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how to bet?

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  • #16
    Not trying to break anybodies balls here, but you better have a BIG bankroll backing you up….. To me personally, this type of betting is pure suicide…. If you think you can’t lose 6,7 or 8 games in a row, you better re-think that….. Nobody has a contract to win that next bet…There is no such thing as the “their due” theory.…your gonna get killed. Shit try that theory on a Baccarat table, you won’t last 30 min……lol

    Again, not trying to be an asshole here…if it works for you GREAT, I just think that’s bad gambling…jmo

    “Take No Prisoners”


    • #17
      Questions to answer:

      If you like 6 games in one night then you have to start with 3 systems.....$100, $200, $400, $600, $800, $1200 is one system and when you win 2 bets in the system then you start over with a new system. Hope that helped.

      You will not always win money especially if you have to go thru the entire system and lose the $1200 bet, but if you will lose less money than if you played 'em all for the same. You have to stop at the $1200 matter what has happend and then start over with a new system.

      I play as many plays with this system that my bankroll will allow and picks that I have coinfedince in winning.

      As far as how long have I used this. Ever since I learned that you will not win with the juice factor for the bookie. They want 50 of us to bet Patroits and 50 to bet Eagles and they just won before the game has even started !
      You can buy a book from author is Tony Stoffo who is a retired sportsbook manger from Vegas and he will confirm that this system has been @ since the 50's and many sports bettors have made a living off it.

      Last night I went 3 winners and 2 losers and lost $611, but I lost my ax6 bet "$1800" when my ax bet started at $300 and I had two sessions. But that is gambling and no system will win you money every night....even Las Vegas loses on some nights !!!

      Good Luck with you guys and Money Mangment will keep you in this marathon.

      Fast Eddie Sports
      ...winning and grinning...


      • #18
        thats a good system. But Every one has a limet. Mine is only three games and thats a night with my system.
        But that is just me, eveyone is differnt.
        I all so only play 10-15% of my intire bankroll.
        I feel sorry for people that do not drink!
        Becouse when they wake up,
        thats as good as they are going to feel all day!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Fast Eddie
          Questions to answer:

          If you like 6 games in one night then you have to start with 3 systems.....$100, $200, $400, $600, $800, $1200 is one system and when you win 2 bets in the system then you start over with a new system. Hope that helped.

          You will not always win money especially if you have to go thru the entire system and lose the $1200 bet, but if you will lose less money than if you played 'em all for the same. You have to stop at the $1200 matter what has happend and then start over with a new system.

          I play as many plays with this system that my bankroll will allow and picks that I have coinfedince in winning.

          I hope that this will help alot of sports gamblers out and you all win alot of money !!!

          As far as how long have I used this. Ever since I learned that you will not win with the juice factor for the bookie. They want 50 of us to bet Patroits and 50 to bet Eagles and they just won before the game has even started !
          You can buy a book from author is Tony Stoffo who is a retired sportsbook manger from Vegas and he will confirm that this system has been @ since the 50's and many sports bettors have made a living off it.

          Last night I went 3 winners and 2 losers and lost $611, but I lost my ax6 bet "$1800" when my ax bet started at $300 and I had two sessions. But that is gambling and no system will win you money every night....even Las Vegas loses on some nights !!!

          Good Luck with you guys and Money Mangment will keep you in this marathon.

          Fast Eddie Sports
          I hope that this helps alot of sports gamblers out and you all win alot of money. If any of you try it for a week or two let me know how you are doing with it and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
          ...winning and grinning...


          • #20

            Hey Fast Eddie,

            I'm testing this system out for a few weeks and recording the results. What I'm doing is running multiple systems on a given night which enables me to play more than just one or two games.

            For example: If I see 8 games on a given night, I will run 4 systems with 2 plays for each system. So I'll put 1 unit on the first team of each system and 2 units on the next team. If one system hits 2-0, I will move on to another system starting with 1 unit, if one fails I will continue going untill I win two wagers.

            I will let you know the results.

            Quick question though, why is the magic number 6? why stop at the 6th wager to reset the system, why not continue doubling the wagers? because lets say you have a horrible weak and go 0-12, you will have a lot of catching up to do through this system. The system doesnt seem like a big money maker, just something to keep you on the plus side.
            "If you don't risk anything you risk even more."
            -Erica Jong


            • #21
              thanks again everyone for all of the info, i understand everyone has their own systems to cap games and wagers but all in all star bets or same bets?



              • #22
                Fast Eddie, Thanks for your 2-6 Straight Bet System . I am gonna give that a try.

