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What would u say?

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  • What would u say?

    I was with a friend at Chinese Restaurant last night, this lady taps onthe glass while passing by with some old guy in his 50's.
    Not sure if it was to get my attention, my friends, chinese lady working or just for fun. 10 minuts later she comes in checks the mirror and talks to herself says let me see how I look tonight. She's like wow I lookd damn gorgeous I look fine, I look so good. Meanwhile I'm gettin restless waiting for the food took them almost half an hour just for 1/2 chicken fried rice. She asks me don't I looks good so I basically just nod and say yes taking a look at her up n down and of course she's nothing special. She goes on with her jibberish and says can you believe in i'm 42 Irish and German. Why do old women feel the urge to make their presence felt, I think she was on her way to local bar or sumthing other crappy place around the corner. Anyhow my friend was on his cell outside or else he probly would've hit on her since he'll chase anything. I know this is a lame story just curious if any of you would tell her off, give her the finger or sumthin?
    How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.

  • #2
    She prolly had yanger between her (his) legs


    • #3
      life is just gettin weirder by the day,
      my brother is downloading stevie wonder and lionel richie songs he's 25 what the hell is wrong with him!!!!!!!!
      How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DIRK
        my brother is downloading stevie wonder and lionel richie songs he's 25 what the hell is wrong with him!!!!!!!!

        ...i love stevie wonder and lionel richie


        • #5
          Originally posted by Meg25
          ...i love stevie wonder and lionel richie
          why doesn't this surprise me


          • #6
            Why didn't you ask her if she had a date for the night or something? If she said no then you could of said what are you looking for a compliment?


            • #7
              How about the truth, you should of said:

              "Lady, you are a hot mess. If you didn't come over here and force yourself on me I wouldn't of given you a second look. Now that doesn't mean some other poor slob like Dimer wouldn't like you, but I am more interested right now in getting my Chicken and rice and getting the hell away from you. I hope you have a good night and find that stiff one or whatever else it is you are on the prowl for tonight. Have a good one, I have to go."
              2012 - 2013 NCAAF

              21 - 20 - 0

              2012 - 2013 NFL

              14 - 10 - 1


              • #8
                That definately fits under non gambling issues!

                TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                Jon E. Checkers


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DIRK
                  I was with a friend at Chinese Restaurant last night, this lady taps onthe glass while passing by with some old guy in his 50's.
                  Not sure if it was to get my attention, my friends, chinese lady working or just for fun. 10 minuts later she comes in checks the mirror and talks to herself says let me see how I look tonight. She's like wow I lookd damn gorgeous I look fine, I look so good. Meanwhile I'm gettin restless waiting for the food took them almost half an hour just for 1/2 chicken fried rice. She asks me don't I looks good so I basically just nod and say yes taking a look at her up n down and of course she's nothing special. She goes on with her jibberish and says can you believe in i'm 42 Irish and German. Why do old women feel the urge to make their presence felt, I think she was on her way to local bar or sumthing other crappy place around the corner. Anyhow my friend was on his cell outside or else he probly would've hit on her since he'll chase anything. I know this is a lame story just curious if any of you would tell her off, give her the finger or sumthin?

                  She obviously already feels insecure about herself and/or her age.....She was obviously looking to you as a younger man (i have no idea how old you are) for validation of her already insecure feelings about herself......

                  Why on earth would you take a shot at an obviously weak person??? It would have done nothing but validate what she already feels....Better to just smile and agree.....Just wish her well and by on your way....

                  Our moms were right when they said, "if you do not have anything good to say...then do not say anything at all"...

                  To me this is just a sad case for this lady.....It would almost be like hitting a handicap person......Except her handicap is her insecurity....

                  I guess the macho/cool thing would have been to put her down in front of your friends for a laugh....but it would not have been right....


                  • #10
                    you should have just stuck it in her....beggars cant be choosers right?.......... after a few shots of saki you would have killed it dont lie...........
                    MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bover1
                      you should have just stuck it in her....beggars cant be choosers right?.......... after a few shots of saki you would have killed it dont lie...........

                      tell em like it is Anthony, hit it and leave
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BillMill71
                        How about the truth, you should of said:

                        "Lady, you are a hot mess. If you didn't come over here and force yourself on me I wouldn't of given you a second look. Now that doesn't mean some other poor slob like Dimer wouldn't like you, but I am more interested right now in getting my Chicken and rice and getting the hell away from you. I hope you have a good night and find that stiff one or whatever else it is you are on the prowl for tonight. Have a good one, I have to go."

                        I like this answer the best.
                        How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DIRK
                          I like this answer the best.
                          Just goofing though Dirk, TTT had the best serious answer
                          2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                          21 - 20 - 0

                          2012 - 2013 NFL

                          14 - 10 - 1


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BillMill71
                            How about the truth, you should of said:

                            "Lady, you are a hot mess. If you didn't come over here and force yourself on me I wouldn't of given you a second look. Now that doesn't mean some other poor slob like Dimer wouldn't like you, but I am more interested right now in getting my Chicken and rice and getting the hell away from you. I hope you have a good night and find that stiff one or whatever else it is you are on the prowl for tonight. Have a good one, I have to go."

                            lol soon enough i will get some dirt on you. and then it will be on like donkey kong
                            2013 NCAA POD Record

                            8-3ATS +3.80 units

                            2013 NFL POD Record

                            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                              lol soon enough i will get some dirt on you. and then it will be on like donkey kong
                              Stop being a whiney bitch and then I can go back to being quiet and stop trying to fill in for you
                              2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                              21 - 20 - 0

                              2012 - 2013 NFL

                              14 - 10 - 1

