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Terrier Dies Protecting Kids From Pit Bulls

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  • Terrier Dies Protecting Kids From Pit Bulls

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand (May 2) - A plucky Jack Russell terrier named George saved five children from two marauding pit bulls, but was so severely mauled in the fight that it had to be put down, its owner said Wednesday.

    George was playing with the group of children as they returned home from buying sweets at a neighborhood shop in the small North Island town of Manaia last Sunday when the two pit bulls appeared and lunged toward them, Allan Gay said.

    "George was brave - he took them on and he's not even a foot high," Gay told The Associated Press. "He jumped in on them, he tried to keep them off.

    "If it wasn't for George, those kids would have copped it."

    One of the children, Richard Rosewarne, 11, was quoted in the Taranaki Daily News on Wednesday as saying George fought with the pit bulls to keep them off his 4-year-old brother, Darryl.

    "George tried to protect us by barking and rushing at them, but they started to bite him - one on the head and the other on the back," Rosewarne said. "We ran off crying and some people saw what was happening and rescued George."

    But George was so badly mauled that a veterinarian had to put him down, Gay said.

    South Taranaki District Council official Graham Young said the two pit bulls had been impounded, and likely would be put down because of the attack.

    In New Zealand, owners of dogs judged to be too aggressive can be required to have them neutered and dogs involved in attacks are destroyed.

  • #2
    Damn, that almost brings a tear to my eye. Jack Russel Terriers are awesome dogs. They are so protective to their owners it's unreal


    • #3
      Love Jack Russell's! Too fiesty for their own good!
      "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spearit
        Love Jack Russell's! Too fiesty for their own good!
        Yes they are


        • #5
          I have 2 of them and my parents have 1. They think they are big dogs!


          • #6
            I hate jack russells!! All they do is make noise.. more of a screaching chirp than a bark


            • #7
              Pitt bulls, mean fuckers. I dont like them
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                I hate jack russells!! All they do is make noise.. more of a screaching chirp than a bark
                Kind of like someone I know


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jcindaville
                  Pitt bulls, mean fuckers. I dont like them
                  I'm with ya.


                  • #10
                    All dogs would give their lives for their owners. That is why they are man's best friend and when someone says when they see mike vick and says "whats the big deal, they're just dogs", has obviously never owned one. The word unconditional comes to mind when i think of a dog's love and no person can match that loyalty. A dog will never fuck you over....ever. I heard that story about the jack russell and i am so tired of this pit bull stories of people getting mauled all the time.....I mean lets call an ace an ace. these dogs are dangerous and many are owned by people who don't care for them or make them mean.

                    Monte, glad to hear you have jack russells...those dogs are cool and i always think of frazier when i hear of them


                    • #11
                      I Like Pitbulls


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                        I Like Pitbulls
                        not surprised


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kbsooner21
                          not surprised

                          Oh yeah, well my dog can beat up yours!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                            Oh yeah, well my dog can beat up yours!!!
                            Thanks Ron Mexico


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kbsooner21
                              Thanks Ron Mexico
                              Welcome Evan Fields!!

