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As if another reason was needed to hate John Kerry

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ULikeApples
    Hahaha, THIS is what you bring up? The old "he stayed and read the book thing"? I know that 7 minutes really did matter. DId you want him to slam down the book and run out scared? THAT definitely would have been the sign of a great leader.

    Sniff, sniff....I smell a Micheal Moore influence here. Are those quotes/scenes from his movie?

    And I thought you were looking for documents about draft dodging?
    Show actual proof with a link that Bush actually served in the Military and was Active. Guards that worked with him said he never showed up and was always drunk.

    Not to mention every company that he has owned he ran into the ground.

    Let's not forget that when we went into Iraq only 1 other Country backed us and that was the UK whose Prime Minister has been riducled by his own Country that he's quitting at the end of the year 9 months before his term is up. And they only have 27,000 troops over there compared to what 145,000 by us.

    And let's see Halliburton has gotten billions of $ in contracts that no one can read or no competitors can compete with. Now who was President of that company before? Oh Dick himself.

    Lets see when Katrina hit Bush finished the 2nd round of the 9 holes he was playing. Didn't go to look at what took place for 5 days.

    Still hasn't did shit about Katrina.

    Stated Democrats wanted to cut and run on Iraq. Now he's saying we need to formulate a plan of removal after stating that we needed more troops 20k and we needed to stay until 2010. No he's stated that he never said we were going to stay the course and its on fucking tape.

    American Bar Association has taken legal action against him for not signing bills which is illegal and he's did it on over 700 documents.

    Taken more vacation time than any other President.

    Had more of his team members quit on him than any other president.

    Mocked the Religious groups that he used to get him in office behind their backs.

    Stole the election from Gore.

    Yeah he's a great man and great president


    • #77
      Originally posted by KazDog
      That's nice things are going well for you.....Unemployment is up and the federal deficit is blown out......That spells trouble in the year's to come. Just the same way Reagan left this country. I actually felt sorry for Bush senior and I will feel the same for who takes over now......

      If you think the mainstream media is 80/20 split bias, you really have no clue about the media. I'm talking CNN, MSNBC, LA Times, NY TImes and so forth. The only places you'll see that kind of bias in those publications is on the Editorial pages which are labeled opinions. There are one sided media outlets, but these aren't them. Not at 80/20. They just happen to report on stories that are affecting the population. Like the crap in Iraq. There is nothing incorrect about any of it. Republican's see it as bias because they see things from one side only. If it doesn't praise Bush, it's considered biased....
      Regan ran the defecit up bigger than anyone then Bush sr. ran it up even more. Clinton reduced it by $200 billion and when Bush took over he erased the $200 billion in his first 2 years and added $300 billion onto that.


      • #78
        Originally posted by ULikeApples
        Unemployment rate for those 25 yers or older with a Bachelor's degree or higher:

        Jan 1996 - 2.5%
        Jan 2006 - 2.2%

        Some college or associate's:

        Jan 1996 - 4.3%
        Jan 2006 - 3.8%

        HS Grads, no college:

        96 - 5.8%
        06 - 5.1%

        All data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site,

        In regards to the "bias" or not, just take note over the next couple days of what the headline of a link to stories on say and what the article says. I don't remember them all, but there a few a week that, if you just read the headline, would have a near 180 degree viewpoint from what the story actually reported. With the Iraq war reporting, I think there is a defintely double-standard towards negatives. Think about it once. 2 U.S. soldiers died today in Iraq. While it is tragic when anyone dies, especially with such honor, it still needs some perspective. I don't know the exact number off hand, but slightly under 3000 troops have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past 3.5 years. Those type of casualties were experienced in conflicts like WWII and Vietman in a matter of days, not years.
        One major flaw in your above data and that's once someone is un-employed for over 12 months (might be more or less months) they do not count on the un-employed list any more as they don't receive benefits.


        • #79
          Originally posted by ULikeApples
          Wow, don't take this the wrong way, but have you had a formal education?

          First off, I know you think and want to believe that we invaded Iraq for oil, but that is 100% not the case. I know deep in your soul you somehow think it is because that would be convienent, but that's not the case. We aren't taking oil from there.

          The oil companies are making record profits because world demand is at an all time high. The industrialization of China is the main factor there.

          I am amazed that you don't understand supply and demand. Price does not set demand, it work sthe other way around. Companies only set prices based on the amount they think it will sell for to maximize their profit. They can drive up the price to reduce demand, but supply and demand work more to set the prices. Let me find a link for you. Here you go:

          I know all these facts are clogging that liberal head of yours.

          If supply and demand were the case then why have the oil companies made the biggest profits ever? It's called huge markup or price gouging in my book.


          • #80
            Originally posted by gbell
            When did Germany attack us? I don't want to be "speaken" any German either!
            Where does he state germany attacked us?

            And this nation was almost a german speaking nation. When they voted the german language almost got the vote.


            • #81
              Originally posted by ULikeApples

              1. True, at least as of now. So far so good with your concepts.

              2. Wrong

              3. Wrong

              4. If he "blew up WTC" then he would have died with the other suicide "bombers." He did order it to be done, but did not do it himself.

              5. True, he has not been caugHt yet.

              6. True, kinda. Bad reference that involves point #4, but still not sure what your point is.

              7. The world has become alot more industrialized and usage is up hudreds of percents. Remember, that pesky Supply vs. Demand. Also, I NEVER think with my heart, only my head/brain.

              8. A ridiculous statement at best. Not even Pelosi, Reid, or Dean would say something like that. Maybe Kerry though.

              What proof do you have for #2 and #3?

              #4 no shit what's the difference? He ordered it and that's all that matters.

              Why was the special unit CIA group that Clinton formed in 94 to track down osama done away with by Bush just recently? Oh, let's see he stated no one man is powerful enough as a terroist. Gee makes a lot of sense doesn't it. Just like when he flew all of Osamas family out of the Country before anyone from the CIA could question them. Oh, that's right he was protecting them, because Americans may kill them.


              • #82
                Originally posted by jcindaville
                Who's got a bigger penis Bush or Hillary?
                Both of them have a bigger penis than you


                • #83
                  Can someone explain this to me i am just a dumb redneck i guess lol
                  MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                  HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                  NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                  0-0TOP PLAYS

                  NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                  4-1 TOP PLAYS

                  GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                  AS of 6/3/12


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by drews29
                    Being a superpower does draw hatred towards the US, but we would all be speaken German if we didn't take this responsibility. We just need to stay out of religious issues and things would be a lot better.

                    One would think Drews is referring to our "responsibility" to defeat Germany even though we were never directly attacked by them.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by gbell
                      One would think Drews is referring to our "responsibility" to defeat Germany even though we were never directly attacked by them.
                      They were killing millions of Jews. We all know what took place there and why we went in there. I do believe Germany was a threat though to us. So I don't think the sole reason for going in there was to help save the Jewish people as millions were killed before we even went in.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        They were killing millions of Jews. We all know what took place there and why we went in there. I do believe Germany was a threat though to us. So I don't think the sole reason for going in there was to help save the Jewish people as millions were killed before we even went in.

                        Do you think the Germans would have come from the north border through Canada or through Mexico?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by gbell
                          Do you think the Germans would have come from the north border through Canada or through Mexico?
                          Why don't you call up Hitler and ask him

                          I guess there was no way for anyone to attack us back then or now


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat
                            Why don't you call up Hitler and ask him

                            I guess there was no way for anyone to attack us back then or now

                            It seems to me as you are saying it's okay to attack or invade another country who's leader/s is causing atrocities to people, whether we are attacked directly or not, as we have a "responsibility" to protect those people as well as protect ourselves from "percieved" threats?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by gbell
                              It seems to me as you are saying it's okay to attack or invade another country who's leader/s is causing atrocities to people, whether we are attacked directly or not, as we have a "responsibility" to protect those people as well as protect ourselves from "percieved" threats?
                              That directly contradicts your remark about Germany being a threat back then as you stated something to the effect of how would they invade us.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by BettorsChat
                                That directly contradicts your remark about Germany being a threat back then as you stated something to the effect of how would they invade us.
                                Where did I say Germany wasn't a threat? I asked when did Germany attack us, rebutting a statement by drews that we shouldn't be in Iraq b/c they never attacked us, and I brought up the "where would they invade from" question to you since you insisted a country who didn't directly attack us was a threat. Sorry, no contradictions.

