Thanks guys I have comcast (cable) 2 hd boxes and HBO costs me 90$ a month!!!!Was thinking about changing to a dish if it would be worth while still have not Made up my mind!!!NFL Ticket sounds nice but they say dishes are so much cheaper NOT INCLUDING NFL than cable and it really is not after you add all the extra costs!!!!!HD BOXS, Local channels ,Extra attenna, so on and so on.....I thought both Dish network and direct TV offer NFL!!!
I Agree with 10 dime 239.00 for NFL is EXPENSIVE!!
They try to suck you in with a great rate for like the first 4 months than stick it to you after That!!!
Just thought i might be able to save a few bucks but i guess it might not Happen!!!!Almost 100 BUCKS A MONTH TO WATCH TV!! ADD on blockbuster a few times FUCK!!!!!
I Agree with 10 dime 239.00 for NFL is EXPENSIVE!!
They try to suck you in with a great rate for like the first 4 months than stick it to you after That!!!
Just thought i might be able to save a few bucks but i guess it might not Happen!!!!Almost 100 BUCKS A MONTH TO WATCH TV!! ADD on blockbuster a few times FUCK!!!!!