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John Kerry

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  • John Kerry

    I'm gonna try to remain objective here. After listening to what John Kerry has said in the aftermath, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    In my opinion there is no way, like him or not, that he actually meant it the way it came out. Kerry claiims he botched a stab at President Bush by leaving out the word "us". That makes more sense than to believe that he actually meant it the way it sounded. I don't know of any political leader, left or right, that would actually say that about our troops, joking or not.

    I think President Bush (or rather his advisers/writers) missed out on a golden opportunity here. He could have displayed real class in his response by giving Kerry the benefit of the doubt and accepting Kerry's reasonable explanation. Instead, his writers used it for political gain, which is normal; but he could've gained more by simply stating that Kerry must have mispoke since, even demos, could not possibly mean that. Bush would've won more respect by handling it that my opinion.


  • #2
    Great post Dave...I agree completely. The GOP is desperate right now

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #3
      Fuk The Republicans


      • #4
        To turn this one around on the Reps shows just how blinded you guys are,


        • #5
          John Kerry

          is a fughin MO limp wristed -tree hugger


          • #6
            Why Not Take The High Road And Say Nothing If You Can't Support The Effort By The Troops????? If You Have A Better Plan, Talk About It And Prepare To Unseat The Current Party In Power Vs Open Mouth And Insert Foot And Remind The Public What A Complete Ass You Are


            • #7
              Originally posted by dave T
              I'm gonna try to remain objective here. After listening to what John Kerry has said in the aftermath, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

              In my opinion there is no way, like him or not, that he actually meant it the way it came out. Kerry claiims he botched a stab at President Bush by leaving out the word "us". That makes more sense than to believe that he actually meant it the way it sounded. I don't know of any political leader, left or right, that would actually say that about our troops, joking or not.

              I think President Bush (or rather his advisers/writers) missed out on a golden opportunity here. He could have displayed real class in his response by giving Kerry the benefit of the doubt and accepting Kerry's reasonable explanation. Instead, his writers used it for political gain, which is normal; but he could've gained more by simply stating that Kerry must have mispoke since, even demos, could not possibly mean that. Bush would've won more respect by handling it that my opinion.

              youre kidding right???


              • #8
                Originally posted by jordanrules23
                youre kidding right???
                Kerry was simply stating that people who can't get an education for the purposes of not being able to afford it made a career choice of going into the military and now, because of that are in Iraq.

                His point is that we shouldn't still be in Iraq with our soldiers getting killed. Hell even Bush has changed his tune on this since the polls are showing americans don't like our troops still being over there. And that's after Bush has been bashing Democrats regarding saying that they want to cut and run. If you cannot see that he has changed his stance which IMO is BS to get votes for republicans then you must where blinders.


                • #9
                  Another great post....very well said Monte

                  You can't see it when you're wearing rose colored glasses

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by te14
                    To turn this one around on the Reps shows just how blinded you guys are,
                    Who's blinded? The Republican's have had 4 years of power in Congress and the white house. What have they done for ya?

                    No health care plan

                    High unemployment

                    Cut taxes for the rich

                    Gas prices are through the roof

                    Federal deficit blown up (and yes it does matter.It devalues the dollar)

                    Over 2000 soldiers killed in Iraq and no end in sight

                    But hey, they sneaked a nifty anti gambling bill through. What a wonderful accomplishment.....

                    The list is much longer...I'll stop here

                    WAKE UP MAN!
                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KazDog
                      Who's blinded? The Republican's have had 4 years of power in Congress and the white house. What have they done for ya?

                      No health care plan

                      High unemployment

                      Cut taxes for the rich

                      Gas prices are through the roof

                      Federal deficit blown up (and yes it does matter.It devalues the dollar)

                      Over 2000 soldiers killed in Iraq and no end in sight

                      But hey, they sneaked a nifty anti gambling bill through. What a wonderful accomplishment.....

                      The list is much longer...I'll stop here

                      WAKE UP MAN!
                      high unemployment?????????????????
                      its only 4% and thats b/c they dont want to work, our economy and the stock market are going thru the roof open you eyes and stop listening to the news


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        Kerry was simply stating that people who can't get an education for the purposes of not being able to afford it made a career choice of going into the military and now, because of that are in Iraq.

                        His point is that we shouldn't still be in Iraq with our soldiers getting killed. Hell even Bush has changed his tune on this since the polls are showing americans don't like our troops still being over there. And that's after Bush has been bashing Democrats regarding saying that they want to cut and run. If you cannot see that he has changed his stance which IMO is BS to get votes for republicans then you must where blinders.
                        Monte, how in the world can you get this statement out of what kerry said??????? Are you speaking for him?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jordanrules23
                          Monte, how in the world can you get this statement out of what kerry said??????? Are you speaking for him?
                          that fucking tool doesnt know what going on half the time.............
                          MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dead Presidents
                            is a fughin MO limp wristed -tree hugger

                            I think your referring to Monte are'nt you
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • #15
                              No health care plan... you the f*ck wants a government-run health care plan? Just look at the countries who have one... you can't get health care!! You wait MONTHS to get to a sub-standard doctor! Friggin libs who want one are idiots!!

                              High unemployment - lowest unemployment in decades! The only ones not working are the illegals who the friggin libs are letting in! Only an idiot would would make such a claim (or a Democrat... oops, one in the same)!

                              Cut taxes for the rich - I guess none of you on here got a tax cut? Yeah, right! And if you did, when did you send it back? The "rich" you speak of pay 60% of the income taxes in this country (or higher)! Another moronic statement!

                              Gas prices are through the roof - and why is that the Republican's fault! If the idiotic tree-hunging socialists (I mean liberal Democrats) in this country would let us drill for "OUR" oil that we have under "OUR" soil, we would have no dependence on the Middle East!! Last time I looked, gas was only $2.00/gal.... just like when that low-life backboneless cowardly whore Slick Willie was in office!!

                              John Kerry is an idiot, and anyone who thinks he didn't mean what he sadi,....well, what can I say? Kerry is too stupid to realize what he said, and what impact his statement would have on those more intellegent people who heard it, just like many of the liberal democrats when they sprew their garbage.

                              The only desparate ones are the friggin libs, who have been desparate for decades now! They have absolutely NO solutions for anything, except to allow gay marraiges, teach our youth in school how to put condoms on cucumbers, line up illegal aliens to vote Democrat, and give out welfare checks and free health care to anything crossing the border on 2 legs! What a bunch of socialist, American-hating losers!!!
                              Last edited by slappy's son; 11-01-2006, 03:19 PM.

