me in the student center and i was walking to the bathroom with cramps and walking tight legged......

      They were very friendly and said, "hello, how are you doing" as they were walking towards me.....As i was about to say something i ripped the loudest fart......I literally wanted to crawl under the carpet and die....They looked at me like i was this disgusting creature. Every time they saw me in class i imagine they were disgusted....thank goodness there was only like 2 classes left.....
      So what brought you out of your shell?


      • #4
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        So what brought you out of your shell?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BettorsChat
          So what brought you out of your shell?

          i went to USMC OCS and then from there into business for myself and realized that shy was not the way to go if you believe you have something to offer.....

          I also got over rejection very quickly. I reminded myself that my self-worth was greater than anyones rejection....Did not always work at first since it is hard not to take personally at first.....but now i get rejected big deal....


          • #6
            Every time Rook pee's he experiences the most embarrasing moment in his life
            Questions, comments, complaints:


            • #7
              Originally posted by jcindaville
              Every time Rook pee's he experiences the most embarrasing moment in his life
              Yeah, he pulls out a hair and pisses on himself !!!!
              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


              • #8
                went to a led zepp concert and left my weed and acid at the house-arghhhhhhh !!


                • #9
                  oh fuck that sucks


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jcindaville
                    Every time Rook pee's he experiences the most embarrasing moment in his life

                    no, it burns....i'm not embarrassed anymore though.


                    • #11
                      one time i was hosing this guys old lady and she kept calling me by his name.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by knowlez
                        one time i was hosing this guys old lady and she kept calling me by his name.

                        she wasnt calling you John by chance was she?????
                        Questions, comments, complaints:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                          When i was in college i was kind of shy and wanted to talk to this one girl who was in a group of three hotties in my class....I was scared and did not say boo for the whole semester.....

                          However, low and behold she and the other 2 were walking towards me in the student center and i was walking to the bathroom with cramps and walking tight legged......

                          They were very friendly and said, "hello, how are you doing" as they were walking towards me.....As i was about to say something i ripped the loudest fart......I literally wanted to crawl under the carpet and die....They looked at me like i was this disgusting creature. Every time they saw me in class i imagine they were disgusted....thank goodness there was only like 2 classes left.....

                          any substance come out with that blast

                          you prolly had to much merlot the night before
                          Questions, comments, complaints:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jcindaville
                            any substance come out with that blast

                            you prolly had to much merlot the night before
                            that was before i turned into a wine drinking fag!!!! I was just a kid and only drank beer.....and not good beer at that!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jcindaville
                              she wasnt calling you John by chance was she?????

