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KonSenseUs Kruise Poll question

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  • #16
    I'm another person that can't cap AT ALL and for that reason really appreciate this site and the kruise.

    I vote for each person only submitting 1 play for the entire day. Then if the tally's end up with a early and late POD, great - more money for us.

    Thanks for the ride.


    • #17
      I think Ki66 made a valid point Kaptain,
      If someone has 2 strong plays early he can only give you one,
      Therefore for a late play we are not getting his "best bet".

      So what I'm saying is I do like having a late and early but only one selection per crew member.

      The reason I like an EARLY and LATE play is how can you determine if an EARLY game qualifies without knowing what late selections totals are going to be.
      Remember the three R's:
      Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


      • #18
        Don't Fix What Ain't Broke!

        I'm a guy whose work schedule does not allow enough time for giving games the proper look to do any 'capping on most days. So, I have been stowed away taking a free Kruise. And, I couldn't be more impressed with the results you wonderful guys get! In my opinion, the number of POD's on any given day should be determined just as they have been. Let the tally determine it exclusively. If there's a two or three way tie at the top, then it's a multi-POD day. I don't think the day should be split. Let them fall as they may. Results have just been too good to change! I agree with members who worry about forcing plays and diluting results.

        Kaptain, is it okay for a guy to post whenever he gets a little liesure time or would you rather see every-day posters on the Kruise?


        • #19
          I agree with lsu and rj. 1 play a day. that's whe we call it THE PLAY of the day.


          • #20

            Originally posted by Udog
            I'm a guy whose work schedule does not allow enough time for giving games the proper look to do any 'capping on most days. So, I have been stowed away taking a free Kruise. And, I couldn't be more impressed with the results you wonderful guys get! In my opinion, the number of POD's on any given day should be determined just as they have been. Let the tally determine it exclusively. If there's a two or three way tie at the top, then it's a multi-POD day. I don't think the day should be split. Let them fall as they may. Results have just been too good to change! I agree with members who worry about forcing plays and diluting results.

            Kaptain, is it okay for a guy to post whenever he gets a little liesure time or would you rather see every-day posters on the Kruise?
            The Purpose of this Kruise was so everyone can jump in and have a're welcome to throw your plays out there any time...keep your own record (honor system)---have fun---participate--contribute--laugh--bust balls--get balls busted, and oh yeh---make money......Remember this---we the members, by the members, for the members.....Kapt

            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


            • #21
              Originally posted by rwall
              I think Ki66 made a valid point Kaptain,
              If someone has 2 strong plays early he can only give you one,
              Therefore for a late play we are not getting his "best bet".

              So what I'm saying is I do like having a late and early but only one selection per crew member.

              The reason I like an EARLY and LATE play is how can you determine if an EARLY game qualifies without knowing what late selections totals are going to be.
              I totally agree with rwall.


              • #22
                1 play your best play ....But Im not a capper Im along for the ride and You guys have made baseball more interesting and lucrative.......Thanks


                • #23
                  The whole idea was for each of us to post our favorite play for that day. Day game or night game, it dosen't matter. One play each. Quality over quanity. Then add up the plays using kmann's original way of allocating stars. Then, as you have been doing, add up the stars and post all the picks showing the number of starts on each team or total. The term play of the day is just sematics. The play of the day is the play with the most stars. If more than one team has the same number of stars, then it's up to each of us to decide if we want to play one, two or each game that has equal stars. I assume the only reason for having a POD for both early and late games, is because people who post late would change the results for the late games.


                  • #24
                    I think Ki66 hit it on the nose. I personally don't put any plays, mainly because I can't always get to a computer. But I hope you guys don't mind me putting in my two cents.
                    Kapt, I had a question about if there will be a POD for the playoffs in NBA as well as the bases?
                    Anyways gang thanks for all you guys do to make this site what it is!!!
                    Lets keep it going with the streak gang!!
                    "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."

