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Wood's season could be over after suffering setback

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TheRook
    No, never said that at all.

    There just seems to be a somewhat of a slightly comical tone when referring to him being hurt repeatly..and I think it's unfair, that's all.

    I never said if Wood was healthy the cubs would be in contention...but if Wood, Prior, and Lee WERE all healthy, I certainly wouldn't think they wouldn't be.

    The BEST thing that could happen to this team is for it to TOTALLY fall apart and that is the ONLY way things have a chance of changing.

    "In Contention" will just keep the Tribune Company laughing their way to the bank!


    • #32
      I couldn't disagree more if I tried.

      But more important things to deal with then this.

      It is what it is.


      • #33
        Originally posted by TheRook
        I couldn't disagree more if I tried.

        But more important things to deal with then this.

        It is what it is.

        ... I LOVE IT!!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          ... I LOVE IT!!!

          Glad your finding humor in it.


          • #35
            John, 1 Question?

            Do you think Cuban would settle for a sold out stadium and call it good?


            • #36
              Originally posted by TheRook
              Glad your finding humor in it.

              I've listened to the Yankees find humor in my team for 30 years. It's a game and i'm used to it!


              • #37
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                John, 1 Question?

                Do you think Cuban would settle for a sold out stadium and call it good?

                No, of course not.

                I would LOVE to have Marc Cuban to buy the Cubs.

                But I just dont understand how people can judge a team so harshly given the cards they were dealt.

                If everyone is healthy, and they aren't producing...I can't sit here and defend them.

                It's like a broken record, but I'm sure not gonna have fun at the expense of an injured matter how many times he's been hurt the last few years.

                Just don't agree...but its's all good.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by wayne1218
                  I've listened to the Yankees find humor in my team for 30 years. It's a game and i'm used to it!

                  Well again...I guess that's where we differ in our philosophies.....

                  Have at it. They're an easy target.


                  • #39
                    he should have no worries the yankees will pick him up


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by TheRook
                      No, of course not.

                      I would LOVE to have Marc Cuban to buy the Cubs.

                      But I just dont understand how people can judge a team so harshly given the cards they were dealt.

                      If everyone is healthy, and they aren't producing...I can't sit here and defend them.

                      It's like a broken record, but I'm sure not gonna have fun at the expense of an injured matter how many times he's been hurt the last few years.

                      Just don't agree...but its's all good.

                      John, How many years in a row are the Cubs going to put their seasons hope on Prior and Wood. I could have told you along with many others that wood & prior would not be healthy. This should not have caught this team by surprise because it happens EVERY FRIGGIN' YEAR! With that said why not prepare in case it does OR take a Tejada for Prior before the season and add an ALL Star bat to your lineup. It's a joke and to hear a Cub fan say, "Well, were not healthy" is a joke. When have you been? The Tribune company is banking on you feeling that way. If the front office was making an obvious attempt to improve this team and was dealt some bad luck, i think people would understand. The fact is, this has been going on for a few years now with nobody in the front office giving 2 shits or caring about WINNING!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by TheRook
                        Well again...I guess that's where we differ in our philosophies.....

                        Have at it. They're an easy target.
                        C'MON now you yourself have said " We are the Loveable loser Cubs and just want to have fun".

                        I don't think the Red Sox or Cub fans are very different. The 2 oldest and arguably greatest park and fans that followed and waited for a Title for like 100 years. Both Diehard fans.

                        The biggest difference over the last 10 years is that the Red Sox got new owners that actually cared about the fans & winning. You would be AMAZED what that type of change would do for the Cubs if someone like Cuban was to take over ... AMAZED!

                        .... But keep thinking that changing the manager would bring a title or that injuries are the reason, and things will NEVER change!

                        How many games did they lose in the standings from the time Lee went out and when they finally decided to go get a replacement? Do you remember how close they were? It's amazing how nobody comments on shit like that when the front office just does nothing while the team falls apart!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by TheRook
                          Well again...I guess that's where we differ in our philosophies.....

                          Have at it. They're an easy target.
                          John I do not want to beat up on you but you are making yourself an easy target .. I was just like you up until this year .,. I am completely done with this ball team ...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by wayne1218
                            John, How many years in a row are the Cubs going to put their seasons hope on Prior and Wood. I could have told you along with many others that wood & prior would not be healthy. This should not have caught this team by surprise because it happens EVERY FRIGGIN' YEAR! With that said why not prepare in case it does OR take a Tejada for Prior before the season and add an ALL Star bat to your lineup. It's a joke and to hear a Cub fan say, "Well, were not healthy" is a joke. When have you been? The Tribune company is banking on you feeling that way. If the front office was making an obvious attempt to improve this team and was dealt some bad luck, i think people would understand. The fact is, this has been going on for a few years now with nobody in the front office giving 2 shits or caring about WINNING!

                            Sorry, if I'm ignorant to the fact that I don't think the Tribune Company wants to just contend instead of win is a complete and utter joke, then so be it.

                            I can't do this with you buddy.....we agree to disagree, but your conspiricy theory just doesn't fly here in my reality.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Spark
                              John I do not want to beat up on you but you are making yourself an easy target .. I was just like you up until this year .,. I am completely done with this ball team ...

                              That's cool.....its more room for us.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Spark
                                John I do not want to beat up on you but you are making yourself an easy target .. I was just like you up until this year .,. I am completely done with this ball team ...

                                i'll add one more thing to that....

                                If your REALLY done...then be done with them. Don't come back and keep trashing them....have fun with your new team and that GREAT man and manager Ozzie Guillen.


                                Leave us alone!

