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Dumb Question Part 4

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  • Dumb Question Part 4

    Well question #3 bombed out, and there was very little interest.
    This question should do better and hopefully all will answer it truthfully.
    There are 3 parts to this question:
    1) Your age
    2) How many years you have gambled on a regular basis counting times when you may have stopped.
    3) Here is the the toughest part for some to answer:
    On whatever scale and units you Bet (from as little as $5 or $10 a game to multiple thousands), state if you consider every bet you ever made(booking bets doesn't count lol), if you are way behind, behind a fair amount, about even, ahead somewhat or way ahead.
    We don't need to know the amounts because everyone of us bets on a different scale.
    ps I will start the ball rolling, and my answer may surprise some.
    I am 61 and have been gambling regularly for 30 years(I actually started at around 25 but there were times when I stopped for a while;thus we will say 30).
    In all honesty, even though I have done much better the past few years with the help of the great people who post here, overall I am way behind(my own judgment is not that great, and I used to rely on some of the services-enough said).
    On the other hand I don't miss the money and for the most part like many of you, it has filled a need in my life(along with blasting the scamdicappers of course).

  • #2
    age 28

    been gambling since age 17

    i play $100 to $1000 per game. typically bet $500 or $600 a week on games as an average

    slightly behind overall if i had to guess prolly about 2 -3k down lifetime. was waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind but last 4 years have done much better.
    2013 NCAA POD Record

    8-3ATS +3.80 units

    2013 NFL POD Record

    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


    • #3
      1) 25 years old
      2) about 5 years on sports.
      3) Down enough or behind a fair amout. Until I started using this site. It has gotten progressivly better. Hopefully it continues.
      It's always noon somewhere!

      My Fish and Aquariums

      Griffey's Posted Record


      • #4

        been gambling since i was 16

        I started off betting about $50 a game but now i bet between $100 and $500. Most i ever bet ona game was $1000 (wayne's GOY on the Ravens..Got me out of a huge hole)

        Im probably about even or a little ahead.


        • #5
          Age : 143

          Been gambling since Lincoln was elected. I had issues when i was younger. I used to bet the farm (Literally).

          I started out by betting 2 eggs for a small wager and a half dozen for the big ones. Today, i bet alot more than that and i fade those Bastages in Las Vegas because they now lay eggs weekly!

          Lifetime, Oh i don't know. My feather went dry when i was younger therefore i don't have an accurate record.

          Great question, Thanks!


          Sorry Buddy .... I HAD TO!!!!! Don't hate the Player (me). Hate the game (savage)!


          • #6
            Gambling for about 4 years
            For lifetime, I am about even to slightly behind with the books at this point, but if you count the fees I lost when I was sucked in by Dave Cokin when I first started, I have at least another year before I break even. Baseball (3up 1down) and NHL(Three up) have been the sports I do well on my own, NBA and NCAAB I seem to lose at, and NFL and NCAA have been mixed (Both two up and two down). Sice joining BC though, things have got much better! The important thing for anyone new is that I have never bet over my head, and never jepordized my or my family's future. Please - never get in over your head!

            On the golf course I am way up lifetime! But that is a different story!
            Last edited by larryonion; 10-12-2005, 02:15 PM.
            2010 One play a day record
            22-19-1 51%
            +0.74 units
            Passes: 7 days
            Streak: L2


            • #7
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              Age : 143

              Been gambling since Lincoln was elected. I had issues when i was younger. I used to bet the farm (Literally).

              I started out by betting 2 eggs for a small wager and a half dozen for the big ones. Today, i bet alot more than that and i fade those Bastages in Las Vegas because they now lay eggs weekly!

              Lifetime, Oh i don't know. My feather went dry when i was younger therefore i don't have an accurate record.

              Great question, Thanks!


              Sorry Buddy .... I HAD TO!!!!! Don't hate the Player (me). Hate the game (savage)!



              • #8
                Spark-thanks for your honest/insightful answer. To what do you attribute your amazing longetivity ? Also, what did you do for all those 135+ years before you could post a zillion times a day on the internet?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne1218
                  Age : 143

                  Been gambling since Lincoln was elected. I had issues when i was younger. I used to bet the farm (Literally).

                  I started out by betting 2 eggs for a small wager and a half dozen for the big ones. Today, i bet alot more than that and i fade those Bastages in Las Vegas because they now lay eggs weekly!

                  Lifetime, Oh i don't know. My feather went dry when i was younger therefore i don't have an accurate record.

                  Great question, Thanks!


                  Sorry Buddy .... I HAD TO!!!!! Don't hate the Player (me). Hate the game (savage)!

                  baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is priceless.
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by savage1
                    Spark-thanks for your honest/insightful answer. To what do you attribute your amazing longetivity ? Also, what did you do for all those 135+ years before you could post a zillion times a day on the internet?
                    Thanks savvy! I stay in great shape! I have a gambling newsletter out each week. Yes, that's right. The newsletters were my original idea. Well, anyway. As a kid i used to write a few letters on which families would win the hog pulls and run for hours to deliver them to people. When i became older Ma & Pa let me take the horse to deliver them. It was much quicker.

                    Today i use email and things are good. Longevity comes from stones. The ones inside of me. It's weird but everytime i get one the doctor says it adds 10 years on to my life! When you're my age you don't ask questions savvy!

                    Last edited by wayne1218; 10-12-2005, 02:30 PM.


                    • #11
                      I'm 37 years old and have been betting since the age of 19.

                      The biggest bet I ever made was about 15 years ago when I was down a boat load to the man and pay day was Friday, I put $2500 on a Cal Sports 5* (U. of Washington +18 1/2) against Arizona on a Thursday night hoop game to avoid paying on Friday, well the 5* lost and ole Hazer was writing a Visa check the next morning for $5500. The biggest lesson I've ever learned in gangling, don't CHASE your money. Overall, I'm probably down somewhat, however, with all of the information you can obtain on the internet and controlling how many plays I play now along with sensible money management, I've actually started to do quite well the last several years.

                      Good Luck gentlemen !!!!!!!


                      • #12

                        Been gambling regularly since 18.

                        When I first started out, I was doing very well for the first 3-4 years. Lately, I've been on a bit of a cold streak. I haven't been losing my shirt, but I'm somewhere around 40% the last year and a half or so. I think mostly it's all of these parlays and teasers that I take. I tried a service for two months and hit a couple early and then dropped like a stone. So I guess I am a little ahead overall, but ahead more about 3 years ago. Things are looking better now since joining BC, and I look forward to posting my CBB plays, which I am usually pretty good at.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Spark for enlightening us all on how you started the newsletters(well, Al Gore allegedly invented the internet, so it makes sense that you could have stared gambling newsletters),the secrets of how you got started gambling and the easy way to add years (and stones) on to your life.


                          • #14
                            Oh Shit .... He's here! Gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              1. 45 years old

                              2. off and on for about 25 years. Before I resumed gambling in 2003 I quit for almost 10 years.

                              3. I'll bet 27k on all BC cappers GOY, Lead Pipe Lock etc.

