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white racists? interesting email

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  • #16
    Originally posted by musclemann

    Why not? Just opening up the lines of discussion. Any non mud throwing feedback?


    • #17
      great article i definately agree with the BET comment


      • #18
        It never going to change...........keep rapping about killing drugs, sex, money etc. YES WHITES DO HAVE SOME OF THIS IN THEIR SONGS BUT NOT LIKE RAPPERS DO. Take M/M for example he lived in the trailer park but his songs influence his life that brought him down not influencing drugs, stealing, murder, treating women like they are an item. (maybe they are lol) you get my point..........I worked at a juvenile detention center for 7 years the worst kids in the state of pennsylvania areas of harrisburg,philly,wilkes,reading all over the state all race... from my experience there's blacks, whites, asian, latino, mexican.....etc and there's black #iggers, white #iggers, latino #iggers etc
        I could tell where their from, what they do in a day or two without even speaking to them
        ALL of the african america staff would call their own kind #iggers when they acted upon it
        they also called the whites #iggers too
        but when african america say it to each other they change letters in the word saying nigga....... but this is ok
        if we attempted to say this even the slang way blacks say it to eachother
        we "whites" or any other race besides blacks would be shot or beat to death we'd be racist

        My point is it is never going to change because it is influenced evey day by their own kind they don't want it to change because they can use this to their advantage for ever and ever it has proved itself already. I wish I had the advantage to use this tool but I guess I the minority in this century (as a white) because of the use of this word......
        A Quote' By Warren Buffet...'worlds richest Man'
        "When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you.That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."


        • #19
          Originally posted by musclemann
          Hmmmm Very interesting coming from a guy who's never shy about expressing his opinion.


          • #20
            I could never understand the uproar over WORDs. wop, gringo, spic, guinny, mic, nigga, jap, chink etc. are nothing more than words. It's no different than calling someone an idiot, fucked up, moron etc

            We are who we are. If one has self-esteem and self-confidence than one normally doesn't care how they are refered.

            Call me a whitey, guinney, yankee ........ I'm proud who I am. Words won't change any of it.


            • #21
              ONE EXAMPLE:
              old dirty bastard a rapper from the wutang clan making millions was on food stamps talked and bragged about how easy it was to get
              the fact that he had a good bit of money and used the stamps to his advantage "also showed it on national tv and in his video's" we all pay for this out of our pockets as working american citizen
              I'm not just pointing the finger at african americans I am pointing it at whites too.... something has to be done.........


              One more thing that grinds my gears< african american's can get a job over us in a heartbeat and when they get the job majority of them 'through exp. milk the work out anyway
              act like we owe them something try and get free $ were all equal we get paid the same I bust my ass to get the job done you work with me you fucking help
              A Quote' By Warren Buffet...'worlds richest Man'
              "When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you.That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."


              • #22
                i love the odb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Brooklin ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

