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A New Nutritional Drink Sweeping The Nation

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  • A New Nutritional Drink Sweeping The Nation

    MonaVie - A Gift from the Amazon

    MonaVie is a new Acai fruit health drink and opportunity that has just launched and is on it's way to becoming the fastest growing company in history! If you missed out on Noni, Xango and you will not want to miss out on MonaVie! The Acai Berry is taking the world by storm, and is becoming known as the most beneficial fruit in the world. MonaVie is the first to offer these berries in juice form to a worldwide market, and has proven to be a superior product compared to lesser products like Fruta Vida. If you have joint pain or muscle pain, glucosamine and celadrin are two ingredients that have been included in the MonaVie ACTIVE blend, in addition to the antioxidant fruits.

    What is MonaVie Juice?

    MonaVie juice is made up of a mixture of some of the most health beneficial berries, like the Acai fruit, harvested from the four corners of the earth. The final MonaVie formula includes acai berry, pomegranate, white grape, nashi pear, acerola, pear, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passion fruit, banana, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry, and lychee. MonaVie ACTIVE also includes Celadrin and Glucosamine which help with inflammatory problems, flexibility, mobility, joint pain, muscle pain rebuilding cartilage and much more. It is also 100% backed up by science. The Acai Berry is by far the most exciting ingredient found in MonaVie. The Acai Berries grow in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil and are very rich in antioxidants. With twice the amount of antioxidants of blueberries, and 10 times the amount of grapes, the Acai Berry has proven to be one of the most nutritional fruits on the planet. Scientists have concocted a wonderful mix of the finest fruits from around the world to give you the daily recommendation of fruit intake without all of the cost and hassle of eating loads of fruit. MonaVie is a phyto-nectar fruit blend that will give you the right amount of the right kind of fruits in just one or two ounces a day.

    The fruits found in MonaVie are known harness the following properties:

    Cardiovascular System

    The final MonaVie formula includes acai berry, pomegranate, white grape, nashi pear, acerola, pear, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passion fruit, banana, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry, and lychee. MonaVie ACTIVE also includes Celadrin and Gluscosamine which help with inflammatory problems, flexibility, mobility, joint pain, muscle pain rebuilding cartilage and much more. Each fruit and each portion were selected for their specific and known benefits. Their synergistic effect reaches far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish.

    Knowing that millions of people worldwide cope daily with ageing, worn joints and resulting losses of flexibility and mobility, Monarch's medical and scientific team added two additional, natural substances to their formula--Celadrin and Glucosamine--helping inflammatory problems, flexibility, mobility, joint pain, muscle pain rebuilding cartilage and more. This offering is called MonaVie Active.

    Celadrin lubricates and revitalizes membranes that cushion bones and joints. Glucosamine restores flexibility and is the natural building block of healthy cartilage. By thus helping the body repair previous damage, the way is paved for the Forgotten Fruits of MonaVie to deliver maximum results and help people again live joyous, active lives.

    The Business Opportunity

    With the company just launching, now is the perfect time to get involved with MonaVie. We are looking for business leaders for the following countries:

    United States
    Puerto Rico

    Please contact me directly if interested, sampling, or further questions at . This is a beverage to better ones health that tastes good and has brought out some outstanding testimonies. There are free conferences all around the US every day of the week. Hurry and become part of this rising billion dollar business its easy, fun, and the product actually works phenoms.

    Contact me ASAP about this product that is on the immediate rise and I can send you a sample along with a brochure.
    Just respond to this thread if you want more info.

    Daniel Austin Levy
    Last edited by Spark; 09-01-2006, 08:59 PM.
    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit

  • #2
    how much to try a bottle....I have no interest in being a MLM distributor, but i would like to try it


    • #3
      tony i doubt i can put my email on here but
      Last edited by BettorsChat; 08-30-2006, 06:56 PM.
      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


      • #4
        I would like to try a bottle!!!
        NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

        College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

        College Football 6-6-1 -4 Units

        NBA Basketball 11-12-0 -3 Units

        NHL 1-1-0 + 0 Units


        • #5
          Originally posted by SustainDan
          tony i doubt i can put my email on here but
          dan....i will call u manana....i am here in ft. lauderdale.....peace


          • #6
            to the forum juice man
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Hey guys give me a ring tomorrow remember your my family call me tomorrow around 12-5 pm ill talk to you all about it its a VERY HUGE deal!!!
              Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


              • #8
                This guy at a conference tonight brought his wife she has sickle cell anemia her cell was at 2 I guess closest to normal is 9, I didnt really get it. Shes been on the JUICE for 2 months and now her cell count is 8 shes dropping 2/3 of her meds and the taste of this stuff is phenomenal. I recently stopped using my acne cream because all my pimples are now gone without even washing my face at night its tight. And i wake up not tired. Remember ANYONE call me tomorrow we will talk.
                Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                • #9
                  After 6 weeks I am making 1500 a week they deposit money on my purple monavie credit card call me today anybody who wants to know more or order bottles
                  Last edited by Spark; 09-01-2006, 09:25 AM.
                  Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                  • #10
                    My line is open for calls questions anything hah
                    Last edited by Spark; 09-01-2006, 09:24 AM.
                    Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SustainDan
                      My line is open for calls questions anything hah
                      dan....i will call you later today, but i would be very careful of making those types of claims without the backing of clinical data.......I was in the medical profession for years and i doubt a drink kills cancer cells.....Not trying to piss in your cheerios, cuz i am all about health, but trying to give you a heads up for potential problems...
                      Last edited by Spark; 09-01-2006, 09:25 AM.


                      • #12
                        Do you have any other "herbs?"




                        • #13
                          no im serious though Im sure they have records from their doctors that their cancer is gone or almost gone Im going to call the offices today to see if i can get my hands on some of those it would be great to show people REAL results
                          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                          • #14
                            sounds like a scam to me


                            • #15
                              how can it be a scam if you havent tried it?? Why would i scam people ive been online with for 3 years you guys are like my family
                              Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit

