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A New Nutritional Drink Sweeping The Nation

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  • #76
    lets have one more ...


    • #77
      Tired of him trying to scam everyone here ... totally tired of it and it better cease ...


      • #78
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        I know way more than you could even dream to know on this issue. All you like to do is come in threads and try to start shit.

        I believe Ephedra was banned because it caused harm and death to people who used it.....If it had to go under the same scrutiny as drugs in clinical trials I am sure these AE's (adverse events...accelerated hear-rate) would have been studied further and possibly never made it to the approval phase.......I know people who manufactured vitamins and this guy was a former steroid dealer.......He was as shady as they come.....He used a proprietary blend (meaning it had only traces of some of the ingrdients he represented)....He also sold the same product under a different label to other people....This company was in the Northeast and he was bought out by Prolab or Twinlab for $10 million dollars about 10 years ago....I do not know if it has changed alot since then, but it is not regulated like drugs...Not even close.....

        Just to prove it, look in the back of any Muscle and Fitness and look at all the ridiculous claims......In fact many of the same pills that make the claims in the adds offer a disclaimer on the bottle saying it is not clinically proven......


        • #79
          Wait when do I scam people I just offered to send anyone who gives me their address a bottle?? thats a scam??? spark I love how you think your a cop this is the internet buddy not the city
          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


          • #80
            LMAO dan is too funny, always trying to make a $$$. unreal some of you are.
            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #81
              Originally posted by SustainDan
              Wait when do I scam people I just offered to send anyone who gives me their address a bottle?? thats a scam??? spark I love how you think your a cop this is the internet buddy not the city
              Go and use another site for your scams and do not push this issue with me anymore .. unless you want to be yesterdays news ...

              Your call ... one more reply will do it ...


              • #82
                Originally posted by SustainDan
                Wait when do I scam people I just offered to send anyone who gives me their address a bottle?? thats a scam??? spark I love how you think your a cop this is the internet buddy not the city
                Isn't a bottle over $20 wholesale?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                  LMAO dan is too funny, always trying to make a $$$. unreal some of you are.
                  I am all for entrepreneurs .. But not scam artists ..


                  • #84
                    Your going to ban me, when in this whole spiel did I ask anyone for money?? Is telling people about a product a scam? Did I put a gun to someones head and make them signupfor monavie. THIS IS THE INTERNET SPARK. Calm down.
                    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by SustainDan
                      Your going to ban me, when in this whole spiel did I ask anyone for money?? Is telling people about a product a scam? Did I put a gun to someones head and make them signupfor monavie. THIS IS THE INTERNET SPARK. Calm down.
                      This is not the internet scammy ,.. this is bettorschat .. Like I said go some place else and push your crap .. it will not happen here ... not again anyways ...

                      If you are making all this money I am sure you can easily afford to enter all of Wayne's contest .. i expect to see your name in everyone of them ...


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by SustainDan
                        Your going to ban me, .
                        Oh, BTW .. to answer your question ...

                        ABSOLUTLEY ...


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                          dan.. i would be very careful of making those types of claims without the backing of clinical data.......I was in the medical profession for years and i doubt a drink kills cancer cells.....Not trying to piss in your cheerios, cuz i am all about health, but trying to give you a heads up for potential problems...
                          To those on this site- I have had several bottles of Mona Vie and as a doc, I can say that antioxidants such as this and the others mentioned is built more on hype
                          and testimonies of a miracle drug/juice. Buy into if you like- many people are looking for a magic bullet and the testimonies pour in. Well folks - this is why we have a multi billion dollar industry in health supplements- all of which is a belief that it will maintain their youth or their heart or their health.
                          I am in agreement with Tony on this.
                          As far as I have seen from a dark field microscope is that- antioxidants provide the red blood cells a state of less agglutination (red cells piled up on each other in the body--like coins). This allows the white blood cells to do its work with fighting diseases and so on. This agglutination of red blood cells could normally create infammation and retard the body from fighting a good battle with incoming pathogens.
                          I am totally in the belief that antioxidants are necessary for the body- mostly for those that feel coldness and sluggish. The signs would be a pale tongue and slow pulse. I do not feel it is for everybody and that different makers of antioxidants are fighting to say their product is the best. If you wish to become a distributor- thats fine- its the american way- Welcome to the health business.

                          I also would like to comment on ephedra as it comes under my realm for herbs. I have spent 4 years in school learning about different plants and herbs. Ephedra (Ma Huang) is used by Doctors of Oriental Medicine for
                          patients who have respiratory problems as it helps(lungs) to eliminate fluids from the body thru the skin. To sweat out a cold/ fever- it is used. It was a giant of a drug that had a purpose and was grabbed up by greedy souls and sold as a diet and speed supplement. That really pisses me off! To have a very useful drug kill people due to a lack of knowledge from those who wish to make money from it.

                          I have been repeatedly asked to try more bottles and give a speech on Mona Vies effectiveness. My background is several years in pharmacy at Walter Reed Hosp.
                          Antioxidants are antioxidants- choose which absorbs faster and in duration-Choose your price. Choose what is psychologically going to give you the best high on your health. Bring it in from the rain forest or down under- it makes no matter. Antioxidants are antioxidants.

                          Dan - Peddle this as you like. But make no claims of curing or I wil personally have you investigated for fraudulent claims. Anyone can do this through certain channels. Nuff said!!
                          Last edited by Spearit; 09-01-2006, 10:22 AM.
                          "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                          • #88
                            Ill stop here....Im not selling a scam, but since ,most of you feel that way theres no point to keep going on. Ill just walk away from this issue like it never happened I guess its better to keep to yourself then attempt to benefit others
                            Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                            • #89
                              Do we get any of your football cards if we buy this drink?
                              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by winner
                                Yes, my point is I referenced material straight from the FDA website as far as what their "regulation" ability is. The hero of the left, Billy boy, signed the act in 1994. If no one regulates supplements, how was ephedra banned? Read the above referenced information as to what is regulated and what isn't. I believe it is useful information. Some probably won't agree. And if you could show me any info that you can find that says the industry isn't regulated, please show it to me as I will be more then happy to have an open mind about it. But right now, I am siding with the FDA and their info.
                                Was Winner banned?

