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Where were you 5 years ago?

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  • Where were you 5 years ago?

    Always an interesting topic on where you were when a big event was happening...

    Where were you 5 years ago when the planes hit the towers, the pentagon and in Pennsylvania?

    I was working as a GM for a hotel and my normal routine since I had been there was to get to my office by 8:30, turn on ESPN to watch sportscenter and do my morning reports...

    For some odd reason, I decided to turn on CNN to watch the news....don't know why, but just felt the need. Not more then 5 minutes later is when the first plane crashed.

    Never in my life was I so consumed to a TV while making phone calls to family, friends etc.....

  • #2
    In A Big Meeting 4 Work....we Came Out Someone Had It On Tv Then The 2nd Plane Hit The Was Unreal Everybody Went Home After Aunt Works In The Sears Tower In Down Town Chicago..i Was Trying 2 Get A Hold Of Her I Thought There Would Be Planes Crashing All Major City's Very Scary Day...


    • #3
      I had to work an overnite for work. We watched the Denv/NYGiants game (I had denver LOL), then started work. I worked from like 12am-8am. Went to bed when I got home when my buddy called and insisted I wake up and watch TV. I dosed off and on all day watching TV, almost too tired to comprehend what was going on at first.

      I was lucky enough to go to a WS game that year in NY, and the whole thing was surreal.


      • #4
        I was at home and and waking up to go to class with a massive hangover. I turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels to wake up like I do every morning. I flipped by fox news or cnn and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was just after the first plane had crashed into the Twin Towers. I skipped school that morning (I think classes were cancelled actually) to watch the tv that morning. When I got out for lunch that afternoon, the gas stations were PACKED! Everyone was trying to fill up cause there was so much uncertainty of what was going on. Sad, sad, day in American history.


        • #5
          in retarded quantitiave statistics class went to cafeteria and there showing video on Cnnn I was like wtf, went back to class professor still teaching, guy comes in says I don't know if you realize whats going on in the world. The professor doesn't want to end class but he's decides he better cut it short or else face the wrath of a bunch of spoiled kids. Rest of my professors cancelled classes all week except one finance professor chinese lady who was rough on us.

          Of course my dad took my car to show relatives around I wonder if he was going to take them to manhattan only like 20 miles away and thankfully he took off from work. I know he works in the city far from ground zero but it was hell just to get out of the city. I remember my uncle telling me we paid someone 20 bucks to go over the bridge he said that person could've easily cleaned up that day because there was a whole bunch of people waiting to get out especially going back to long island.

          I still remember calling my friend on the pay phone and there like hey I ain't comin to college today. People probably waited till end of afternoon to be at home and the phone lines were a mess everyone calling.
          Last edited by DIRK; 09-11-2006, 03:05 PM.
          How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


          • #6
            i was about 45 miles outside of NYC and i saw the 2nd plane hit live on TV....called my then girlfriend to tell her to come home....some big shit was going down...I went to NYC 2 weeks later for the hopkins/trinidad fight and the smell was in the air still and all the peoples pics who were missing were everywhere and the firehouses outside MSG had memorials on the front of their house for their fallen comrades....will never forget it...


            • #7
              I was lining out one my foreman on a job we were starting that day when my wife called me after the first plane had hit. I thought nothing of it more than a freak accident. Then on my way back to the shop she calls and tells me the 2nd plane hit. I then turned on the radio and listened in disbelief.

              I was so busy at work bidding a project i couldnt really pay attention. I got home at 7.00 and couldnt take my eyes off of the TV all night. God bless all those lost and their family members
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #8
                In school, going to my computer class. Then my friend was like we under attack and when I to class my prof wrote on the board, "NO CLASS". When I figured out what happened, I rolled the hell out and started calling my parents who worked in DC. But by that time, they were home waiting for me.

                Fucked up day.
                NFL Kruise

                *updated as of 9/9


                • #9
                  I was in my office in Times Square. I actually found out what was going on while listening to Howard Stern. The chaos of the day was unbelievable. The misinformation from the media and the rumors going around the city just made things worse. A number of times during the day, people were sprinting down the street away from Grand Central Station because of rumors of bombs and my building was evacuated twice during the day.

                  I was outside when the second tower collapsed and you could feel the ground rumbling even in midtown.

                  For some freak reason, I drove in that day (which I hardly ever did), so I just waited until about 4:30pm to go home. The roads were empty. It was as if I was the only car on the road.

                  My dad worked down by thw towers and no one in the family spoke to him until 2pm, so that was pretty harrowing.

                  I remember having a feeling a dread that I would never see my daughter born. Mrs Mule was 4 months pregnant at the time.

                  It was a crazy, life altering day.


                  • #10
                    I was on a United Airlines flight that left at 9AM from Philly heading for LA then to Vegas. My wife and I (our anniversary is 9/16) were in the air when the pilot announced we had to make an emergency landing due to a national emergency. The passengers had no idea what was going on. When we were in the airport, people were talking about what had happened but they did not have any of the TVs on at that time. It was only when I talked to my dad that I heard about the crashes.

                    My wife's parents along with a few others left me and her a voice mail on our phones crying (they thought we were on 1 of the planes that crashed).

                    We ended up in Wichita then had to take a bus to Ohio, because that was as far east as they were going at the time. It was only 2 days later that we saw the video on TV.

                    I will never forget!
                    Am I the longest tenured BC member?


                    • #11
                      I was just waking up and turn the TV on and saw what was happening.

                      Thought I was dreaming. I just sat there in bed bewilder and amaze that this was happening to us.

                      We will never forget and we will be strong again!

                      USA Rocks!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by zeib10
                        I was on a United Airlines flight that left at 9AM from Philly heading for LA then to Vegas. My wife and I (our anniversary is 9/16) were in the air when the pilot announced we had to make an emergency landing due to a national emergency. The passengers had no idea what was going on. When we were in the airport, people were talking about what had happened but they did not have any of the TVs on at that time. It was only when I talked to my dad that I heard about the crashes.

                        My wife's parents along with a few others left me and her a voice mail on our phones crying (they thought we were on 1 of the planes that crashed).

                        We ended up in Wichita then had to take a bus to Ohio, because that was as far east as they were going at the time. It was only 2 days later that we saw the video on TV.

                        I will never forget!
                        Damn terrorist fucked you up good. That sucks man
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #13
                          In Spainish Class At School They Locked Down The School So I Sat In That Class All Damn Day. I Hated That Teacher....
                          2007 BCS and 2009 BCS CHAMPS
                          2006 & 2007 NCAA MENS BASKETBALL CHAMPS
                          2008 & 2010 RAYS BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAMPS


                          • #14
                            The night before I had gone to a Dark Star Orchestra "Grateful Dead" cover band, concert. I had just gotten in bed and my wife came and woke me up ! "Eddie, come quick some airplanes are crashing into big buildings up in NY !" I went to the TV and watched it all day/night for next 5 days. For the 1st time in my life - I felt unsafe in America ?

                            What is the answer ?

                            Dear GOD,
                            Be with all of us and especially those that have lost loved ones !

                            ...winning and grinning...


                            • #15
                              i was sitting here in the same spot same cube and everything. i work for the frieght industry. we have office just outside jfk airport in queens. nothing was shipping for like a week it was a total stand still it was weird. our business took a masive hit as many did some people lost their jobs unfortunately. i didnt. it was sad all the way around.
                              2013 NCAA POD Record

                              8-3ATS +3.80 units

                              2013 NFL POD Record

                              1-2 ATS -4.50 units

