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A Day in the Life of ME 6/24/05

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  • #31
    Lsufan Jimmy

    Originally posted by Lsufan
    Hey Neil, maybe you can help me out with something. I don't really understand what's so terrific about a laundromat. Can you explain it a little further???


    Dear Jimmy:

    What makes the laundromat so good for bangin out a babe is the duality between cleanliness and filthiness and this causes the chick’s Pook –Yock to get hotter and wetter than usual. On the one hand … fresh , clean smelling clothes … on the other … a tongue up her ass. This dichotomy makes the puss yearn to be porked repeatedly . Mind you now this isn’t my idea ; some big tittied grad student was babbling this phenomenon to me while I was playin trap the clam with her vag one rainy afternoon in a bowling alley bathroom.

    Ok here’s the deal . I’m gonna let you in on something that I swore I’d never reveal. This is what you’re gonna do and trust me it’s all the way sweet. So she’s sitting on the dryer and you go over and start up with her. You offer her a smoke, that’s always an ice breaker … preferably a Marlboro , not some fruitcake cig. After a while she loosens up and you know you’re gonna bang her . You place your arms gently on her legs and continue with some bullshit small talk. You’re on your own with what you’ll rap about … I won’t attempt to put words in your mouth. But Above All keep looking up at her squarely in the eyes … it gives her the illusion that she has some semblance of control. Then when the time is right you lift her up from her waist and ever so gently ease her down making sure that your bodies are pressing close from the front while her ass is rubbing the facing of the dryer all the way down. I call this maneuver: " The Old Squeeze Play " and I'm credited with first inventing and using it . The "squeeze play" subliminally sets her up for your ensuing rear entry.

    Now here’s where it gets tricky but it all ties in. You’re gonna bend her over but NOT in front of the dryer . You want The Dunce to be squarely facing the washer with her arms spread wide apart for balance and her palms braced firmly against it . She must be looking directly into the glass window with her clothes moving circular and clockwise. That’s the key. Now you can go to town on that ass.

    You tongue it for a while … I’ll assume you’re well versed in all the different areas of that ass … the Upper Crack , the Lower Crack down near the Mat , the Cheeks of course .. and finally , the most important feature … THE BUNG

    Don’t be timid … don’t be shy … GET IN THERE !!!

    Ok now you’re on your way .

    Within minutes the circular motion of her clothes , with all the warm suds , the swooshing sounds , the vibrations of the machine from her hands to her arms , then to her shoulders … and ultimately transmitted to her tits … will send her into an hypnotic state. That’s the goal.

    How will you know this if you’re not facing her ? The answer is elementary . While your tongue is up her bung , her pussy will let out an air pocket and this is your one and only signal that she’s totally under and completely relaxed.

    Do Not … I Repeat … Do Not attempt to bang the Pookyock without hearing the pussy fart. The last thing you want to do is trap any air up there while your dick is pounding away … this will break the spell and it will cost you the fuck of the decade.

    Instead … wait for her go – ahead and then immediately shift your emphasis to the Vag.

    It will already be moist from the preceding events … however that’s not enough … now you must work it over into a freaking frenzy.

    Once this has been accomplished … I guarantee you that her’s will be by far the best pussy you’ve ever sampled.

    Let me know how this works out for you . Happy Hunting, Pal

    Your friend,


    OH ONE LAST TIP .... Make sure you have more than enough quarters handy .. you dont ever want the washing machine to stop until you're completely fucked out.


    • #32
      That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while. Wish I was there to witness that one. Great writing too


      • #33
        hey dudes

        and you guys thought i would be the one the white suits are coming to take away-hoho-haha-hehe-to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time..


        • #34

          Neil, oh Buddy, I am almost speechless. When I seen how detaied this answer was, I started laughing before reading the word.

          I already have the Marlboro's taken care of. That's been my brand for over 15 years. Now I just need to borrow RJ's "man bag," load it up with quarters, and off to the laundromat I go.

          "I’ll assume you’re well versed in all the different areas of that ass … the Upper Crack , the Lower Crack down near the Mat , the Cheeks of course .. and finally , the most important feature … THE BUNG" People always told me that you learn something new everyday. Well, I just did. I never really thought about a woman's ass in this kind of detail. I just looked at it as an ass, nothing more, nothing less.

          "While your tongue is up her bung , her pussy will let out an air pocket and this is your one and only signal that she’s totally under and completely relaxed." Great point here Neil, as some guys may get over zealous and start pounding the Pook Yock before the pussy fot.

          Awesome right-up Neil, thanks for the answer, in such great detail.

          Now, I'm going jump in the shower, as I have just ruined yet another pair of underware.

          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


          • #35
            I forgot to mention ....

            Sorry I thought I covered all the bases but there's something that I'd like add:

            You know how like pilots and divers and whatnot are trained in case of an underwater emergency ... " Do nothing until you see the direction of the air bubbles ... then swim in that direction and proceed to safety " ?

            Well that's the Pernt I'm tryin to bring out ... bide your time until you get the vaginal signal .... that all important air bubble ... then you go in that direction.

            So you can utilize this technique not only on land but also when you're Underwater Muff Diving as well.

            Remember always .... The Twats may differ whether on land or sea but the principle remains the same.


            • #36

              You are on a roll tonight buddy. A regular fvking riot around here.

              Not only do you look out for us bettors and teach us about patience in betting, now you are giving us patience lessons in mastering the art of Pook-Yock Air bubbles. What a Pal.

              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


              • #37
                I don't know how the hell you do it CB! You always get the job done!!
                Last edited by Mike1; 06-25-2005, 10:51 PM.

