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Terrier Dies Protecting Kids From Pit Bulls

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TwoTonTony
    All dogs would give their lives for their owners. That is why they are man's best friend and when someone says when they see mike vick and says "whats the big deal, they're just dogs", has obviously never owned one. The word unconditional comes to mind when i think of a dog's love and no person can match that loyalty. A dog will never fuck you over....ever. I heard that story about the jack russell and i am so tired of this pit bull stories of people getting mauled all the time.....I mean lets call an ace an ace. these dogs are dangerous and many are owned by people who don't care for them or make them mean.

    Monte, glad to hear you have jack russells...those dogs are cool and i always think of frazier when i hear of them

    Great post Tony ... Unconditional Love ... Loyal to the death ... No phoniest what-so-ever ...


    • #17
      Originally posted by The Lovedoc
      I Like Pitbulls
      I don't think you could handle a pit bull let alone an actual leaving breathing female


      • #18
        Originally posted by kbsooner21
        I'm with ya.
        We Know.....

        Aren't you two dating?

        Remember the three R's:
        Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


        • #19
          That sucks man. I wish the Jack Russell had kicked the shit out of those Pit Bulls!

          I love dogs and i own one myself but those Pit Bulls should be thrown into an alligator pond.


          • #20
            Its just the way the dogs are raised. My lil bro has a friend who own 2 pit bulls. They're fucken huge and scary as hell but they are the nicest things. I never heard them growl or anything. Its just incidents like these that gives pit bulls bad names. Regardless, they were bred to fight and nothing more.

            I owned a German Sheperad. I fucken loved that dog more than my own life. He had to be the smartest dog I ever got to love. Its odd how dogs know how you feel and how they can find ways to cheer you up. Like when I was sad and just laid on the couch, he just put his head on my leg and just stared at me as if saying, "cheer up".

            I was in 10th grade when I had to let him go cause he was getting to big for my house (I lived in a small townhome). My dad said a dog this big needs a big yard to run around so it can feel free. So I gave to my cousins who had at least an acre for thier backyard. They promised to take care of it and love him as much as I did. Those miserable fucks, they fucken treated him like shit. He fucken stunk, had fucken rash and looked skinny as fuck. I was so fucken upset. I took him to the vet and he had to stay overnight. I told my parents and whole hell broke lose. After a week or so, all they told me was my cousins gave the dog away. Til this day, I havent talked to those miserable fucks.

            I miss my dog....I need a hug...
            Last edited by tkim11; 05-03-2007, 04:26 PM.
            NFL Kruise

            *updated as of 9/9


            • #21
              Originally posted by tkim11
              Its just the way the dogs are raised. My lil bro has a friend who own 2 pit bulls. They're fucken huge and scary as hell but they are the nicest things. I never heard them growl or anything. Its just incidents like these that gives pit bulls bad names. Regardless, they were bred to fight and nothing more.

              I owned a German Sheperad. I fucken loved that dog more than my own life. He had to be the smartest dog I ever got to love. Its odd how dogs know how you feel and how they can find ways to cheer you up. Like when I was sad and just laid on the couch, he just put his head on my leg and just stared at me as if saying, "cheer up".

              I was in 10th grade when I had to let him go cause he was getting to big for my house (I lived in a small townhome). My dad said a dog this big needs a big yard to run around so it can feel free. So I gave to my cousins who had at least an acre for thier backyard. They promised to take care of it and love him as much as I did. Those miserable fucks, they fucken treated him like shit. He fucken stunk, had fucken rash and looked skinny as fuck. I was so fucken upset. I took him to the vet and he had to stay overnight. I told my parents and whole hell broke lose. After a week or so, all they told me was my cousins gave the dog away. Til this day, I havent talked to those miserable fucks.

              I miss my dog....I need a hug...

              I do believe Pit bulls get a lot of bad press and most of its the owners faults. If you treat any dog mean they will end up being mean and can bite someone.

              Rottweilers get a bad reputation as well. I believe they either passed or tried to pass a city ordinance here on not being able to have either of the above breeds in town.

